Friday, October 5, 2018

Vol VII No. 723 Part 1c

prison material for 3 and least for the 1 girl who pulled the others off him...……...poor guy beaten up….the only rational one was the girl who pulled the others off of the victim......vicious attack by animals......all security guards should have a dog companion...… I heard that the chiefs in Samoa have their own team who does justice in crimes such as curious as to what the chiefs would do...hmmm....but I would not want to watch the film....

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Amelia Gora shared a post.

2 mins
vicious X rated film.....appaling…… for backup and not be confrontational ……….where's the securities dog?

Facebook post :

KEA‘AU, Hawaiสปi – Hawaii County Councilmember Jen Ruggles explained her decision to stop legislating in a packed town hall on Monday night.
(BIVN)– A community meeting organized by Puna councilwoman Jen Ruggles to explain her ongoing absence from council drew a standing room-only crowd to the Keaสปau Community Center on Monday night.
Ruggles declared on August 21 “that she had come to understand that she may be in violation of her oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution and may be incurring criminal liability under both U.S. federal law and international law,” a media release stated. “Through her attorney, Stephen Laudig, she formally requested the County Office of Corporation Counsel provide her a proper legal opinion.”
Laudig was present at the meeting, as was Dr. David Keanu Sai, a scholar and expert in international law. Sai has also served as the lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in international arbitration proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands.
Using a power point presentation projected onto the community center wall, Ruggles walked constituents through her understanding of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a state in continuity that is under a “strange form of occupation” by the United States. Ruggles shared letters she received that prompted her to make her decision, and took questions from the audience.

In an earlier media release, Ruggles said she intended “to educate her constituents on their rights as protected persons under U.S. and international law, and share what work she has started to continue to represent and advocate on behalf of her district.”

10 thoughts on “Big Island Video News (BIVN): Jen Ruggles Holds Community Meeting On War Crimes”

  1. For me it is sad that this courage comes from a young wahine on the council rather than anyone of the elders either here or on Oahu and other islands. I joined the community meeting to listen partly to the courage we all should be displaying in and for this free sovereign Hawaiian Nation. If she teaches her process of courage I will listen more.
  2. Though no longer living on the precious aina, I follow developments on regaining sovereignty very closely, and greatly appreciate these posts on Hawaiian Kingdom blog. Mahalo, Keanu, Jen, Danny, and all others involved. Aloha, imua, lokahi, ea!
    We have a hometown hero, an island girl who stood up & spoke truth!!!!!
    People of Hawai’i remember her name because her actions speak loudest, it’s roaring across the Aina, rippling throughout our waters, circling the globe.
    She is speaking TRUTH based on FACTS exposing everyone & everything..
    Time for each of us to step up!!!!

    Definition of protected persons
    ART. 4. — Persons protected by the Convention are those who at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of persons a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals**.
    Prosecutor v. Dusan Tadic, Case. IT-94-1-A; **¶¶164-169; 15 July 1999. U.N. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law-Appeals Chamber
  5. I have a story to share, but first i want to say Jenn Ruggles is well worth supporting she has a brave heart and her actions shows her true colors*I’m from East Maui, where i live Hawaiian Culture From Long Ago Tells of this place Rich in Culture and Tradition and well connected To Moku o Keawe thru Genealogy connections, Jenn is special, i can feel our ancestors here are also proud of her . Jen Ruggles and in what she is doing now reminds me of a t.v clip that i saw on t.v a long time ago. It was about a lady that lived on Oahu at the time, she was a business lady and she discovered i guess thru research that a coredless phone would be a good investment for her and she started going door to door promoting this phone that was called a cordless phone now known as the cell phone. At first people could not believe of such a phone that is possible to be even worth trying. I think it was other business people who first picked up on it because it looked like something that would be convenient for them to make contacts for there business’s. At first no one could believe that a phone like that would be worth anything. It took some years later, maybe like around 5 years and that type of phone became so Big it became main steam. Now every body has one. Its called the cell phone.
    This is how my Vision shows me about Jenn. She’s like the lady who first sold these phones on Oahu. In the General Public as a Whole, people dont seem to really believe or understand what she is standing up for today. But you know, like it or not, my vision shows me, this thing Jenn Ruggles is standing up for today is going to be Big in the near future, real big, its going to be so Big, its going to become main stream in Hawaii. God Bless you Jen and your Family, you have a strong character that makes you a courageous leader. Mana koko maikai*
  6. I have another story to share, this is in support of our kanaka people. You know the police. They dont like to show respect for us Kanaka’s in this kind stuff you know, this is Hawaiian culture. Part of having visions it can show you things that can work like real magic you know. I like put this out because, i know what its like to be mis-treated for standing up for Hawaiian Culture and Lands, when i was younger i got arrested so much times and ended up in there courts so much times, it became obvious God was trying to teach me something. I found out the police is a puppet for there government, they do everything there superiors tell them to do. And no, they not going always follow the laws. They cannot, because they them selves dont even know all the laws. Especially when it comes to Hawaiian Rights, they become bias. This is what i like kanaka’s to know. Put pressure on there “superiors” to do the right things for Hawaiian right. Like Keanu and his Hui is saying, know your rights and hold them accountable. Pressure them from the top and watch, twist the superiors finger from the top and the puppet going change. Still gotta respect the police though, they still do a lot of good on other levels. But for kanaka kind stuffs, pressure the top heads the ass going have to listen. Try Try Try, i did going work. For the kanaka for suppress the cooperate american supremacist, who think they can buy what ever they like because they rich. Call a title company and asked them if all the land title to people like the rich thinking they bought all there lands they claim to own and ask them if all the lands have clear title. They going say no. Not even the state of Hawaii has clear title. The only way the state can have clear title to the crown lands is from a genealogy that connects them to the land. Knowledge is Power. Once you know this, than you can help to unplug all the debris that blocking the river. Keanu Sai them get the Best Classes today to get educated. I write all this because i got Burned from the American system before for standing up for Hawaiian Lands & Culture. Now I Dedicate a part of my life to get Hawaii back for our ancestors, kanaka’s, and our kid’s. I No Like Our Kids Go Thru What us as adults going thru now. We stand up and do what we can now, our kids can benefit from the work we do today. Look Jenn, she’s an example of a good strong leader and she’s also a part of us. We also have our own people to lead Hawaii into the Future, we can do it. Our Ancestors did it. Got To Educate our selves, Knowledge is Power. Aloha Aina!

