Sunday, September 23, 2018

Restoring America: U.S. Disinformation Since 1920 or Be Informed about the Manure Pile, Vermin Assuming Assets of Americans

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Attention, Please! This is Crucial Information for All Concerned....

By Anna Von Reitz

Disinformation: the spreading of false or only partially true information so as to promote incorrect assumptions, actions, or conclusions about an issue, a subject, a product, or an individual.  The object of a Disinformation Campaign is usually to sidetrack whatever normal action would be the result if the truth were clearly known and presented, for example, to delay adoption of legislation.  

Disinformation is commonly used against rival products, political candidates, public infrastructure projects, and proposed legislation. 

Most Disinformation contains elements of truth designed to create a factual basis for part of the message, which then promotes blind acceptance of the whole message---which is false overall. 

Once a Disinformation Campaign gets started the false information is passed on unknowingly by otherwise innocent people whose credibility is trusted, and spreads by word of mouth.  

As a result, disinformation can come from otherwise credible sources, may contain elements of truth, and may be passed on either deliberately or unknowingly. 

Disinformation is often plausible and requires deeper research to evaluate and discover the actual facts. 

And here is another classic Disinformation Campaign coming at you: 

Begin by taking notice of the source:, [which is probably a legitimate enough patriot organization that is making wrong assumptions and being co-opted] being "Presented by Legal Registry LLC" out of where? Oh, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, #190-626, Washington, DC 20004. 

Legal Registry is at the heart of the problem.  Legal Registry makes its living from "registering" everything and everyone it can possibly register--- and thereby trafficking whatever is registered from the land jurisdiction to the sea jurisdiction and from your possession to the possession of various for-profit "government services corporations" acting "as" your government under Color of Law.  

I have already told you ---- record everything, register nothing.  

Anything that requires "registration" is a demand that you give away your interest in whatever is being registered as a "donor" of that asset retaining a "beneficial interest" in the asset.  

Car registration is a demand that you give away your private auto or truck to the "State of ___________", Incorporated, which then becomes the actual owner and the State of State then gives you back a "Certificate" of beneficial interest allowing you to use their car. 

This "voluntary" act on your part makes you the Donor of the asset to a "Public Trust" managed by a private, for-profit corporation acting as Trustee, and reduces you to a Leasor of your own asset.  They have endeavored to do the same thing to all your private landholdings. 

Thereafter, you have to  pay for the privilege of re-registering what was your property every year or two---- essentially paying a tax to retain your beneficial interest in the car, which you supposedly "voluntarily" donated to the racketeers.  Or a "property tax" on land that is naturally already yours.  

I watched the short video being promoted at the link above, and it does contain elements of truth.  The Federal Reserve Banks (and other banks) have been allowed to hold title to our assets and to prevent us from accessing the credit side of the ACCOUNTS established in our names as remedy--- all in contravention of the actual Public Law.  That part is true. 

They do this by claiming that we are "dead", "missing, presumed lost". 

The credit they owe us is then placed in a generation skipping trust --- a giant Slush Fund for the banks --- and invested by the same banks "for" us, pending our "return".  The catch, of course,  is that you never get the benefit of any of this fraud. 

Anyway, that much is all true and so is the fact that when you are "proven to be alive" the actual Public Law demands that they release the benefit of your ACCOUNT to you. 

The rest of the information, however, is skewed. 

The bankrupt governmental services corporation that FDR was "President" of was "the" United States of America (Incorporated), a Delaware Corporation set up as a religious non-profit in 1925, hence his use of the word "consecration" when he announced "The New Deal".  

But who did "The New Deal" apply to?  

Not to us.  

As the Conference of Governors vote on March 6, 1933 stated, this Deal with the Devil applied only to "their states and the citizenry thereof".  

So what were "their states and the citizenry thereof"?  

Well, as we have documented, the actual States that are members of The United States of America (Unincorporated) federation of states were never involved in any aspect of all the incorporated "State of State" skullduggery, so it wasn't us and it wasn't our "states" being discussed by the Conference of Govenors.  

