Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Vol VII No. 725 Part 1b

HELP WANTED: Re-Intro HB2629


Pueo Country

Sun, Oct 14, 10:12 AM (3 days ago)
to Michael,, Afsheen,, reps, sens, bcc: me
Seeking a Legislator from the State of Hawaii 
who will offer the remaining Pueo on the Ewa
Plain a place of refuge for the Pueo to claim 
as their own - and introduce the content from  
HB2629 (2018) into a NEW BILL for the 2019 
Legislative Session. 

Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 8.24.53 AM.png

VIDEO 5 -minutes
Pueo @ UHWO on October 9, 2018: 

The "Historic" Trusts


Paul Stramer via 

Sat, Oct 13, 6:58 AM (4 days ago)
to me

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The "Historic" Trusts

By Anna Von Reitz

The banks did something deplorable, criminal, inexcusable.

It wasn't the first time.

They pretended that actual assets left "on Special Deposit" in their banks were "abandoned" simply because nobody had used or inquired about the assets in a long time. 

Of course, there was no contractual obligation on the part of the Depositors to meet any schedule of contact with the bank, but the banks acted upon the theory that if Depositors didn't walk through the doors as often as they or someone in the Legislature thought they should---- well, of course, those assets had to be "abandoned", "lost", "unclaimed".

It's basically the same schtick they have applied to all the "missing" American babies who were born on our shores and who magically "disappeared" (on paper) and whose good names and estates were then labelled "Disregarded entities" for the purposes of fraud, racketeering, and theft.

After cobbling up this after-the fact requirement, which was never disclosed to the Depositors, the banks then seized those private account assets for the bank's use, and the bank gambled with those assets and made use of these private deposits to underwrite lending, which the bank multiplied according to the rules of "fractional reserve" banking --- thus benefiting itself many times over with no risk or expense for itself and no consideration for the actual owners of the assets.

All of this took place with no notice given to the actual owners.

And as the banks had unlawfully and without authorization made use of these private assets for investment purposes, and those investments were often time-dependent and had to be left in various funds for various lengths of time, the discovery of their malfeasance was a constant worry.

So they came up with a new label, "Historic Trusts" or "Legacy Trusts" and they cut a deal with the "governmental services corporations" officially allowing them to steal the trust assets and block the actual owners from accessing the assets.

If you care to look, you will see that many "State of State" organizations did the same thing with your Birth Certificates, labeling them "Legacy Certificates" or "Legacy Trusts". 
And just like all of us waking up and saying --- "WT-- do you think you are doing?" The actual owners, trustees, and beneficiaries of all these so-called "Historic Trusts" have rumbled awake.

The owners of the defrauded trusts are more then willing to pay handsomely for the return of their assets --- more than the banks would ever share. So this is another avenue of help for Mr. Trump. 
I have an "Historic Trust Association" of asset holders who have been robbed by the banks. Just one account in one of these trusts is enough to fund recoupment of all of them, and access to enough money to run our entire government including the military for two hundred years.

And it is all good, clean money with known provenance. The Trustees are ready to make a deal.

Again, I say, let's stop being stupid. 
We have the records, we have the provenance, we have the proof. When people see that we mean business and that their deposits are going to be protected in America, they will bring their money here, just as they have been bringing it to Iceland.

Between what we can do for you in terms of crediting and/or forgiving the U.S. Debt, Mr. Trump, and what we can do for you in terms of delivering hard assets, its pretty apparent that we "Tin Hats" hold the cards that you need and have done our homework for many years.

If you are serious about making American Great Again and are open to doing it without World War III, you need to find a conference table with two seats.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Yes, Yes, Yes!! We (the many awakened) Know Now(remember) who we Are, We (the many courageous) have corrected the Records, We Have Provenance (true upright Standing) And We (the many are Now in One Accord) Have Proof!!! It only takes One, and Now we ARE Many!!!! Thank You Anna & Team and Thank You All!!

