Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Vol. VII No. 718 Part 2


Part 1
Part 2


Part 1
Part 2…/more-genocide-spa…

Repost of Genocide Issues, etc.:

Reminders of WARS and PLUNDERING UPON INNOCENTS Utilizing a Neutral Nation's Monies, etc. Repost by Amelia Gora (2015)   Peace on Earth

evidence of the 911 take down.........the implosion the premeditation.......... thank you for the share!
Did you know that in 1945 the Empire State Building was hit head on by a B-25 bomber? A large section of the building was on fire for hours, until they were extinguished. No part of the building collapsed. After that disaster, it became part of engineering code in NYC to ensure that all skyscrapers were built super redundantly, so they could easily absorb the impact of a commercial airliner.
Did you know that in 1945 the Empire State Building was hit head on by a B-25 bomber? A large section of the building was on fire for hours, until they were extinguished.
No part of the building collapsed. After that disaster, it became part of engineering code in NYC to ensure that all skyscrapers were built super redundantly, so they could easily absorb the impact of a commercial airliner.

Diary May 3, 2011 at 03:38:44
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WICKED FOR CELEBRATING DEATH........Reaffirming Barbaric Behaviors in the American Society

By Amelia Gora (about the author)     Permalink
Related Topic(s): AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNIONAmerican Center For Law And JusticeAmerican Center For Law And JusticeAmerican Family AssociationAmerican Foreign PolicyAmerican HypocrisyAmerican Peoples Congress;American PresidentsAmerican Research GroupAmerican Revolution Center; (more...)
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Agree with the Rabbi Arthur Waskow

WICKED FOR CELEBRATING DEATH........Reaffirming Barbaric Behaviors in the American Society

A Review by Amelia Gora (2011)

What's with the fact that Americans celebrate death caused by Killings...........and lack the sense to do research themselves instead of running around like sheep, like lemmings who follow even those who are questionnable......

Let me take you down a brief memory path of Barbaric Behaviors documented in the American History beginning with the 13 Prison colonies started by the castouts of the English Society calling themselves missionaries/mercenaries:

1836 - Mexican - American War set up due to uninvited Americans entering Mexican lands. Many were the sugar plantation families of the Hawaiian Islands who moved over to obtain large tracts of lands for plantations. The lands were made into the Republic of Texas, California, and New Mexico. Hundreds of innocents died needlessly.

1861 - American Civil War - In an 1862 Battle at Harpers Ferry, 22,726 were casualties of both sides.

At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation's loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam.
The Union armies had from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 men. Their losses, by the best estimates:
Battle deaths: 110,070 Disease, etc.: 250,152 Total 360,222
The Confederate strength, known less accurately because of missing records, was from 750,000 to 1,250,000. Its estimated losses:
Battle deaths: 94,000 Disease, etc.: 164,000 Total 258,000


1881 - Helen Jackson published A CENTURY OF DISHONOR showing "a hundred years of disgraceful treatment of Indians by the U.S. government."

1890 - "unarmed Sioux, mostly women and children, were set upon by the American 7th Calvary at Wounded Knee....the army used howitzers against mainly unarmed Indians. In an aftermath, about 200 frozen Sioux littered the Dakota landscape." It was a killing rampage.

1893 - The United States President, Congress, and treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Ko Hawaii Pae Aina premeditated the criminal takeover of the Hawaiian Islands through a Fraud Claim to Pearl Harbor.

The United States did support the efforts with their gatling guns, armed military prior to dethroning Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani and enhanced stress, duress, coercion, and usurpation upon the Royal person, subjects, the Royal Families from a neutral, non violent, friendly, non warring nation.

Queen Liliuokalani documented that the U.S. (England, and the bankers) did breach the Law of Nations. Issues remain.
Reference: researches included the NEW YORK TIMES article about Pearl Harbor Coaling Station found by Shane Lee. See

1898 - The Hearst newspapers who claimed to "control the nation bercause they represent the people" encouraged the War against Spain, even though the Spanish were innocent and did not blow up the MAINE. Hundreds of innocents died needlessly.
1917 - World War I
The total number of casualties in World War I, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 6.8 million civilians. The Entente Powers (also known as the Allies) lost about 5.7 million soldiers while the Central Powers lost about 4 million.


1939 - World War II fatality statistics vary greatly. Estimates of total dead range from 50 million to over 70 million. [ 1 ] The sources cited in this article document an estimated death toll in World War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war ever. When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform readers that the death toll is disputed. Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.


