Tuesday, September 18, 2018

1) Hawaiian Kingdom Notification No. 2018--0918 Rents Unpaid, Status: Trespassers, Squatters Status




U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State  
Governor David Ige - entity State of Hawaii
Mayors - entity State of Hawaii
Judges - entity State of Hawaii
Honolulu Police Department l- entity State of Hawaii
Sheriffs Department - entity State of Hawaii, et. als.  

Department of Interior
Entity State of Hawaii Governor David Ige
DEREK R. KOBAYASHI -745 Fort Street, Suite 1500
MATTHEW M. MATSUNAGA -745 Fort Street, Suite 1500
REGAN M. IWAO- 745 Fort Street, Suite 1500
DOLE FOOD COMPANY, INC.- c/o 745 Fort Street, Suite 1500
Schlack Ito - A Limited Liability Law Company 
ALLEN P.Y. TYAU - c/o 745 Fort Street, Suite 1500
Interested others

1) Hawaiian Kingdom Notification No. 2018--0918  Rents Unpaid, Status:  Trespassers, Squatters Status for Dole Corporation aka's, Removal of structures, etc. from our Royal Families lands  from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Landlord, Representative of our Royal Families

2) Subject:  Royal Families Representative Rent Notice No. 2018-0726 Subject Lands of our Royal Families Has Alodio Owners: Abner Paki, Kalaniulumoku, Mataio Kekuanaoa, Miriam Kekauonohi, Luluhiwalani,   Grace Kamaikui, John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi (female), Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kaumualii, Kaunuohua (female), A.Kahanawai Kaaha/Abigail Kahanawai/Abigail Kaaha/Abigaila/ Kapapoko/Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/Abigail Maikai/Abigail Kuluwailehua/Abigail Luluhiwalani/Abigail Mana/Abigail Kekai/ Kai/Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani, Kekualoa/Kekua/Kekuahine/Kahakuhaakoi/Kaaumoana (female), Kekapu (female), Nuuanu, Kaluakini, Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani Trustees, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Kamehameha Schools Trustees/KSBE Trustees, Charles Reed Bishop Trustees, King Lunalilo Trustees, Queen Emma's Trustees, King Kalakaua's Trustees,  John Ii Trustees, et. als. Update


This is to inform you that rents notices were sent out previously in the amount of $500,000 per acre per month for the above Royal Families above.  This notice also applies to the connecting ancestors of each.

Included in this notice are the descendants and heirs of the above.

For your case in trying to assume the lands of Nauluhao and Koa, Koa's lands are part of Kekapu (female) properties listed in the above Subject owners.  See the link to the notice sent previously.

Kekapu's (female) will #290 in First Circuit Court includes Koa's /Kekoa's Properties in the Hawaiian Islands.  Included is part of alodio Grant 1329 or 40 acres, etc.

Kekapu's father Kaiama was a husband of Akahi (female) listed in the rent notice that was sent out to the Bishop Estates/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates aka's.  See the following link for the entire notice:  http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2018/09/7-day-rent-notice-sent-on-2018-0726-and.html

The retroactive amounts are $500,000 per month as well back to 1893.
Kekapu's heirs includes Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini, Kaopumomona, and for one taro patch of Koa's went to J.E. Kualii.  Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini was adopted by Kaopumomona and her grandmother Kaili/Kailihou who was married to Nahuina, the son of Akahi (female) the stepmother of Leleiohoku, Kekauonohi (female), Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Nahienaena (female) et. als. which includes Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, hanai/ adopted children, et. als.

Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married Joseph Gora and had John Gora (siblings:  Joseph, William, Walter, Lawrence, Jolly (female), and Francis Gora);
John Gora married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian)

I, Amelia Gora, am a Royal Family member and one of the Representatives of our Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands, one of the descendants of four (4) of Kamehameha's children named:  Kaoleioku, Kanekapolei 2 (female), Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, and Kalanihelemaiiluna (who was also the ancestor of Bernice Pauahi).
See the links for further genealogies.

Konohiki Connections

Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kauhi aka's and had Paalua;
Mataio Kekuanaoa married Pauahi who had Ruth Keelikolani; - Pauahi was also married to Kinau a son of Kamehameha.
Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kinau and had Moses Kaikioewa, David Kamehameha, Lot - Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho - Kamehameha IV, and Victoria Kamamalu, hanai: Bernice Pauahi;
Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kalolo/Kaloloahilani;
Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kalima - evidence Bureau of Conveyances Libers 19 page 12 and 19 page 175. Kalima's children were:  John Kapena; Sam Kapena; and Umiokalani (female).

Victoria Kamamalu died and her heir was her father Mataio Kekuanaoa;
Paalua had hanai father Pomaikai who was married to Akahi (female) (see above) genealogy....Akahi (female) was my own great great great and great great grandmother.
Paalua married and had Kaawa, Kauhi, Mahina (female), Uiha/Kaluauiha (female), and Kuapuu/Kekolohe Kuapuu (female).
Kuapuu/Kekolohe Kuapuu (female) married Kauku who was the Konohiki of Waikiki - their hanai/adopted son was David Keawe aka's who married Kapehe 3 and had Mele Keawe who married Charles Kauweloa and had Mary Kauweloa who married Albert Castro and Mary Castro (siblings) who married John Gora who had Amelia Gora (siblings); Mary Kauweloa also married C. Maduli and had children.

