Monday, August 6, 2018

Reasons for Kamehameha Research by our Royal Families Researchers

The point of this research is that the Kamehameha's are here... Pirates, pillagers, racketeers, frauds, deceivers, opportunists have been criminally claiming our aina…...and they are NOT the land owners/landlords with the Superior, Paramount titles..... Trustees cannot be the heirs...which is what they did... Do your homework folks! and know that it is the KSBE aka's who are defending the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani in lands as well.... so, if the true owners't that mean that the trustees based on frauds and whose continuous others maintaining the trust are actually pirates even in modern times perpetuating the crimes and claiming what belongs to the Royal Families, and kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli? The KSBE aka's are at the front of piracies, pillaging, terrorist activities in the Hawaiian Islands today....why do you suppose the Judicial Tribunal, and the Hawaiian Kingdom Courts have documented them as pirates, pillagers, frauds, etc.? We have the alodio titles....and they run off of lies, pursuing and supporting criminals claiming our lands! They need to be jailed for continuing the frauds! Evidence and letters to Mr. President Trump has been served...….Get your genealogies together folks and reclaim your private properties... as maintained by Queen Liliuokalani herself...…..Imua!
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Amelia Gora The KSBE trustees aka's are on OUR Private Properties.....and are being documented as owing rents, have caused injuries to our Royal Families, etc. and being informed to pay rents, face eviction, etc..... They are SQUATTERS! get the picture? is the day that they are to answer or don't answer....this is posted for the records.....Rule of law.... the other SQUATTERS documented are the Boy Scouts in Nuuanu, the entity State of Hawaii, the entity City and County, the YWCA on Richards Street, "Princess Kawananakoa" whose identity thieve charges is claiming Our Royal Families private properties and the Judd family member James Wright moves as the person who will sell properties, etc. …..etc. We have the alodio titles, the ownership documents for our Private Properties....with added proof of Premeditation, genealogies found in probates, etc..... now it is hoped that ALL kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli will follow and Reclaim their tutus aina as well...…..aloha.
Amelia Gora note: Mike Lee's presentation isn't entirely accurate...we will be posting updates on alodio titles....under the Hawaiian Kingdom - Royal Families Researchers …..see the important links
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The point of this research is that the Kamehameha's are here... Pirates, pillagers, racketeers, frauds, deceivers, opportunists have been criminally claiming our aina…...and they are NOT the land owners/landlords with the Superior, Paramount titles..... Trustees cannot be the heirs...which is what they did... Do your homework folks! and know that it is the KSBE aka's who are defending the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani in lands as well.... so, if the true owners't that mean that the trustees based on frauds and whose continuous others maintaining the trust are actually pirates even in modern times perpetuating the crimes and claiming what belongs to the Royal Families, and kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli? The KSBE aka's are at the front of piracies, pillaging, terrorist activities in the Hawaiian Islands today....why do you suppose the Judicial Tribunal, and the Hawaiian Kingdom Courts have documented them as pirates, pillagers, frauds, etc.? We have the alodio titles....and they run off of lies, pursuing and supporting criminals claiming our lands! They need to be jailed for continuing the frauds! Evidence and letters to Mr. President Trump has been served...….Get your genealogies together folks and reclaim your private properties... as maintained by Queen Liliuokalani herself...…..Imua!
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Amelia Gora The KSBE trustees aka's are on OUR Private Properties.....and are being documented as owing rents, have caused injuries to our Royal Families, etc. and being informed to pay rents, face eviction, etc..... They are SQUATTERS! get the picture? is the day that they are to answer or don't answer....this is posted for the records.....Rule of law.... the other SQUATTERS documented are the Boy Scouts in Nuuanu, the entity State of Hawaii, the entity City and County, the YWCA on Richards Street, "Princess Kawananakoa" whose identity thieve charges is claiming Our Royal Families private properties and the Judd family member James Wright moves as the person who will sell properties, etc. …..etc. We have the alodio titles, the ownership documents for our Private Properties....with added proof of Premeditation, genealogies found in probates, etc..... now it is hoped that ALL kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli will follow and Reclaim their tutus aina as well...…..aloha.
Amelia Gora note: Mike Lee's presentation isn't entirely accurate...we will be posting updates on alodio titles....under the Hawaiian Kingdom - Royal Families Researchers …..see the important links

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