1940's - Adolf Hitler "expressed admiration for the way the United States had destroyed its Indian population." Hitler was planning the "extermination of Europe's Jews" at the time.

2008 - 

Title of Video: Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami to President-Elect Obama: Our Slogan Will Continue to Be "Death to America" Until You Change US Policies
Clip #1920 Broadcast: November 14, 2008
KEEPING THE VATICAN, U.S. etals in check through SPIRITUAL

By Amelia Kuulei Gora (2003)

In 1,650+ years old Hawaii, the belief that some persons are born with special gifts continues. The particular gift being referred to is the makaula/ the seers/ those who inform about prophesies.

Kamehameha (1758-1819) a Royal Person of Hawaii was one. His prophesied harm to the Hawaiian/kanaka maoli if the Hawaiian Religion which included the kapu system/taboo and instructed his advisors to set the kapu system/taboo aside. Queen Liliuokalani (1838-1917) a Sovereign (not a Kamehameha descendant) due to her documented prophesy based on the Bible referring to Americans in Hawaii and the eventual downfall of the United States if corrections weren't made.

Then there was a Frenchman named NOSTRODAMUS, his real name being Michel de Nostredame, medical worker who became well known for his prophecies.

NOSTRODAMUS stated that "Liberty shall not be recovered, a black, fierce, villainous, evil man shall occupy it, when the ties of his alliance are wrought. Venice shall be vexed by Hister."

"Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers, the greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister. He will drag the leader in a cage of iron, when the child of Germany observes no law."

Finally, the Miracle Witnesses were three Portuguese children of Fatima. They were Jacinta Marto, Francisco Marto (siblings), and their cousin Lucia dos Santos. They
Witnessed Our Lady of Fatima, a Miracle sighting documented by the Roman Catholic Church and others.

The following is a Chronological History with the Makaula/Seers, Prophets, and Witnesses of Miracles accounts:

1452 -- "Pope Nicholas the V, gave permission to King Alfonso of Portugal to capture, vanquish and subdue, all Saracens, Pagans and other enemies of Christ, to take all their possessions and property, and to put them to perpetual slavery."

1493 -- "Pope Alexander the 2nd, one of the most corrupt Popes in Catholic history, declared that the Christian religion would dominate the world and all non-Christians would be subjugated to Christian law or be punished.

"Pope Alexander the 2nd decree stands as the foundation of western international law and western constitutional law till today."

"Four Papal Bulls were issued by the Vatican Hierarch"which legally sanctioned Columbus Genocide Campaign against Indigenous peoples of the Americas". The Bull "interCaetera" of May 3rd 1493 state, "the Catholic Faith and the Christian religion particularly in our times, shall be exalted and everywhere simplified and spread, (and) that the SALVATION OF SOULS MAY BE PROVIDED FOR AND BARBAROUS NATIONS SUBJUGATED AND BROUGHT TO THE VERY TRUE FAITH."

1503 - NOSTRODAMUS, French medical worker named Michel de Nostredame was a noted seer.

1546-47 -- NOSTRODAMUS began his seer abilities after helping many patients with the plague.

1550 -- NOSTRODAMUS published the first of 10 collections of prophesies. A total of nearly 1,000 under the title of CENTURIES was printed.

1552 -- Las Casas, "The colonial Spanish affirmed this arrogance claiming "the bulls gave them the right to use just WR to convert local populations who had refused to immediately accept Christianity."

1566 -- NOSTRODAMUS died in Salon, France.

1569 -- A world map was documented by Flemish born (German?) Gerhard Kremer/ Gerhardus Mercator.

1819 -- Kamehameha, Royal Person of Hawaii died leaving descendants.

1875 -- FRAUD claims by the United States over PEARL HARBOR".conspiracies documented.

1878 -- Pacific Cable Company formed by bankers, sugar planters -- the same group who moved over to large tracts of Mexican lands called Texas.

1893 -- Wrongful dethronement of Prophesy documented Queen Liliuokalani. She maintained the United States BREACHED the Law of Nations and prophesied the demise of the United States.

1917 -- Queen Liliuokalani died.

U.S. Warmonger President Roosevelt etals began the League of Nations (which dissipated, the CFR formed (members: Bankers, Great Britain and the United States) to plan the ONE WORLD ORDER organization called the United Nations.

The children of Fatima witnessed Miracles and were given letters with secrets:
1) First secret: Vision of hell
2) Second secret: "The war is coming to an end. But if people do not cease to offend the Lord, another and more terrible one will break out during the next pontificate. When you see the night lit up by a great unknown light, know that it is a sign that God gives you of that punishment of the world by another war, famine and persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father."
3) "was reportedly opened by Pope John XXIII in 1960. What the message said has never been made public, but according to one account, the pope told some of those closest to him in the Vatican that what he read there almost made him faint with horror."

