Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Vol VII No. 722 Part 1c
Sunday, September 23, 2018 Attention, Please! This is Crucial Information for All Concerned....…

News Feed

In the last week, I’ve worked at least 60 unpaid hours, been assaulted, dealt with death and a gun and police (twice) and an enormous amount of super buss ass work of many kinds, some of it involving unbelievably gross stuff, plus a whole lot of long meetings and phone counseling and interventions. And I can’t talk about any of it any more than that! There is no way to charge for this or take credit for any of it; can’t share pictures or put it in reports, I’m doing it on time wale no. Been accused of being lazy and flaky, been blamed for being poor, been lied about and threatened, and my phone might get shut off because I can’t pay it. Been a terrible mommy - missed a school event so my kid was the only one with no parent, and left her waiting alone at school till almost dark. And I am so sleep deprived it isn’t funny, and tomorrow is such a crazy day that I may not sleep tonight either, because I have to cook almost all night to be able to do everything I gotta do.
But you know what? I am so happy! Seriously. Because working on this path is AWESOME. Just doing my best, making it up to those I affect as best I can, and counting on it all working out.

And I am not the only one. So many of us walking this kind of path. So many! As much as I’m talking about all the stuff I do here, there is a kupuna right by me doing MORE. And there are more where we came from!
And we all have our grumbling rants (like this one), but we just wouldn’t have it any other way.
So shoutouts to all you crazy awesome peeps who are as nuts as me!! I love you all. Ha ha!
See More


Michelle Denise Ke'alohilani Marciel Moving with the Spirit my can never go wrong. Everything that you've sacrificed and will sacrifice to do Ke Akua's works will bless you abundantly!!! Mahalo for all that you do and for being a blessing to all of us whose lives you touched either directly or indirectly. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️



Michelle Denise Ke'alohilani Marciel Laulani Teale mahalo!!! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️



Kalani Young Mahalo nui Lau for all you do. Love you



Laulani Teale And you too. ❤️ u!!



Laulani Teale Call me when can btw k? I will have full hands while cooking but may be able to talk & cook same time. Or Monday - are u going to the Mauna Kea hearing? If so mebe I can catch you for a minute there. And u gotta remind me find & send da kine k?



Glo Merriweather i see you❤️✊🏾
thank you for your work.See More



Laulani Teale Mahalo for all you do, Glo — and especially for putting joy in the heart of our precious Ke'ala!



Deldrene Herron Kids first. Glory later. Lot's of perfs out there just waiting and on the prowl.



Laulani Teale This is so not about glory.



Laulani Teale And her current school is quite safe. Just sucks to be left there for many hours. Thanks for he concern tho



Cody Wolfchild We have to stay on top of teaching this philosophy, the doctrine of christian discovery because we are gonna need some body on our bond. It might be god or it might be the devil, but youre gonna need somebody on your bond as the song goes.



Laulani Teale All of the above? Ha ha!



Tom Crocker Mahalo Laulani, you're a warrior, that's how it is, blessings, love, and guidance to you. Keep going, stay strong, you make such an important difference.



Laulani Teale Aw, mahalo! ❤️💗🌿



Tom Crocker Laulani Teale, I been going thru stuff I can't share either. So hard some of it. Very thankful I am strong, and it's mostly almost done. (Well to the next phase) seems never ending. Greatful for the blessings that pop up to help feed & distract me. I will get free of these binders....



Laulani Teale Tom Crocker much aloha!! I know you have always been doing a lot that is unseen — that’s how farmers are, no matter what they do!! 💕



Tom Crocker Thankyou! It amazes me how some people are just so afraid of nature, and natural places. Here when you garden naturally they call it Florida Friendly landscape. No poisons, natural ferts, no mowing, blowing, edging, maybe limited as needed whacking. Drives the poisoners crazy. Now, lately there has been this huge push to cut lots of big trees, and clear more land for more buildings, and knock down the old ones. It's accelerated to the most tragic level I have seen in 15 years, I can't stand it. It's painful to witness.



Laulani Teale Well I got the dough done, the Kombucha made, and most of the pots ready for tomorrow, and it is only 2 am! I might get a couple of hours sleep after all if I’m lucky!
On days like this, it is tempting to skip out on fnb, but the whole community at TSSee More



Micky Huihui hui! wee hours cheffing to feed the lāhui is always a good idear! just got home from a post-show Daiei run and making kū lūʻau for tmrws community ku’i in Kahalu’u🌿 i was looking at my French press thinking same thing ☕️ 👀



Laulani Teale Great minds think alike, T!!
(And they think mo betta when properly caffeinated, ha ha!) ❤️



Laulani Teale Blessings on da ku’i!! So awesome, u guys!!