The advent of Municipal "STATES OF STATES" was still more than a decade away (1946) at the time FDR made his speech, so the only possible conclusion is that the "states" and the "citizenry thereof" being referenced by the Conference of Governors action in 1933, were the "States of States" of the British Territorial United States-- which had been established in Breach of Trust and constructive fraud to replace our actual Federal States of States "pending Reconstruction" after the Civil War. 

[Territorial] U.S. Citizens were the "citizenry" subject to The New Deal, who were sold by the Roman Catholic Church to the Federal Reserve Banks as collateral backing the debts of "the" United States of America (Incorporated) which was bankrupted in 1933, together with all their personal and private assets, including their bodies and their labor. 

But who was legitimately a "U.S. Citizen" in 1933 or at any other time? 

Federal employees both civilian and military, federal dependents, knowing and voluntary political asylum seekers, people born in actual U.S. Territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the District of Columbia not having any other citizenship elsewhere, corporations actually and deliberately formed under Territorial United States auspices, and their corporate officers.

That's it.  The whole laundry list.  And it doesn't include us. 

We were being "brought along" under the false pretenses that the incompetence of the moth-balled Federal States of States was an excuse to presume upon the people of the Free States of the Union.  

It wasn't a valid excuse for such false premises then and it still isn't now. 

Our States --- Maine, California, Wisconsin, Alaska --- are not party to any of this European-Inspired Manure Pile.  Our Federal States of States have been held "in trust" under false pretenses and Gross Breach of Trust by these vermin for six generations and we have not even been given disclosure of the facts.  

So the rest of the assumptions in this video --- for example, that the debts of FDR's Territorial United States -- are our debts, or that his "New Deal" applies to us, are entirely fraudulent.  

The idea that we need to pay those debts to "redeem" our country is also fraudulent.  Those debts being held against the [Territorial] United States by the Federal Reserve Banks are in fact debts owed to us and our States --- Alaska, California, Virginia, et al. 

We are the Priority Creditors.  

Not Debtors of any kind.  

The actual Debtor is the Queen of the United Kingdom, who has by allowing the Territorial United States to enter bankruptcy, become "incompetent" and who has therefore lost claim of delegated authority and has turned over the affairs of the British [Territorial] United States to Bankruptcy Trustees appointed by the guilty banks.  

These are the vermin that President Trump has been struggling with.  

But we are the actual Priority Creditors of the Territorial United States, not the Banks, which are only standing in an "assumed" middleman capacity; we are blatantly and internationally informing all Principals of the fact that the Banks are not our Agents or Representatives and neither are the members of the Territorial or Municipal "United States" Congresses.  Furthermore, all members of the Bar are prohibited from assuming any such position of Trusteeship or Agency related to our country.  We present ourselves, in the flesh, and are fully competent otherwise to exercise the International Powers of our States of the Union.    

There are now only two solutions to The Problem: (1) the Queen is prevailed upon to pay the debts of the Territorial United States which her employees and dependents ran up -- knowing that she has permanently lost any claim to delegated authority related to us; or (2) we, the actual States and People to whom the debt is owed can: (a) forgive the debts of the Territorial United States after negotiation with President Trump regarding resumption of a private  trade relationship, or (b) we can force the Territorial United States into Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy, liquidate its assets in receivership (which would involve all Territorial Governments worldwide and create no end of trouble for everyone, everywhere) or (c) we can demand that the Federal Reserve Banks pay the debts of the Territorial United States directly from the vast Slush Fund owed to us and its profits pending an agreement with President Trump.  

President Trump needs to speak to us directly regarding this situation and reach an agreement with The United States of America [Unincorporated] going forward.  This should not be difficult to do or take any long period of time, so long as we are mutually agreed --- and we are --- that the American States and People must be protected and the profits of the criminals used to build infrastructure and improve the lives of the victims of this vast fraud.  

Remember: never register anything you don't want to give away.  

Remember: no registration is valid if the nature and result of the transaction is not fully disclosed to you.