1923 -- "The U.S. Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. McIntosh 8 Wheat 543 adopted the same principal of subjugation expressed in the InterCeteral Bull. This Papal Bull has been and continues to be, devastating to our religions, our cultures, and the survival of our populations."

1969 -- German Arno Peters created and replaced Gerhardus Mercator (Latin name) or Gerhard Kremer's map.


NOSTRODAMUS had many prophecies, which turned out true. It appears that one about an anti-Christ must still be reviewed. Reason: It was AFTER the prophecies were made and AFTER NOSTRODAMUS death when the world map was redrawn. The search for the older, detailed maps would surely pinpoint who the real ANTICHRIST was.

Could it be that the ancient maps that NOSTRODAMUS referred to are the same that may have been REMOVED/DESTROYED in the rape and plundering on Bagdad.

Iraq once held the treasures of 7,000 years old ANCIENT society, civilization, which can be questioned due to issues of conspiracies. Those who do wrong always fear the TRUTH.

Better the keepers of mankind's ANCIENT past, the Iraqi's, has rightfully assumed the treasures than bombed, destroyed, or stolen by Americans Pirates working under the demands of Cowboy/ King /Dictator/Bill Collector/Contract Holder Bush 'child of Germany who observes no law.' Such child was referred to by NOSTRODAMUS.

The Roman Catholic Church continues to play a large role with the Vatican's Papal Bulls authorities and the momentum of the Christian International Law through the United States (with business partner Great Britain) and Spain.

The Makaulas/Seers, Prophets, and Miracle Witnesses plays an important role in keeping the Roman Catholic Church and governments from running amok over time.

The Keepers of the Truth or Researchers also help to keep all in check. Aloha.

References: Steven Newcomb, Eric Poohina,Researchers; THE MESSAGE OF FATIMA by Cyril Charlie Mardindale; MYSTERIES OF THE UNEXPLAINED by Reader's Digest,...AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE by David Icke

2008 - OBAMA on Jihad Watch (Frontpage Magazine): November 19, 2008 Al-Qaeda top dog Zawahri calls Obama "house negro," says he has "chosen a stance of hostility to Islam and Muslims"His hostility to Muslims shows in his support for Israel -- at least in Zawahri's world. "Al-Qaida No. 2 insults Obama in new audio message," by Maamoun Youssef and Lee Keath for AP, November 19 (thanks to all who sent this in):
...Al-Zawahri also called Obama--along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice--"house negroes."Speaking in Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term "abeed al-beit," which literally translates as "house slaves." But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech that included the translation as "house negroes."...
Actually abeed means both "slave" and "black person," so Al-Qaeda's translation is just fine. Perhaps Adam Gadahn, if he is still alive, helped out al-Zawahri with the American idiomatic phrase.
The 11-minute 23-second video features the audio message by al-Zawahri, who appears only in a still image, along with other images, including one of Obama wearing a Jewish skullcap as he meets with Jewish leaders. In his speech, al-Zawahri refers to a Nov. 5 U.S. airstrike attack in Afghanistan, meaning the video was made after that date.Al-Zawahri said Obama's election has not changed American policies he said are aimed at oppressing Muslims and others.
"America has put on a new face, but its heart full of hate, mind drowning in greed, and spirit which spreads evil, murder, repression and despotism continue to be the same as always," the deputy of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden said.
He said Obama's plan to shift troops to Afghanistan is doomed to failure, because Afghans will resist.
"Be aware that the dogs of Afghanistan have found the flesh of your soldiers to be delicious, so send thousands after thousands to them," he said.
Al-Zawahri did not threaten specific attacks, but warned Obama that he was "facing a Jihadi (holy war) awakening and renaissance which is shaking the pillars of the entire Islamic world; and this is the fact which you and your government and country refuse to recognize and pretend not to see."
He said Obama's victory showed Americans acknowledged that President George W. Bush's policies were a failure and that the result was an "admission of defeat in Iraq."
But Obama's professions of support for Israel during the election campaign "confirmed to the Ummah (Islamic world) that you have chosen a stance of hostility to Islam and Muslims," al-Zawahri said.

Posted by Robert at November 19, 2008
AMERIKKKA still unpopular even though OBAMA'
2011 - 
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,770
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,441
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001

Bin Laden Killed In Pakistan
Osama bin Laden, is dead, and the U.S. is in possession of his body, a person familiar with the situation said late Sunday.