Tom Crocker I got this Cuban Coffee the other day, at a produce market. It is the bomb! So great! $3.50 each great. Wish I could send you some.


Laulani Teale Ohh mmm!!! Wonder if Cuba would do a trade coop with our Kingdom...?
Heh heh another late night idea that I will be mulling for awhile. All the countries illegally annexed in the Spanish-American War need to get together to do SOMETHING awesome, right??



Tom Crocker Laulani Teale I am sure they would. I want to visit there, soon, they actually have a lot going on there. The people are strong.



Tom Crocker Here is their contact info, try ask.....


Laulani Teale When you make that thing right with the person who got hurt. Like REALLY right.



Laulani Teale Love u. The deal stands.



Amelia Gora a're doing good girl...I've heard negative comments too...but you know what? people will criticize but what are they doing? you have lots on your plate and need a pat on the back many times....I like your attitude ……. stay focused and contact us if you need help too ...aloha.

Warren G Fritsch Appreciate all you do!



Laulani Teale Aw mahalo! The other side of this picture includes magic people like you!! So grateful, so worth it!!



Tiralei Mahuiki May Akua Bless You for all Your hard Work!!!! Sending Love and Strenght!!!!



Laulani Teale Aw mahalo!!



Hooheno Haumea Mahalo for all that you do! It is appreciated!



Laulani Teale Likewise!! 💕



Lehua Hanaike Wow, I sometimes feel the same way!! 💜 What I ended up realizing, is that there's two sides to the (aloha) coin 😉 On one side we HAVE to do certain things alone, because only when we search deeper within ouselves, do we truly conquer the quests of our na'au, our mind, and our spirit. We feed off that mana stored from generations past, that lead us into the future. On the other side, we're a lahui, we're part of the whole, as humans in general, but as Kanaka, we're all we have!! The more united we become, and the more practical solutions we tackle together, the quicker we push through the veil of self-governance and a brighter future for EVERYBODY. Under the U.S. fakery, what's to love? Nada damn thing. We just gotta keep trusting our na'au and keep connecting to na kupuna in all that we do, because no matter how near, far, broke, shy, broken or scared we might be, we still have each other. As hard as the road is that we have to walk sometimes, we're living proof that no "entity" or pilau fuckin system (excuse my language), can take away who we are and what we have. They might not want to acknowledge the REALITY of our status as protected persons, or the BREECHES of Hague and Geneva conventions, but we'll make them acknowledge, and they'll be forced to fold their hand. Til then the road is hard and I feel so sad seeing so many of you that I love and respect, go through the real daily grind and struggle, while all I have is my mana'o and what I feel I'm doing right). Our daily struggles may be different, but we all want what's best for our lahui (with the exception of those trying to infiltrate and divide us), and sometimes it's hard knowing you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, but rewarding when you see your contributions heal and bring us closer. With that being said, and I apologize because I'm going on and on, because I feel strongly about this. I believe we can come up with mutually benefiting terms with the U.S., once they realize it's OUR terms that will benefit us (themselves included!). They'll have much to gain by respectfully and admirably exiting, removing their troops, and cease and decist. It will allow them to witness in their lifetime, a complete transformation, of the actual paradise they've always dreamed of, so if they're smart, they'll walk with us and benefit. If not, the dreams and thoughts of Hawai'i ever being a paradise will perish, and karma will come back to bite em in the ass. That's how laws of attraction work! Everything we're doing now is to secure ourselves, our rights, and our resources for the future. So to everyone I would say, please keep the same mana and drive you have, because we all contribute to the whole, and some of us need to carry extra weight to help uplift others. I'm so proud of you Aunty Laulani and I hope we can all come together more, because the more we discuss forward solutions and focus on the healing, the quicker we can implement and create it. Facebook makes us feel super connected at times, but what we really need to be doing more of, is picking up the phone, sitting face to face, writing letters, documenting and exchanging notes, etc. What if we didn't have FB? That's another thing heavily on my mind lately, is our own servers and online platform where we keep our mana'o and positions documented. Anyways, this comment is long-winded enough, and my finga ste small kine stuck And it's only my first comment of the day! ha ha 😂 Maybe one long one today is all I But I just wanted you to know that I appreciate all that you do for our lahui. To everbody reading this too, know that you will never be alone. Akua and Na Kupuna will continue to guide us, and together we will ultimately achieve what's pono for the lahui 💜 Mahalo nui loa for doing your best and contributing to the bigger picture. It brings so much hope for the future!! 😍💕🙏💐🌺🌋🌊🌈