Remember: no involuntary or coerced registration is valid.  

Remember: you were never legitimately a citizen of the "United States" they are talking about, except perhaps for a period of time while working as a federal civilian or military employee, etc. or if you had no other political status available to you.  [White Americans born in the States have immediate State National status; colored people are still stuck with "Equal Civil Rights" pending action to finally correct this gross injustice.] 

Remember: you are a Priority Creditor of the British Territorial United States, not a Debtor thereof.  

Remember:  your State of the Union is competent to operate in either International Commerce or International Trade, and since the Delegated Powers have reverted to our States by Operation of Law, there is no reason for any other "state of state" or foreign principality to assume any form of Trusteeship or ownership interest in any jurisdiction of the law with regard to us or our people.  

Remember:  both the Territorial and Municipal United States are and were foreign entities with respect to us and though they are supposed to be under the control of our moth-balled Federal States of States, they continue to be under the control of  our States, from which all the "federal" authorities derive.  

Remember: all members of the Bar Associations lost their native birthright political status (as of 1819) as a result of the conflict of interest created when they accepted the title of nobility "Esquire" from the British Monarch, and they cannot regain it except by claiming Non-Disclosure and removing themselves from the Bar Association membership.  

The Queen abdicated her moral accountability a long time ago and has thus far abdicated her financial accountability as well.  We cannot expect honor among thieves, but we can stand our ground and demand that all those corporations and persons concerned respect the Rule of Law they have adopted for themselves. 

Don't be bamboozled into "assuming" that you or your State of the Union owe any debts, when you are in fact the Priority Creditors. 

Write the words "Non-Assumpsit" in large letters and make your position clear with respect to these issues.  

Please also make this information widely available to other Americans including those who have been misled by semantic deceit to assume that they are "U.S. Citizens" --- when they are not. 

It is, of course, not our intention to harm U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States in any way.  These people are confused and have acted according to Disinformation they were literally fed and need to wake up from their nightmares.  

Like President Trump, we have goodwill toward all our fellow Americans and malice toward none but the actual and knowing criminals who have acted in violation of our constitutional agreements and who have sought their own benefit at the expense of The Public Good.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. ''the fact that when you are proven to be alive, the actual Public Law demands that they release the benefit of your ACCOUNT to you''

    Ok, so we have a number of Commenters here who have told us they have done all their paperwork which is to ''prove they are alive''......
    so have any of You had your ACCOUNTS released to you?

    Obviously the answer is No. So this has been my entire stance in this Forum: What good has been derived from all the paperwork work and expense benefited anyone.
    It is fair and reasonable for anyone to expect benefit to be the result of any effort put forth. But at this point I have not seen one bit of benefit.
    We have even had several folks in here with serious current court issues
    who have intended to make use of their paperwork to cure their problem. Yet we have not even seen one of them return with a successful report.

    And so now I ask, who of the paperfilers with their stash of papers in tow, have received the benefits of their ACCOUNTS? 
You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 3300 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Do not attempt to comment using the handle "Unknown". Your comment will be summarily deleted. Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Notice and Demand Issued to Westminster

By Anna Von Reitz

Our initial comments are for the General Public and the understanding of people blissfully unaware of the actual history of the world-at-large.  Therefore, bear with us as we make our points explicit:  

The Bar is the "veil" between life and death that Ancient Babylonians and Sumerians crossed over when they came to the Temples of Ba'al to offer sacrifices.

The Bar has a very limited right to be on our shores and is a foreign entity with its operations centered in the Inner City of London known as Westminster, which is an "independent international city state" all its own.  All the "Bar Temples" usurping our Courthouses are run from the Temple Bar (Ba'al) in Westminster.  

Our version of United States has a permanent and perpetual treaty with Westminster signed November 19, 1794, guaranteeing peace.  

However, to avoid honoring this Perpetual Treaty of Peace, the members of the Temple Bar have contrived to try to weasel around and "redefine" the words "United States" and to change the political status of the States and the People that the Treaty of Westminster applies to.  

