Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Vol VII No. 718 Part 1c - Our Facebook Friend Bows Out From Assisting kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli

Dawn Wasson, Jacob Broome, Leslie Pool, et al

Ruthie Caudill
3:30 PM (2 minutes ago)
to lesliediane, arkofmu, Amelia, Felicia, Alan, Ke'ala, Alison, Adam, a, Peoples, Bertha, Bridget, Charmaine, Brian, debra, Debbie, Noa, Ke'eaumoku, Lori, hanalei, kamuela, Hope, Noelani, Jimney, Julie, Keola, Kimberly, Martha, Megeso, Laulani, Liko, Mahina, sherai, punohuk, Richard, Ruff, Sy, Sherri, underwater2web, bcc: me


Leslie Pool started a rumor (without my approval) that I had a long-time friendship with Dawn Wasson and that we had gone to school together.  When I found out I asked Leslie Pool why she did that.  I was not happy with her answer.  I do not gossip myself and do not accept it from others.

I do not spread gossip, and here we can see the results of a lot of gossip which has been spread.

Dawn Wasson did not go to college in the U.S. mainland; I received my college degree in Oregon.  My husband and I have spent some time in Hawaii, but not enough time to have gone to school with Dawn Wasson.  It would also have been impossible for Dawn and me to have been in school at any time due to our age difference.

I called Leslie Pool and Bertha Fowler on their phones and left a message, due to this gossip.  I never received any call back. The messages were recorded, and obviously have been spread around, but with an intentional negative “twist."

I have been working as a Civil Rights advocate for many years. 

I have worked on Title IX for over two years. 

Due to the alleged rapes by professors at BYU-Hawaii of women brought in on VISA's from other countries, I became involved in Hawaii.

BYU-Hawaii had stopped Martha Kaio's water after 30 years to force Martha off her property so that more housing could be built.  This is more than evident in Oahu with open meetings.  Dawn Wasson had fought this expansion for many years, including water rights.

The Mormons own the Water plant in Laie, Oahu.  I had been trying to help get Marth Kaio

the water restored, including efforts to pay for a water meter so that Martha and her family could have water.  This was last year.  The Mormons HRI refused to let me pay for the installation of the water meter.

BYU-Hawaii has a Quiet Title against Martha, Dawn and others, which I had received information last year.

I provided information, to Martha and Dawn including a Pay Rent or Quit.

Dawn Wasson had Served the Pay Rent or Quit against the Mormon Entities on all of the Undivided Interest Deed

Acres in Laie, Oahu.  She passed away shortly after a meeting that was held at the Marriott.

Dawn Wasson never Docketed the Pay Rent or Quit.  Any of the Trustees may choose to file a Pay Rent or Quit.

After Dawn passed, it was assumed Harry Wasson was the only Trustee.  A few months after Dawn passed, others were found to have been also named as Trustees.  This includes Martha and her husband.

I had never sought to be a Trustee, as was stated in an email which was forwarded to me.

Dawn and I had never even discussed this option. 

It seems that the email that was sent around also states that I am some sort of Agent and that I am a Mormon.  I deny both.

I was born Mormon and I come from a strong Mormon family, but obtained an IRS Whistleblowers against the Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints based upon a Theocracy.

I have provided money and other help to those whom I felt needed it, or who have asked me.

As for Coco Palms, I had asked people in Hawaii to file Injunctions and was told that people would.

I prepared Injunctions and sent the Injunctions out, which were not filed so I filed here in Federal Court. Any money from any Declaratory Relief (if provided) was to be sent to the Kanaka to restore the area.  This is written into the suit.  This is the part where the Judge might find cause to dismiss the case.  I am not legally the victim. I knew that when I filed, but the victims would not file.

As for the Lawsuits that have been mentioned, I had asked others to file Injunctions against Chad, Tyler, and Ron, to stop the Desecration of the Iwi, lack of US FWS "take", loss of Constitutional Rights, violations of Treaty, etc.