Lehua Hanaike After writing the above statement, I realized just how TRULY BLESSED we are. I could say the same sentiments to Brandon Makaawaawa, Puuhonua B. Keiki Kanahele, Pua Case, Kalama O Ka Aina Healani Sonoda-Pale, Leon Siu, Mana Mana Mana, Jesse Steele, Hinaleimoana Wong, Lorilani Keohokalole-Torio, Lori Halemano, Kaukaohu Wahilani, Ruth Aloua, Kauluwehiokalani Eli, Lynette Cruz, Sam Ohu Gon III, Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz, Kapohuolahaina Moniz Pa, Puanani Rogers, Twinkle Borge, Theresa Keohunani Taber, Theodora Akau Gaspar Kainoa Bugado Piikea Keawekane-Stafford, Kahookahi Kanuha, Kai Markell and soooo many more of you. You've all inspired me, motivated me, and truly touch my na'au with your dedication. I could literally be here all day tagging, because we all do our part, and there's sooo many of you I love, respect and appreciate, but my finga fo real kine no can Mahalo nui to you all!! You're forever and always in pule 💜🙏💕



Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz Lehua Hanaike Facebook has it’s downs but it has done a wonderful job of connecting us and keeping us educating in a way that has made us every so powerful that we have become a threat to those who oppress us. I have been on FB since 2009 and by the time OHA, and Ige folks figured out what and what ..........too late we have educated many and we not stopping.

Imua forward.

Just this morning I phone a healer, my left eye so swollen I no can see, first thing told me I need to malama me, slow down, I am doing too much, I need to take time to heal from my eye surgery.......I say what, I no more time for stop. Breathe. I try ok. Last week I was scolded by another healer who called me out of the blue who said “they told me to call you” slow down you no can do everything.

Laulani speak truth.

Kuleana is given. You no get to choose. Understand I not complaining at all. I still breathing because I not pau. I am so honored to be given the kuleana I carry by the ancestors who gave it to me.

Much aloha to you.



Lehua Hanaike Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz I agree. Our kuleana is an honor in every sense! We just gotta learn to slow down sometimes and practice more self-love. Especially when we start seeibg signs that our health requires it. There's some herbs and seeds you can steep and strain for drops to heal (depending what's wrong), or else if it's not an infection or anything, some chilled cucumber slices or chilled green tea bag might help with the swelling. If you need help knowing which herbs, pm me! I love natural healing 💚



Bray Kalani Kapiko Laulani , Gotcha 🙏🏼 Covered, 4 Peace, Protection, Joy, Health, Prosperity and more wit less 2 do, Relaxing 😎 days wit quality time wit your Loved ❤️ ones , or even some " Alone Time to reminisce, take a break, be at peace and rest, regrouping time just 4 U only, even if it is to slow down a bit, or Sleep 😴, And God Bless You and Your Ohana, Sincerely Bruddah Bray, I no wat your going through in some of those areas, It can get a little , Stressful and Hectic, and a Double Hedge of Protection over U and your Ohana, Because of Those Threats, God Bless You and Your Ohana, Sincerely Bruddah Bray, Mahaaaalo 4 all U Do 4 All, and Aloooooha!



Lorilani Keohokalole-Torio So, He nīnau kaʻu....
are ANY of those statements True?
No right.... So sis. Ground yourself.
You already know how; have the deep capacity and are stellar in your skills.
Put up your bubble. Don’t let ANY negative BS get in or around you and your keiki.



Laulani Teale Mahalo T for always checking me on dat kine. Appreciate you so much!!



Lorilani Keohokalole-Torio Laulani Teale I DEPEND on you and my sisters to please kākoʻo me too. We are the balance we need to see in our World.
Love you BIG!



Laulani Teale Lorilani Keohokalole-Torio yeah I guess we’re pretty much all in it together, huh? Big ❤️!



Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon I appreciate you for being an excellent example to the Lāhui, I feel like you are an ‘anela in my life, Noa your beautiful son is my me’e, I love watching young people stand up-I’ve been going thru some challenges but it’s all good kine stuff, some wrinkles that can get ironing. Don’t be hilahila to ask the Lāhui for kōkua. We can help & we have a lot to learn from you❣️💜🙏🏾💋



Cynthia Franklin You are an inspiration. 💐💜🔥



Gene Tamashiro Love and respect to You Laulani...Mahalo forever from me and da Lahui.💥❤️🧚‍♀️‼️






Nomi Carmona I love you too!!! And we need like a support group maybe lol xoxox



Healani Sonoda-Pale I hear you girl! DITTO hard to balance everything we all going through stuff silently



Nomi Carmona Laulani Teale nooooooo haha you was just talking about dance parties you know we need this some how lol. You’re such a realist but I insist there must be a way! Also time and distance may logistical factors and you’re being a practical organizer. I’m bSee More



Millicent Cummings I can only remind you how much we need you and so you need to take the best possible care of yourself while you juggle. There should be a fundraiser to pay for massages for Kia'i who work as hard as you, or at least a day off once in a blue moon!