Roses are red, HAWAiiANS are brown, Das my MUSUBI, So put da faka down!! My HAWAiiAN pride, I will not hide. My HAWAiiAN race, I will not disgrace. My HAWAiiAN blood, Flows hot &; true. My HAWAiiAN people will always stand by,Through thick &; thin, Til' the day we die. Our HAWAiiAN flag, Higher than all the rest, Cuz everyone knows, HAWAiiANS ARE THE BEST!! HAWAiiAN pride is my mind. HAWAiiAN blood is my kind. So step aside and let me through, Cuz its all about the HAWAiiAN crew. Life sucks and then u die, But if you HAWAiiAN you die with pride!! If dat HAWAIIAN BLOOD runs through your veins put dis on ur page
Debra Kekaualua awwww, too good dis won!
Debra Kekaualua mAhalo for sharing
Debra Kekaualua mAhalo for sharing
Wendy Kaahanui i like that saying cousin.
Kahaka Patolo Not my saying. Copied and pasted post
Michelle Grow-Waikiki For my husband too.
Are you ready to see arrests?
Are you ready to see PAIN?
Are you ready to be part of history?
Calvin Hulihee I seen'um in my dreams FROM 1977?
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Has anyone ever seen a spiny thorn on pothos vine? I have cleared TONS of it in the forest and have never seen this. But dang if there wasn’t one, and stabbed someone right in his thumb. It was toxic and both bled a lot and stung like a scorpion. Hand is all swollen up! Is anyone familiar with thorns on pothos?? Seems so crazy, but there it was!
Tammy Harpummm Maybe go to ER before other symptoms come with it.
Cliff KuhnTake a benadryl.
Tom CrockerWow! Never saw that, if can try get pics of it. I have gotten sap from syngonium vine on my arms, that stung like hell, nasty vine, that sap burn lasted a while too, did not wash right off. Interesting thanks for sharing. Where on the plant are the spines? Leaf, stem, root?
Laulani TealeComing out of the stem. Like a long lemon thorn. Only one. Crazy, huh??
Laulani TealeIncredibly sharp and mean.
Josephine Keliipiodip that hand in vinegar
Ne Ne AhiuScary strange n not any known plants R U in kahalu'u ?
Irenio Yante Villaren IIIPothos with thorns ??? Never seem that but...hmmmmm. evolution into evil? Hope you get it looked at quickly and it's not deathly toxic to that person.
Laulani TealeI always think of it as the “vine from hell.” But I had no idea.
Josephine Keliipiomake the person take activated charcoal powder, usually found in capsules in HFS.
Kit GrantWow, never. It's usually a totally benign (though invasive) plant!
Laulani TealeOk so this time I got to actually look at it up close. It wasn’t a thorn. It was an extra thick and sharp arial root that grew out of the wrong place, dried and hardened in place. It was super hard, almost like a lemon thorn. And super, strangely sharp. I mean, sharp and hard enough to cause a DEEP puncture that was hard to stop bleeding, and apparently toxic - stung and caused the whole hand to immediately swell. So weird!! Ok, everybody is warned. That cute little houseplant can be a MONSTER, and not just to the trees it chokes.
Kapohuolahaina Moniz PaHope it's better now... Sending healing Pule aloha♥️
Ne Ne AhiuPlease up date da hand ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ
Bobo Craighe might be allergic to the plant perhaps
Josephine KeliipioSo what is the status of his hand?
Laulani TealeBetter mahalo!

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