John Kapena married and had two (2) children and I Amelia Gora descend from both his son Keawe who had David Keawe aka's (see above) and Kekualoa (female) through her son Opunui and daughter Maria Sylva/Silveira/Rodrigues/Matsugoro/Gora.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Konohiki assigned to lands of Victoria Kamamalu, Mataio Kekuanaoa, et. als.

Rent Notices under Kekapu (female) et. als. were sent out in July and to date we have not received rents for properties belonging to our families, which also means that we have liens on all of our ancestral properties including lands situated in the Konohiki Victoria Kamamalu's names.

In other words, we have the Superior, Paramount titles of all the lands that affects the lands of Nauluhao (through Konohiki rights) and Koa / Kekoa's lands through heirship, alodio land claims of our families.

The $500,000 rent per month was not paid by DOLE FOOD COMPANY, INC and ALLEN P.Y. TYAU, et. als. and are in a status of Squatters/Pirates/Pillagers, etc. and due to be evicted effective today.


James Dole, Sanford B. Dole was documented as pirates, pillagers, and recently entered onto the Hawaiian Kingdom Cases which determined to be "guilty" and had lost all claims to lands.

 The Dole Corporation aka's were placed on the Judicial Tribunal affecting the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, Article XIV regarding piracy, pillaging, etc.  Interests in lands ceased based on the guilty verdicts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #43 - 57 Recorded Guilty

Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice - Supreme Court Cases #43 - 57 Recorded Guilty




U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State  
Governor David Ige
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others  

Subject of Correspondence:  Hawaiian Kingdom Legal Notice No. 2018-0603  Supreme Court Cases  #43 - 57 Adjudicated Guilty on August 30, 2018 from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, one of the four (4) Supreme Court Judges

The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court Judges adjudicated the following cases with Guilty verdicts:

43)  James Dole
44) Joseph Booth
45) Sanford B. Dole
46) Lorrin Thurston
47)  Alfred S. Hartwell
48)  William O. Smith
49) Samuel Damon
50) Dole Food Company, Inc. aka's
51)  Castle & Cooke
52)  Kohala Sugar Company
53) Hamakua Sugar Company
54) James King
55) Campbell and Turton
56)  Campbell Estates/James Campbell Estates aka
57)  St. Augustine's Church by the Sea - Waikiki aka's

The above were adjudicated by the Hawaiian Kingdom courts - Judicial Tribunal (affiliation of Dole Foods: see #430 in the Judicial Tribunal:  Castle & Cooke) and Supreme Court and have No land interest in the Hawaiian Islands.

The lands are owned by the Royal Families in part and the Konohiki assigned by the Royal Families who make up 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government.  The 1/3 House of Representatives is the only voted in, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government - a Monarchy turned Constitutional Monarchy government since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Additionally, the Dole Corporation aka's - affiliation includes Castle & Cooke - represented by attorneys failed to pay the amounts specified and are now in an eviction status due to their squatter status.

This is informing all that the Dole Corporation aka's are squatters and must leave our Royal Families properties.

This is forwarded to the Honolulu Police Department, Sheriff's, many interested others because trespassing charges are hereby entered for all to read, share, etc.

Rents sent included a landlord lien according to rule of law.

The U.S. Constitution article 6 is also applied here because the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States is a legal contractual agreement with peace, amity included.  

Treaties are the supreme law of the land and even Judges must adhere to it.

One more thing, four (4) members of our families did re-enter subject properties and in such matters, the court shuts down the case.  The date of our re-entry:  September 8, 2018 - Amelia Gora and 3 others re-entered the subject properties of Nauluhao and Koa, etc.

Reference:  Ioane Piikoi vs. Kapena - case precedence, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Please vacate the premises accordingly.  

Two (2) days or up to September 20, 2018 is allowed to dismantle any buildings, structures, etc. which was placed without authority on our Royal Families properties.  Noted:  a large warehouse with housing at the top, etc. was viewed on our lands.

Police reports, sheriffs reports are recorded also because the Dole Company aka's have no rights on our Royal Families alodio lands.


Amelia Gora
P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii

Additional Reference:

Company Overview of Dole Food Company, Inc.


Owner, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President

AgeTotal Annual Compensation

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sanford B. Dole's Cousin, Visited son, James D. Dole of the Hawaiian Pineapple Company

Page Page

All of the above have been adjudicated as guilty. 

The Guilty verdicts applies to those operating under "identity theft" documented Territory of Hawaii turned State of Hawaii with documented oppositions, whose attorney general claimed to be "the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".

All the above Trustees or Assigns, etc.under the identity thieves, the Territory turned State of Hawaii, are no longer land owners in the Hawaiian Islands under the "color of title" and are Not the alodio land owners, the Paramount title owners, the Superior title owners.

Detailed information will be forwarded upon request or posted as a Legal Notice for all to see.


Amelia Gora


Think Constitutional Monarchy NOT American Democratic government!  fyi...……..

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