    Much Gratitude, Love and Peace Be Now



    1. How's this for an idea....send all 4 branches of our military to every IRS and FTB Buildings across America , surround they, place them all under house arrest, and threaten every single agent that when if someone is demanding a loan, gets it, or the agent goes to jail for life, no matter what their supervisors tell them to do....!! In other words , instead of taking money from everyone , they will be in charge of making sure people get their money without any controversies being started by them or their attorneys....up to a million dollars per year. And if your working, no taxes will be taken out....The corporations that are making billions are going to have to pay for everything since between them and these powerful taxing agencies , have stolen the wealth of us and the rest of the world....if I was to run for president, that would be they only thing I would focus on because it is the cause of all other problems dividing and poloriziing everyone into an eventual "civil war "...!! But you may ask , "what about Roe v Wade, what about woman's rights, what about all other "civil rights" issues, what about foreign policy, what about environmentalism, what about trade wars, etc, etc"...?? My answer....

      I don't care, if you want all those things America, I won't stand in your way, as long as you all come together for me, Rebulicans and Democrates, rich and poor, liberals and conservatives, I will let the courts do anything if the people demand it, as long as I get your word to vote for me, so I can focus on a problem that has plagued us since we first arrived on these shores....I get what I want (And so really do all of you by default) , and you all get what you want....DEAL...!!
      That would finally end the bipartisan ship that now exsist....everyone getting together for one purpose only...get the IRS to act like a "Trust " account that will be only in the business of giving money out as non redeemable loans until they have paid out $4 quadtrillion dollars back...Ill even allow other countries to tap into it...but only to the people, not the govt.....but in order to be eligible for all that windfall it will be mandatory for everyone to wear a sidearm, to act as our new law enforcement, and given full authority to arrest anyone suspected of FRAUD, no matter how small...tjat includes law enforcement itself if they fail to protect the people instead of the LAW....Our Common Law...
      I cant think of a better way to bring people together on both sides as a single unstoppable unit to crush the deep state and get the reigning terrorist agency to do it for us or face consequences to horrible to imagine....!! How's that for a plan...!! Maybe I should run for president...Even Trump didn't promise that....!!!
  2. I explained once before and this is basically whats been done with all the mortgage fraud, you were loaned money based on the credit created with your promissory note, the actual principle was deposited in an escrow account that goes unclaimed and after 3 years or so they have a law that the bank then can claim the money as being unclaimed, money which was never theirs to begin with. All the same crap all banks are all trust companies, the government is a trust company, the whole system is one big masonic structured trust corporation matrix and just like any masonic order your standing in the system is based on degrees of understanding and achievement in the system. Remedy for one IS NOT the same remedy for another because your standing is not the same as someone else's do to degrees of rank. LOL this is evident in any case where you have to give a resume I'm so and so I've done this I went to school here Im currently employed here ....blah blah blah and all this has what bearing on any FACTS at hand... your being ranked in the system judged for what degree you have achieved in the societal matrix then you receive equivalent remedy. And best of all are a bank account possessing member of our banking trust society, basically a citizen in our "banking world order" and under our complete jurisdiction! LOL I recently saw a traffic proceeding and the judge was hit with all the typical "Im not the Person, I'm the man, I'm not blah blah blah I want to settle and discharge blah blah blah", the judge after all the semantics basically asked "do have any money in your bank account to pay these charges?" and the man stated no I don"t have any money in my account or something to that effect but admitting he had a bank account, Bam! thank you for jurisdiction and you'll be going back to jail now until we can settle these charges. He also had a Drivers license but the judge made it clear with his one single question where his ultimate power was derived from in this matter.


    1. You know what his mistake was....he unwitting gave "silent judicial notice" to the judge by simply making statements than on top of it answered the judge without giving the judge a question for him to answer other words in the mind of the judge, the defendant noticed the Judges authority by simply answering "NO"...He never got the judge to answer one thing to make him "liable " for a lie if he answered it else can he be liable for anything when he isn t testifying himself to anything because the defendant never took a deep breath, and walked in calmly ...Instead he went in pumped up ready for a fight, and the judge took full advantage of it, and trapped him easily with one question......It takes practice guys to calm yourselves down and just remember never act as a defendant in court....:ACT LIKE A JUDGE, and get him to notice your authority...!! Remember, you were only brought into court for one reason and one only.....for the judge to trick you into the courts jurisdiction....amd that's it...!! His job is so easy with an ignorant public that has been trained and brainwashed to always answer authority...especially when the judge sits way above you...!! The courtroom has been well thought out by psychologist to instill fear and the "Wrath of God" upon you...!!

