Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Vol VII No. 718 - Peace on Earth; World War III Brewing?

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Peace on earth...……..
U2's "Peace on Earth" from their album "All That You Can't Leave Behind" with lyrics

A Book For Our Time, A Time That Perhaps Has Run Its Course

A Book For Our Time, A Time That Perhaps Has Run Its Course Paul Craig Roberts American post-WW 2 supremacy, writes Andrei Martyanov in his book, Losing Military Supremacy just published by Clarity Press, has been destroyed by America’s narcissism. The arrogant hubris of American exceptionalism and the myths that sustain it are subjected to devastating analysis in this…
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According to the New York Times Putin Rules America

According to the New York Times Putin Rules America President Trump is only his handyman Paul Craig Roberts When I first read this — — I thought it was a caricature of fake news. Then I realized it was a New York Times article, and being fairly certain that the arrogant presstitute organization was not taking the piss out…
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There Is No Limit To Presstitute Hypocrisy

There Is No Limit To Presstitute Hypocrisy Paul Craig Roberts Caitlin Johnstone warned us that the liberals were going to make a hero out of warmonger John McCain. All morning long NPR has been conducting eulogies for warmonger McCain, who is having a state funeral both in DC and in Arizona. Liberal Democrat Charles Schumer wants to rename the…
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Watching America’s Collapse

Watching America Collapse Existence is running out for America Paul Craig Roberts In the 1950s and 1960s the United States was a vibrant society. Upward mobility was strong, and the middle class expanded. During the 1970s the internal contradiction in Keynesian demand management resulted in stagflation. Reagan’s supply-side economic policy cured that. With a sound economy under him, Reagan was…
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The Brennan-Rosenstein-Mueller–Comey-Presstitute Witch Hunt

The Brennan-Rosenstein-Mueller–Comey-Presstitute Witch Hunt Paul Craig Roberts Update August 23: Mark Penn writing in The Hill points out that Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign violations that were not campaign violations. Moreover, Cohen himself did not make the hush payment to Karen McDougal. He coordinated the payment made by American Media. The hush payments were not made with campaign funds and…
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Western Civilization Is Now A Caricature of Absurdity

Western Civilization Is Now A Caricature of Absurdity This Is Not A Joke Dear Readers: If you have concluded that a small handful of crazed morons control the words we are permitted to use, you are correct. The LGBT (Lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender) community has decided that the word “vagina” is not gender-inclusive. The new unbiased designation of vagina is “front hole.” The…
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Self-Hating Whites

Self-Hating Whites Paul Craig Roberts Last night on the main campus of the University of North Carolina a mob of ignorant fools overflowing with hate and self-righteousness overturned a statue of a Confederate soldier as a protest against “white supremacy.” From the available photos it appears that a large percentage of those protesting “white supremacy” are themselves white. I wonder…
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Genocide of the Greek Nation

Genocide of the Greek Nation Paul Craig Roberts The political and media coverup of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union and other political statements announcing that the Greek Crisis is over. What they mean is that Greece is over, dead, and done with. It has been exploited to the limit, and the carcas…
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The CIA Owns the US and European Media

The CIA Owns the US and European Media Paul Craig Roberts William Blum shares with us his correspondence with Washington Post presstitute Michael Birnbaum. As you can tell from Birnbaum’s replies, he comes across as either very stupid or as a CIA asset. When I received my briefing as staff associate, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, which required top secret clearance,…
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Is Capitalism Killing Us?

Is Capitalism Killing Us? Paul Craig Roberts Ecological economists, such as Herman E. Daly, stress that as the external costs of pollution and resource exhaustion are not included in Gross Domestic Product, we do not know whether an increase in GDP is a gain or a loss. External costs are huge and growing larger. Historically, manufacturing and industrial corporations, corporate…
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Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots

Patriotism Has Been Turned Against Patriots Paul Craig Roberts To understand how screwed-up America is, consider that patriotism is now associated with the suppression of dissent. Rich football team owners, who know nothing of the hard lives of most Americans, and the police, who routinely shoot down black people in the streets and in their homes without accountability or due…
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The Law As Weapon

The Law As Weapon Paul Craig Roberts Robert Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russiagate, which has been shown to be a hoax concocted by former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, and current deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As Russiagate is a hoax, Mueller has not been able to produce a shred of evidence of the…
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The Self-Imposed Impotence of the Russian and Chinese Governments

The Self-Imposed Impotence of the Russian and Chinese Governments Paul Craig Roberts The Russian and Chinese governments are puzzling. They hold all the cards in the sanction wars and sit there with no wits whatsoever as to how to play them. The Russians won’t get any help from the Western media which obscures the issue by stressing that the Russian…
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Is There Enough of America Left To Be Saved?