Why Was Bin Laden Buried At Sea So Quickly?
By: Glen Levy
One suspects that the U.S. would not have wanted there to be a physical grave site for fear of it turning into a place of worship for bin Laden's followers.


Video: Inside Bin Laden's Drone-Proof Compound
By Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman
Bloodstained mattresses and carpets. Discarded medication bottles. Clothing hanging in a dresser, never to see its owners again. That's what remains of the compound where Osama bin Laden met his end at the hands of a U.S. raiding team.


Osama Bin Laden: Scary Terrorist or Boring Dinner Guest?
By Mike Whitney
The fact is, Bin Laden is just an inconsequential cog in the mighty machinery of state propaganda.


Osama bin Laden's Second Death
By Paul Craig Roberts
If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool's joke this morning's headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan.


On Osama Bin Laden's Death
By Chris Hedges
These groups learned to speak the language we taught them. And our response was to speak in kind. The language of violence, the language of occupation-the occupation of the Middle East, the wars in Iraq and


Justice or Vengeance?
By Phyllis Bennis
President Obama reasserted the American exceptionalism that has been a hallmark of his recent speeches, claiming that "America can do whatever we set our mind to."

=== Obama: Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

AP Photo
In this April 1998 file photo, Osama bin Laden is shown in Afghanistan. More photos

 AP -- President Barack Obama reads his statement to photographers after making a televised statement on the "
By JULIE PACE and MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Julie Pace And Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press -- 36 mins ago
WASHINGTON -- Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that murdered thousands of Americans, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said Sunday.
"Justice has been done," said the president in a dramatic late-night announcement at the White House.
A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight Sunday at a compound in Pakistan, the president said, and took custody of his remains. Americaj officials said they were being handled in accordance with Islamic tradition.
A jubilant crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden's death after a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade.
Former President George W. Bush, who was in office on the day of the attacks, issued a written statement hailing bin Laden's death as a momentous achievement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," he said.
Obama said he ordered the operation after receiving undisclosed intelligence information. Senior administration officials said the terrorist mastermind was found inside a custom-built compound with two security gates. They said it appeared to hvae been constructed to harbor one high-value target and that for undisclosed reasons, officials became clear the hideout was bin Laden's.
Officials also said they believe the death puts al-Qaida on a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse, but there was no word on the whereabouts of bin Laden's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri.
The stunning end to the world's most widely-watched manhunt came just months before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon, orchestrated by bin Laden's al-Qaida organization, that killed more than 3,000 people.
The attacks a decade ago seemed to come out of nowhere, even though al-Qaida had previously damaged American targets overseas.
The terrorists hijacked planes, flew one of them into one of Manhattan's Twin Towers -- and, moments later, into the other one. Both buildings collapsed, trapping thousands inside and claiming the lives of firefighters and others who had rushed to help them.
A third plane slammed into the Pentagon, defacing the symbol of America's military night. A fourth crashed in rural Pennsylvania after passengers overpowered the hijackers and forced the craft from the air -- before it could hit its intended target in Washington.
The attacks set off a chain of events that led the United States into wars in Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and America's entire intelligence apparatus was overhauled to counter the threat of more terror attacks at home.
A senior administration official says Obama gave the final order for U.S. officials to go after bin Laden on Friday. The official added that a small team found their quarry hiding in a large home in an affluent suburb of Islamabad. The raid occurred in the early morning hours Sunday.
Administration officials offered some details of the operation.
Based on statements given by U.S. detainees, intelligence officials have known for years that bin Laden trusted one al-Qaida courier in particular and they believed he might be living with him in hiding. In November, intelligence officials found out where he was living, a huge fortified compound in an affluent suburb of Islamabad. It was surrounded by walls as high as 18 feet high, topped with barbed wire. There were two security gates and no phone or Internet running into the house.
Intelligence officials believed the $1 million home was custom-built to harbor a major terrorist. CIA experts analyzed whether it could be anyone else, but time and again, they decided it was almost certainly bin Laden.
Three adult males were also killed in Sunday's raid, including one of bin Laden's sons, whom officials did not name. One of bin Laden's sons, Hamza, is a senior member of al-Qaida.
Obama spoke with Bush and former President Bill Clinton Sunday night to inform them of the developments.
Obama struck a less than boastful tone in his brief announcement, although he said the death of bin Laden was "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaida.
"His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al-Qaida will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant," he added.
Moments after he spoke, American officials cautioned that the events could lead to heightened threats against the United States.
Officials said the U.S. would ensure that bin Laden's body was handled in accordance with Islamic tradition.