      But the reality is , until he gets you to do something stupid, that court is as much as yours as it is his...!! Every one just assumes the court belongs to the it doesn't because he knows that everything in a "commercial world" is CIVIL (FRCP 1 (2)...)..!! There fire he used your ignorance and FEAR against you very effectively...!! I saw my friends sister, who has been an attorney for 20 years (a civil attorney only in the workman comp claims working for the big corporations ), tried to get involved with his younger brothers criminal case by sending the prosecutor a threatening letter, which the prosecutor immediately filed charges on her, and she was shaking in her shoes and had to hire another attorney for herself for $5000 to get out of it....!! She had no clue how criminal court worked, and she didn't want to find out....!! Listen guys how do you think I learned doing the exact same thing as this defendant 3 times before I got it right....and when I reversed his strategy on him, he didn't even see it coming, and knew immediately her "F'd" up, and was physically shaken to the point of pacing back and forth behind the courtroom figuring out what my next move was going to a last ditch "hail marry" he tried to get me to sign a "foretta waiver", which I knew not to sign or bother with except to h a nd it back to him the exact way I received it....blank..!! I could have really maimed my point home right then, but this one time I gave him an easy way out...I told him I'll be back with my attorney, for which he sighed a great relief....but he knew I let him off, and that was the last time I ever faced that judge, even though I was back there at least 3 more times for the same thing....!!

      It time for all of you to start studying their procedures instead of just relying on strictly patriot stuff.....!! They are not afraid of patriots because most of them know law but are severely lacking in proceedure...!! When I went back to get the record of my case (the minutes)....i found out that judge used his right of "nucc pro tunc" at least 3 times, to relieve himself from liability....!! That's why you always get the record of your case after the case is over...umless you like making the same mistake over and over again...!!
    2. Very interesting Mike re: "any money in your bank account". About a year or so ago I had a difficult time closing a bank account (apparently due to their policy that) they couldn't close the account unless it was all perfectly zeroed out. The bank was out of state and so I wasn't able to simply "walk in" and withdraw the remaining "change" left in the account. Consequently the account remained opened for some months. When it finally closed I felt a significant relief being completely done with that system that I did not agree with!

      I have had no intentions of opening another account based on the fed system and by hearing your observations in court there is now no way that I'll do that!
    3. Leland..your wecome..!! But why do I get the feeling your pulling my leg....!!!
    4. Ah, a good friend in the making Is ALWAYS alert to mirthful possibilities 😅

      Found this last nite...on III...perhaps♩
  3. Oh MY, Make it "Three" seats Please... I want to be there too! It will be a much needed SHIFT from the Innocent Animal Kingdom I currently serve with love....Well below my talent level for sure.. HAHA Love you Anna!
  4. Anna, I highly doubt anyone will be asking you to sit in one of the two seats.


    1. Two seats that "you" are requesting. Now if "they" were offering you a seat, that would be impressive.
  5. If you are by any chance, please be sure to post your invite here, for all to see, along with your responses of letters sent to the Queen,Trump, the Vatican with all the official seals attached....that will be along wait for sure, Queen Anna.
  6. Re-posting from "Anonymous" poster above, as I found the topic and message insightful and quite fascinating! Thank you for sharing Anonymous, good stuff!!

    "Gematria Effect News"
  7. Same old story , they fleece us and ignore us, up in till we come together as a force preferably as grand juries .

  8. ''we have the records, the provenance, the proof''. Then Anna, how about showing it to us in here.

    Never forget, folks........just taking peoples' word for things is HOW we got in all this 'slavery and theft' to begin with !
  9. NLA National Liberty League is proceding toeducste the Sheriffs. Require anyone who is asking tob an person of office to be required to know our constitution and will be replacing our court system. Judt go and listen for yourself...
  10. Read this.
  11. So my question remains, why is Anna so out of sorts?
  12. Things are being handled. Anna will fade away......

FW: Tax Foundation of Hawaii Weekly Commentary - October 14, 2018


pilipo souza

Mon, Oct 15, 9:38 AM (2 days ago)
Aloha kakou e Hawai’i, PAU?

Behold the “Horse of Troy” at your bedroom door, if you still have one?

This is a quick lesson in ”Conning” the people voting for 2018 CON-CON in Hawai’i.
Why those in “Control” even recruited the four amigos in living color EX- Governor’s of Hawai’i to make the people “feel secured”, yet it is intended for the registered voting population to go against the “four house-men” of Hawaii Politics, and yes vote for the 2018 CON-CON?