Claud Sutcliffe You Walk the Beauty Path



Kainoa Bugado Luv you nt! 💋 So sorry love cannot pay the fone, I wish could cuz would be free for you!! I only know SOME of what you said but I crazy already. Lol. I will pule for extra Angels to kokua your overworked ones!! Some of us need extra from the not busy ones so das coming. N mahalo nui for your rants to help me not feel soo sorry for myself!! Solid! Mahalo for your mana'o and example and I'm not sure being accused of being poor is that bad; certainly not criminal, those lame-os.💛🙏💪🤙💗



Instead of being concerned about the corruption in Hawaii, she complains about this corruption.
Sulla and others like him are allowed to continue stealing homes, drug trafficking, money laundering, defrauding the elderly, raping the aina...but when Mazie is contacted about it, she acts like she is doing something, and nothing ever gets done to remedy the situation or corruption in Hawaii. Nothing gets done!
"This is Senator Mazie Hirono from the great state of Hawaii. I'm one of four women on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I'm writing to you today because I am angry. I am angry at the way Senate Republicans and Donald Trump's administration are treating Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who last week bravely came forward to share her story about Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
I am angry that Trump and his cronies will do absolutely anything to take over the Court—even if it means putting an alleged sexual predator on the bench.
I am angry that some of the very same senators who smeared and humiliated Anita Hill 27 years ago are trying to get away with it again.
And I am angry that Dr. Blasey Ford is being forced to endure this patently unfair process while facing ruthless intimidation and even threats to her life.
What is happening to Dr. Blasey Ford is disgusting and unacceptable, and I would expect that when the Senate hearings start again, my male colleagues will finally shut up, step up, and do the right thing—for once—and listen to and respect survivors.
Will you stand with me and chip in $3 to help power MoveOn's campaign to support Dr. Blasey Ford and stop Brett Kavanaugh?
Yes, I'm in! I'll chip in right now.
Let's be clear: Trump and his Republican allies have no interest in finding the truth.
They have no interest in hearing from Dr. Blasey Ford, or from any witness that would corroborate her story. They have no interest in conducting a fair investigation. Anything that gets in the way of fast-tracking Kavanaugh's ascent to the Court is unacceptable for them.
That's because they know that when Kavanaugh is on the Court, he will defend Trump from any civil or criminal case brought against him. And making sure that Trump is protected before Democrats take back Congress is more important to them than anything else.
That's why they have been making it so hard for Dr. Blasey Ford to participate in additional hearings, even though she has already gone above and beyond what any person should be forced to do.
My question is: What are they trying to hide? What are they so afraid of? If Kavanaugh is innocent, why isn't he calling for a full investigation to prove it unequivocally?
I worry that the answer is that he knows he is guilty. And if that's the case, we absolutely must do everything we can to stop him.
That is why any additional hearings must be fair and thorough, and why it is crucial that we keep raising our voices to demand it.
Before I end this message, I want to talk about what happens if Republicans do go forward with their plan to railroad Dr. Blasey Ford and to fast-track Kavanaugh's confirmation.
If Republicans ram this through, it's our job to band together and say, "Enough!" Our job to make this an electoral issue. To make sure this costs Republicans extra seats this fall (and I say extra seats, because I believe that the way things are going already, if enough of us step up, we can take back the House and maybe even the Senate).
I'll tell you: If Republicans force this, they will have to face women (and their allies) back in their home districts. And at the voting booths this November, these constituents will make it clear to them that this was the last straw—the issue that cost Republicans the Senate.
If you are ready to fight with me and MoveOn until the last vote is cast, and then work to defeat the incredibly disrespectful Republicans who are trying to ram Kavanaugh's nomination through, will you chip in $3 right now?
Yes, I'm ready to help make sure that Republicans shut up, step up, and do the right thing—or pay for it by losing extra seats in this fall's election.
Thanks for all you do.
–Senator Mazie Hirono"
Debra KekaualuaDebra and 3 others manage the membership and posts for Report Corruption In Hawaii. TRUTH and INTEGRITY not happening with these politicians on both sides of americas fence or is it a WALL. WE NOT like them, we want to be free and not enslavened by peoples like Robinson, zuckerberg, omidyer, and everyone that denies that they are complicit with EVIL
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Teresa Chao crazie maize... ugh...
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Willy Bouy Anything to hide the fact that 67% of the over one million Hawaiians are Philippinos and Hawaii is second only to Mexico in visas and almost all of these visas were granted to Philippinos. Try comparing these visas to the growth in population since 20See More
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