This Lawsuit is in appeals due to the error of the Judge, who ruled based upon Venue. The Venue is correct.

The RICO complaint I filed was also not taken care of by the people in Kauai or anywhere else in Hawaii.  All that was needed was for one person to come forth and state that Chad Waters, who was unable to sell real estate in Hawaii, had tried to persuade anyone to buy into Coco Palms or anywhere else in Hawaii.

I have provided FOIA and other methods that you may, if you wish, use to sue the Government or other agencies.

Late last night I received a less than kind email, forwarded to me.  It perpetuated a number of lies, half-truths and hateful attitudes towards me for no logical rationale or reason. 

The only thing my husband and I can think of is to hurt and slander me due to reasons only known to those who choose to send out these emails.

I also received another email challenging me to prove who I am and what my purpose is.

After thousands of hours of involvement and thousands of dollars spent in trying assist where I can, my husband and I feel that we don't have to prove anything to anybody.

Enough is enough.

I will not have Dawn Wasson's name dragged through the mud along with my ancestor Jacob Broome, who are obviously not here to defend themselves.

Since I will NOT have Dawn Wasson nor Jacob Broome's name further dragged through the mud, I am ending any sort of involvement in Hawaii.

I have removed my FaceBook posts that I had up to try and help. 


I hope you will all gain your lands, homes, and all other Kuleana.

Please do not ask me for anymore help, either financial or otherwise.

I wish you all well.



Ruthann Caudill I'm sure you guys heard of her well. Lots of kukai has been taken around social media. And I know ... freedom of speach... I get. But you look stupid when you boast and attack with half the story. To the point of harassment. If it cost you nothing but a post to swipe... save the two cents. Or if it really bothers you... Talk first. Not bash because you FEEL you know.... instead communicate so you know when you know. If not then Scrap um already. Here's the manao of makahiki. Lono lost value or didn't see the value of the instruments of makahiki. But it was a time where food was scares (winter) and if operation isn't where it should be. Animosity is planted. Which leads to Ill thoughts which leads to plots and leads to wars. Full justified by safety (hunger) and love (protecting). So what see is this. We value life. Even to the point of stopping another's. (War.) Each of the games or trials I'd like to say. Will allow each kanaka to demonstrate and utterly show their worth. Example Konanae (checkers or chess) is a demonstration of intellectual worth that the winner is better bit more so the other needs improvement. Then a form of kuialua kapu The stand in opposition and try to toss the other over or off balance. Showing the value of strength and wit ... Two opposite sides of the spectrum which already shows that all life is valuable. All the way up to the last tribulation both competitors were to have exposed not only your strengths but your weakness as well. Which from your naau, you now see the value .. the waiwai. Of your onse self imposed foe. It's about putting all our cards on the table. Wants ... needs ... comfort... And puuwai. That the conflict will be done. Pau... hooponopono. Because if e sucks and shit happens already... no one needs to instigate that. Above and protection we all can instigate that. Love you guys and if you still bothered you can still enter the tournament of makahiki. Let's kukakuka 8082162453 Comment How ever ... let's communicate.
Keola Kaleimamahu

Aloha Amelia,

Dawn Wasson’s Pay Rent or Quit was not placed on the Docket before she passed, and included all the acres in Laie, Oahu. These acres are in an Undivided Interest Deed.

The Undivided Interest Deed is a very strong Deed.

Quit Claiming inside an Undivided Interest Deed, is questionable.  Quit Claim does not prove that the person who signs the Quit Claim has clean Title to the property.

“The Hawaii quitclaim deed is a form of deed conveying interest in real property from a Seller (the “Grantor”) to a Buyer (the “Grantee”). Because it is a quit claim, the seller is transferring the property with no guarantee whatsoever that he or she has clean title to the property.”

This gives the Trustees the option of increasing the amount of the Pay Rent or Quit, and forcing HRI, BYU-Hawaii and others to Court and prove  who has the right to the Land and all the billions of dollars of improvements.



aloha Ruth. Mahalo.

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