Is There Enough of America Left To Be Saved? Paul Craig Roberts As many readers of this website have noticed, the United States has lost its character and become a dysfunctional society. In place of a largely homogeneous population once united in veneration of the Constitution, there exists today massive diversity which Identity Politics has used to disunite the population…
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Apple, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter Subvert the US Constitution, Free Speech, and American Liberty

Apple, Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter Subvert the US Constitution, Free Speech, and American Liberty Paul Craig Roberts The coordinated attack on widely watched Info Wars host Alex Jones by Apple, Facebook, Google/Youtube, and Spotify is all the proof that we need that the total failure to enforce America’s anti-trust laws has produced unaccountably powerful firms that are able to exercise…
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The Deep State Intends To Destroy Alex Jones—Don’t Let Them

The Deep State Intends To Destroy Alex Jones—Don’t Let Them Fabricated, unwarranted lawsuits are being used in an effort to shut down Alex Jones who raises too many issues that those who rule us do not want raised. At times Alex can be over the top, but overall he has spread a lot of awareness of events that otherwise would…
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The Only Existential Threat To Russia Is Neoliberal Economics

The Only Existential Threat To Russia Is Neoliberal Economics Paul Craig Roberts This week I was interviewed on Russian TV about the possible new anti-Russian sanctions that Washington is considering that would prohibit anyone in the entirety of the world from holding Russian government bonds. Think about this for a moment. Washington thinks that Washington has the right and the…
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Americans Live In A World Of Lies

Americans Live In A World Of Lies Paul Craig Roberts The US government and the presstitutes that serve it continue to lie to us about everything. Today the Bureau of Labor Statistics told us that the unemployment rate was 3.9%. How can this be when the BLS also reports that the labor force participation rate has declined for a decade…
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South Africa Is On The Road To Barbarism and So Is the Rest of the West

South Africa Is On The Road To Barbarism Life in a failed multi-cultural society: Identity Politics At Work: Notice that at a Human Rights Day rally in Mpumalanga, “human rights” is associated with “cutting the throat of whiteness.” This legitimizes the murder and dispossession of South African whites, who have been in the country longer than most…
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Who Does America Belong to?

Who Does America Belong to? Not to Americans Paul Craig Roberts The housing market is now apparently turning down. Consumer incomes are limited by jobs offshoring and the ability of employers to hold down wages and salaries.  The Federal Reserve seems committed to higher interest rates—in my view to protect the exchange value of the US dollar on which Washington’s…
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The United States Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

The United States Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power Paul Craig Roberts The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley Butler told us this as have many others. There is no doubt about it.…
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The Treasonous Democratic Party

The Treasonous Democratic Party Paul Craig Roberts If America had more honest, fact-based journalists with integrity like Tucker Carlson, we would not be, as we are today, dissolving as a country. In this one TV broadcast—–Carlson shows that the Democrats have gone far beyond “lying through their teeth political partisanship” into deranged hatred of President Trump and the American…
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CIA/FBI/DOJ Plot To Overthrow The President Of The United States

CIA/FBI/DOJ Plot To Overthrow The President Of The United States Paul Craig Roberts On July 21, I posted on my website a report on the discovery by John Solomon of The Hill magazine that Lisa Page testified to a congressional committee to the effect that the Russiagate probe conducted by Robert Mueller is a cover-up operation to obscure the criminal…

criminal…Read more »

The All-Pervasive Military/Security Complex

The All-Pervasive Military/Security Complex The article below by Professor Joan Roelofs is reproduced with permission from CounterPunch. The article appeared in the print edition of CounterPunch Vol. 25, No. 3, and is available online at The article is long but very important and is worth a careful read. It shows that the military/security complex has woven itself so tightly…
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More Lies From The Corrupt Elite

More Lies From The Corrupt Elite Don’t believe them Paul Craig Roberts For two decades the offshoring of American jobs to Asia and Mexico has destroyed the careers and incomes of tens of millions of US citizens, the pension tax base for state and local governments, the federal tax base for Social Security and Medicare, and the opportunity society that…
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The Arrest of Maria Butina Is Another Hoax

The Arrest of Maria Butina Is Another Hoax Paul Craig Roberts The Guardian Neswspaper, which once was an honest newspaper that spoke for the British working class has now been suborned, in my opinion, by the CIA and British Intelligence (sic). Perhaps you remember a few years ago that The Guardian complied with illegal orders from the corrupt UK government…
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The False Prosecution of Dzhokhkar Tsarnaev

The False Prosecution of Dzhokhkar Tsarnaev Paul Craig Roberts As I reported at the time, and as all evidence indicates, the alleged Boston Marathon Bombing was a publicly announced drill in which crisis actors were used. There were no real deaths or injuries, and the Tsarnaev brothers did not set off a bomb. The drill was turned into a real…
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Russiagate Is Constructed of Pure Bullshit, No Facts