Anyone remember the “alleged Native Hawaiian CON-CON” in peaceful Royal Country Club of Maunawili that ended in almost a Riot? This too was organized by the same guidelines except it added tears and ho’oponopono to the menu. The only positive I got by monitoring the episode was the maka of its “organized leadership” which of today most Hawaiian Nationals have forgotten. Do me once shame on you, do me twice shame on me!      

Talk about drama? The “four house-men” on the telephone,“circling the wagons against those upper or lower class Natives that refuse to learn” for the first time before them have at least 60 plus years experience in “Con-Con Conning” the people of Hawai’i. I remember Viet Nam where pono men never returned. When will we ever learn, when will we learn?

The Con-Con of 1978 buried the Rights of Hawaiian Nationals in “reinforced concrete” just as the duck ponds of Waikiki. But the Hawaiian Nationals are not alone for those who where “conned” to go against the Hawaiian Nationals are now getting their’s known better as “Cost of Living”?

Hiki no now, for later is too late!

Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai’i 1936)
Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals – NOW!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Tax Foundation of Hawaii
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 8:29 AM
To: pilipo
Subject: Tax Foundation of Hawaii Weekly Commentary - October 14, 2018
Weekly Commentary

For the Week of October 14, 2018
Whither the General Income Tax Credit!
By Tom Yamachika, President
Those of us who are getting along in years may remember the “general income tax credit,” a line on our state income tax return where we could claim a one-dollar ($1) credit.  The saga of this credit tells us a little about a bold move undertaken in the 1978 Constitutional Convention and our lawmakers’ reaction, which was to beat it into insignificance within a couple of years.

The last time we had a constitutional convention, in 1978, delegates thought that government shouldn’t be keeping the people’s money if it didn’t have to.  “Your Committee believes that it is proper for the State's taxpayers to benefit from any surplus in the State's general fund balance,” they said in Committee of the Whole Report No. 14.

So, they put before the voters, and the voters approved, what became Article VII, section 6 of our Constitution.  It says that if our general fund balance is more than 5% of general fund revenues for two fiscal years in a row, then the legislature is supposed to enact a tax credit or refund to give some of that money back to us taxpayers.

This credit came to be called the general income tax credit.

In the first year the provision was effective, 1981, the surplus requirements were met, and lawmakers gave the taxpayers a credit of $100 per head.

In 1982, the surplus requirement was met again, but lawmakers thought that $100 was a little much. So, they knocked it down to $25.

In 1983, the surplus requirement was met again, and lawmakers apparently decided that this dumb credit was getting in the way of good budgeting.  They slashed it to $1.

For the next five years in a row, the surplus requirement was met again, and lawmakers gave the taxpayers a credit of $1 in each of those years.

In 1989, with Hawaii’s economy apparently on a roll, lawmakers generously approved a $125 general income tax credit!  It didn’t take long for cooler heads to prevail, however.  The credit was cut to $60 the following year, and in 1991—yes, you guessed it—we were back to $1, where we stayed through 1995.

In 1996, the surplus requirement was not met.  No credit was required, and none was given.  This continued through 2000.

In 2001, we once again met the surplus requirement.  Once again lawmakers gave us a $1 credit.  The same happened in 2002.

For the years 2003-2006, the surplus requirement wasn’t met.

In 2007, state coffers were in great shape and the general income tax credit again sprung to life.  This time lawmakers tiered it so more would be given to poorer people.  It ranged from zero to $160.

In 2008 and 2009, the economy sunk but the surplus requirement was met.  Two more years of a $1 credit resulted.

In 2010, the legislature proposed, and voters approved, a constitutional amendment that allowed lawmakers to forgo providing a tax credit if they instead shoved some money into our rainy-day fund.  Thus 2009 was the last year of the general income tax credit.
Source:  Hawaii Department of Taxation Reports

With that history, do you think the intent of the constitutional convention delegates was met?  Or do you think lawmakers acted like slippery eels and dodged the provision?  If voters think it’s a good idea to tell lawmakers to curb the growth of government, maybe they should consider a constitutional convention where limitations like this one can again be considered, with, hopefully, some reasonable parameters that assure goals are met.

If you found this material useful, please consider making a donation or securing a membership to the Tax Foundation of Hawaii.


