Saturday, September 22, 2018

Kamehameha's Exist Whether Anyone Likes it or Not.... Pirates around us and documented....…/hawaiian-kingdom-… Pass on widely to families, friends...……..also if you have families in prison please let us know... ...mahalo.
Ruthann Caudill Bureau of Conveyance building is on your family’s land?
Amelia Gora my great great grandmother is on the Royal Patent....was given to her by her father in law....she was a hanai/adopted daughter of Kalola (w) another ancestor who was the next-of-kin documented in the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop..... our families private properties are currently used by the illegal identity thieves Territory..... and they are squatters documented...….
Amelia Gora Our families are Bernice Pauahi's siblings and cousins...….Abner Paki married our ancestor and was with her when her husband, our ancestor who was his brother Kalaniulumoku died in 1838.....Abner Paki was also married to Konia the true Bernice Pauahi's mother and father...… our ancestor was married to him from 1838 to 1855 or 17 years...….. and we are Kamehameha I's descendants documented in a probate found... which means we are the owners of the entire trust....and Not the pirates, racketeers who have enrichened themselves......over time...which is why there appears to be many conspiracies.....and why those who perpetuate the crimes need to be arrested...….even the buildings that the trust is on belongs to our families! no wonder the attorneys of that estate called me the "number one bitch!" overheard by many.... friends have said that was a good comment because its evidence that they have something to fear...……….am descendant of four (4) of Kamehameha's children, etc. …. this song is for our Royal Families who have been defrauded over time...….aloha....

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