Russiagate Is Constructed of Pure Bullshit, No Facts Paul Craig Roberts All day today the presstitute scum at NPR went on and on about President Trump, using every kind of guest and issue to set him up for more criticism as an unfit occupant of the Oval Office, because, and only because, he threatens the massive budget of the military/security…
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The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump: Sedition at the Highest Levels

The Coming Coup to Overthrow President Trump: Sedition at the Highest Levels Paul Craig Roberts The annual budget of the military/security complex is $1,000 billion. This vast sum is drawn from US taxpayers who have many unmet needs. To justify such an enormous budget a major enemy is required. The military/security complex and the media and politicians that the complex…
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America Overrules Trump: No Peace With Russia

America Overrules Trump: No Peace With Russia Paul Craig Roberts The governments of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, if their countries are to survive, must give up their deluded hopes of reaching agreements with the United States. No such possibility exists on terms that the countries can accept. American foreign policy rests on threat and force. It is guided…
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Crazed US Presstitutes Drive The World To Nuclear War

Crazed US Presstitutes Drive The World To Nuclear War Paul Craig Roberts Humanity has on numerous occasions narrowly missed nuclear Armageddon. Each time it was averted by military officers, both American and Soviet, who understood that the relations between the US and the Soviet Union were not that strained. Today this situation has been radically altered by the corrupt American…
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Putin Confronts The American Dystopia

Putin Confronts The American Dystopia Paul Craig Roberts We have to hand it to Putin. He is the best that there is. Note the ease with which he mopped up the floor with that idiot Chris Wallace. What is wrong with the US media that it cannot produce a second competent journalist as company for Tucker Carlson? Why are…
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Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?

Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia? The Democrats say he is Paul Craig Roberts The US Democratic Party is determined to take the world to thermo-nuclear war rather than to admit that Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election fair and square. The Democratic Party was totally corrupted by the Clinton Regime, and now it is…
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Trump Should Fire Rosenstein Immediately

Trump Should Fire Rosenstein Immediately Paul Craig Roberts Does Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence officers for allegedly hacking Hillary’s emails and interfering in the US election have any purpose other than to throw a monkey wrench in President Trump’s upcoming summit with Putin? Don’t forget that Rosenstein is implicated in the orchestration of Russiagate…
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The View of Russia in the West — Paul Craig Roberts

The View of Russia in the West Paul Craig Roberts The upcoming Trump/Putin summit is hampered by the crazed portrait of Russia painted by presstitutes. Jonathan Chait, Amy Knight, Max Bergmann, Yaroslav Trofimov, Roger Cohen, and the rest of the conscious or de facto CIA assets that comprise the Western presstitute media have turned Putin into a superhuman who controls…
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World War III Brewing? Putin 'Secretly Plotting' to Rule Europe, Claims Report

Russian President has a secret plan to invade and rule Europe, German news reports are saying.

Nov 29, 2014 12:11 IST

Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin
Russian President has a secret plan to invade and rule Europe, German news reports are saying.Reuters
Days after President Vladimir Putin said in an interview that he had no plans to rule the country for life, a Russian newspaper's expose that he was secretly plotting to invade Europe has gone viral this week.
The report claims that Putin has far-reaching plans to secretly rule the entire Europe via a covert and a highly classified mission that has been titled: "Putin: the new leader of international conservatism."
German intelligence sources claimed that the country's only euro-sceptic party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), was being wooed by Russian agents to be part of the plot "to construct a network of right-wing populism in western Europe," The Express reported citing the German newspaper BILD.
BILD, in its report, said that Moscow's Centre for Strategic Communications had drafted a blueprint of the clandestine operation that aimed to ultimately make Putin the leader of a European-Russian entity of some description.
"In Europe Putin dreams—and he has said this publicly – of having a sphere of influence across the continent all the way down to Portugal," BILD said.
The plan is so close to reality that there is a danger of a world-war-III-like scenario, reports note. In fact, Putin has already met secretly with the leaders of several right-wing parties from European countries like France, Bulgaria, and Austria, the German newspaper's report said adding that Vladimir Jakunin, a Russian politician and close friend of Putin was allegedly behind the strategy that seeks to woo all the right-wing European parties.
The sensational expose, which was reported earlier this week, comes in stark contrast to what Putin told reporters in Sochi earlier: "We are not threatening anyone and are not planning to get involved in any geopolitical games, intrigues and especially conflicts, no matter who would want to pull us into them."
This comes days after he ruled out being a "king" of Russia when he was asked in an interview with news agency TASS whether he wished to stick to the president's chair forever.
"There are terms defined by the Russian Constitution," he had said referring to the rule that he must step down in 2024. But critics are sceptical of this words. Also important is the fact that his purported plan to rule the entire Europe is a more attractive prospect than ruling only Russia forever.


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