Americans Fail to be Christian people and have shown through the years that it is a barbaric Society created on the aggression, occupation by the castouts of the English Society, the prisoners, the criminal deviants who occupied Indian territory, Alaskan, and Hawaiian territory with little reflection of what they have done over time.

The Lynching of blacks/"niggers" were also made and not covered in the above, although most were innocent and victims of Mass Murderers, those who attended Church and prayed before they Lynched blacks for looking at their white women, for running away from their slave conditions, etc.

Another set of People of Color includes the Hawaiians/ aboriginal Hawaiians/ kanaka maoli/ Hawaiian Nationals who did no wrong but were categorized and called "Niggers" as well. The issues of genocide, falsely claiming Hawaiians as having leprosy, identity theft to assume, claim properties, killing of known persons, etc. were not fully covered in the above.

The blacks and the Hawaiians/brownies were also used as entertainment to the American populations for amusement, etc. which gave laughter to those who enjoy and celebrate death, etc. (These issues may be covered in future articles.)

There are more Innocents being Plundered Upon and all have not been covered. Everyone is watching along with God.

Americans Fail to heed the words of God "The Torah describes Moses and Miriam leading the ancient People Israel in a celebratory song after the tyrannical Pharaoh and his Army have been overwhelmed by the waters of the Red Sea. Later, the Rabbis gave a new overtone to the story: "The angels," they said, " began to dance and sing as well, but God rebuked them: "These also are the work of My hands. We must not rejoice at their deaths!' "

It will be a necessary move on the part of all young people in the U.S. to make corrections, because the old guys need to taught new ideas, because the old guys are working to create the death of us all through greed, warmongering, piracy(ies), criminal activities, contamination, introducing poison, toxins, disregarding peace, love, honesty, and good health for all.

If God's word is not heeded, then the words given to the Children of Fatima will hold true:

The children of Fatima witnessed Miracles and were given letters with secrets:
1) First secret: Vision of hell
2) Second secret: "The war is coming to an end. But if people do not cease to offend the Lord, another and more terrible one will break out during the next pontificate. When you see the night lit up by a great unknown light, know that it is a sign that God gives you of that punishment of the world by another war, famine and persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father."
3) "was reportedly opened by Pope John XXIII in 1960. What the message said has never been made public, but according to one account, the pope told some of those closest to him in the Vatican that what he read there almost made him faint with horror."

Take back your government young for good reasons, not the evils expressed by the Wicked ones!

Long Live Ko Hawaii Pae Aina......Kamehameha's, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's descendants/heirs, Kanaka Maoli, Aboriginal Hawaiians, Hawaiian Nationals!

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Note that the U.S. did premeditate to take over the Hawaiian Kingdom because of the American Civil War Debt which rendered the U.S., England, and France bankrupt.

The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States America locked in the U.S. Constitution

In 1871 the U.S. set up a Secret Constitution benefiting the bankers - Reference Karen Hudes and Vladimir Putin of Russia who declared that the U.S. usurped their American citizens.

Amelia Gora
November 25, 2014 · Edited ·
Vladimir Putin blew the whistle on the U.S. by informing all Americans that their government usurped them....Banker whistleblowers Karen Hudes of the World Bank and Alayne Fleishmann has gifted All with the Truth see recent Vladimir Putin's speeches whereas he said Americans were usurped, etc. and see other info at ---WAR MONGERS have immense WAR DEBTS..... fyi C(h)attle ----- GOYIM Awaken! reckless, racketeering documented ...the offenders: treasonous persons moving to create WARS AGAINST INNOCENTS..........!!!
All-Out War in Ukraine: NATO’s ‘Final Offensive’
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Information Clearing House has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of this a…

Message:  It's NOT O.K. to PLUNDER UPON INNOCENTS, It's NOT O.K. to Utilize our Royal Families monies, Hawaiian Kingdom's monies for WAR ..............Wicked Acts Against Innocents is Not O.K...........the U.S. does Not own an inch of land in the Hawaiian Islands., documented by our ancestor Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III, et. als..............Illegal are the contracts signed by those under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion are null and void.

Signed:  Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member - descendant of Kalaniopuu (4 lines), Kamehameha (4 lines and 2 lines of his hanai hookama/adopted and inherited sovereignty), Kaumualii (2 lines) et. als., Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, member of the House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii  Rainbow Connection  If We Hold On Together  I Will Follow Him

U2's "Peace on Earth" from their album "All That You Can't Leave Behind" with lyrics


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