They have done this by identifying four principle "kinds" of "United States" and playing all sorts of semantic deceit games between them.  

There is the actual unincorporated United States that they have the treaty with and the States and People operating that version of United States via their Holding Company in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated].  

And then there is the Federal "United States", a secondary Union known as a "Confederation of States" operated as "States of States" originally set up March 1, 1781, under The Articles of Confederation.  This version of "United States" was subjected to "Reconstruction" following the so-called "American Civil War" and moth-balled without Full Disclosure and more importantly, without the Good Faith assistance of the international trustees responsible.  

Next, there is the Territorial "United States" which is a British operation controlled by the British Monarch, which deceitfully usurped upon the Federal United States and created new Territorial "States of States" for itself in Breach of Trust and which has operated as a private, for-profit "governmental services corporation" ever since. 

Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" which is supposed to be limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, another independent, international city state just like Westminster, that our lawful Congress (not their Territorial Congress) is supposed to run. 

Westminster doesn't have any treaties of peace with the Federal United States, the Territorial United States, or the Municipal United States, so they have conveniently forgotten that all these entities are in fact owned by The United States [Unincorporated] with which they do have a "Perpetual Treaty of Peace" ever since November 19, 1794.   

Liars, liars, pants on fire.... 

We are here to remind them of their pledges and guarantees to us and to demand their removal from our shores of any hostile or misinformed "Court" Vessels and Bar Association Members of The International Bar Association, The American Bar Association, The United States Bar Association, The United Nations Bar Association, and any other Bar Associations, period, at all, worldwide. 

Perpetual means perpetual and The United States includes all the holdings of the United States, however named. You cannot make war against our toe and pretend not to make war against our entire body. 

In other words, Westminster, get your sticky-fingered "knights" and "esquires" under control and obeying the Treaty of Westminster, November 19, 1794, in spirit and in fact, or you will all be hoisted on your own petards and exposed for promoting lawlessness at the same time that you pretend to be the "prayerful" keepers of The Rule of Law ---and the nature of your "God" in whom you "Trust" will also be exposed as nothing but a gigantic Lie and Farce created by thieves for the promotion of crime against living people.  

We also remind the Lords of the Admiralty and the Lord Mayor of Westminster that we men of flesh and blood live under the Law of Yahavah, not The Rule of Law, and any continued pretensions and usurpation otherwise will be cause for your arrest and your international prosecution under The Law of War.    

The Templars --- and their Heresy --- were tolerated in Westminster and in Scotland following their ouster on the European Continent in exchange for gold given to the British Monarch and taxes imposed on the Templar Fleet, renamed as "The Dutch East India Company" and "The Dutch West India Company", operating in both Hemispheres. 

LIke the "Lost Tribes of Israel" there is absolutely no mystery involved in what happened to the Templars or where they went following their expulsion from mainland Europe.  Nor, in view of their re-opening of The Temple of Ba'al is there any doubt about their beliefs or the nature of the Heresy that resulted in the Pope and King Philip of France denouncing them and their activities. 

When things got too hot for them in the late 1600's, they again decamped and "disappeared" in plain view, when the British Monarch gave them shelter (always for a price) in the New World, and specifically, in New York.  

That's where the bulk of their operations still are, except for their outriggers established in Mainland China. Your "Chinese Elders" are already identified and will be held to the Treaty and subject to this Notice and Demand.   

What you have dreamed of practicing in shadows and deceits stands fully exposed to the light of day and the records are secured.  There is no Wormhole left to run to and the rat-lines back to shore are being cast off. 

Very sincerely, 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The World Trust [Unincorporated]
The United States of America [Unincorporated] 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. And can you tell us exactly who is going to arrest them? I ask because I don't have any idea of who that would be.
    I recall it was just about 1 yr. ago that the BAR was Noticed to depart the Court Houses by Jan. 1, 2018. Is this going to be a yearly Notice?
  2. Once again, reality, their are others involved in this big picture(Kingdom of Mana) Actually doing the physical footwork. You can't exist in a bubble Anna.JMHO
  3. Reference:

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