Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Introducing the Kamehameha's - siblings and cousins of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the real one....

Introducing Some of the Kamehameha's - Kalola (w) the documented next-of-kin, one of the siblings and cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the real one:

facebook:…/vol-vii-no-722-we… Why Mauna Kea, Auctioning of Kamehameha III properties, etc. cannot happen... the Kamehameha's exists that's why..the land owners, paramount, superior title owners are here....including we are the legal owners of the Trusts: KSBE, Liliuokalani Trust etc.

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Vol VII No. 722 Wednesday Weekly September 26, 2018 ...

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