Hawai`i Free Press 
Today's News Read
October 14, 2018

New House-Senate Committee Chairs for 2019

...Apparently legislators aren't too worried about the upcoming election....

Insiders: How the 1978 Constitution Keeps us in Power

...The insiders, a who's who of what's wrong in Hawaii, have made a handy list of everything that keeps them in power in the 1978 Hawaii Constitution....

Lawsuit: OHA-Owned Corporations Must Comply With Open Records Laws

...Lawsuit filed after denial of a UIPA request for the financial records of Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) owned and created by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs....

Ige Selling Judgeships? Nominates Campaign Manager for Appeals Court

... What an amazing coincidence for the guy who magically resigned as Ige's campaign manager the day before his name was picked by that very Judicial Selection Commission....

Tupola: Only Reporters Ask About Trump

...I see people throughout the state, they are very much concerned that their issues have gone unheard....

In Hawaii #MeToo is Fake

...Since #MeToo gathered strength nationally, only one Hawaii politician, former state House Speaker Joe Souki, has lost his job....

Did Mazie Hirono Blow Democrat Chances for House Takeover?

..."I must have really pressed their buttons," Hirono said....

Legislators Leave Puna in Lurch-No Special Session

...Will Ige Call Special Session?  -- Bellatti questions use of State Funds for Punatic Property Buyout....

City Council schedules meetings to fund rail

..."We could have had a rocket to Mars instead of a fixed rail to Howard Hughes land!"....

#AuditTheRail, now more than ever

...the FTA has signaled its lack of faith in the project by withholding federal funds absent a recovery plan and setting a Nov. 20 deadline for the city to come up with $44 million - the initial payment on a $214 million obligation to HART....

Leadership Change at ODC

...Bruce Kim is no longer Chief Counsel of the Office of Disciplinary Affairs, the Hawaii Judiciary office handling errant lawyers....

General Income Tax Credit: How Legislators Subverted Will of 1978 ConCon

...The saga of this credit tells us a little about a bold move undertaken in the 1978 Constitutional Convention and our lawmakers' reaction....

1978 Delegate: New ConCon Needed

...In a poll taken recently 60% of voters were in favor of one....

ACLU: Let the Homeless Eat Meth

...The tweekers have told us to let them do whatever they want.  It is a violation of the 8th Amendment to disobey tweekers....

HPR Begins to Wonder if 'Price of Paradise' Actually a Bad Thing

...The median value of a single-family home on Oahu is now above $800,000....

Regents to consider revisions to proposed Maunakea administrative rules after public hearings

...regents will consider this request at their October 18 monthly meeting on the UH Mānoa campus....

HEI Rate Payers to Pony up $2.6B for 1055 MW of Batteries

...Do the Math: US EIA says median cost for energy storage is $2,500 per kw x 1,000 = price per mw x 1,055 mw = $2.64B project cost -- just for the storage....

Gabbard Bill Would Require U.S. to be 100% fossil free by 2035

...introduced with relatively little public notice in September 2017, the OFF Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act (OFF Act), is gaining support from Democrat political candidates across the nation....

Green Energy: Hawaii Gives Lots of Money to Silicon Valley Billionaires, Lags in Help to Low Income Residents

...Hawaii ranked 16th in the 2018 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard, falling one position compared to 2017....

Individual Income Taxes--Hawaii 4th-Highest

...The poorest-performing states on this year's individual income tax component are New Jersey, California, New York, Hawaii, and Minnesota....

Kiplinger: Hawaii Among Least tax-Friendly States

...The Aloha State, one of Kiplinger's top ten least tax-friendly states, is known for its high cost of living - and high taxes....

Case, Cavasso agree on updating Jones Act

...Democrat and Republican candidates say they would seek reform of the Jones Act, if elected....

Hawaii ACLU: DMV Must Allow Islamic Hijab

...The ACLU has also requested that Honolulu, Maui, and Kauai counties respond....

VIDEO: Mazie Hirono Covers Up Sexist Harassment at UH

...Reid said that she personally brought information about the harassment to Hirono....

Brett Kavanaugh: Hawaiian Kingdom Hero?

" ... Hawaiian Tribe is now dead .... "

Guam Argues for Native Voting Law Before 9th Circuit

...In November 2011, Arnold Davis filed a law suit against Guam's government, arguing that the plebiscite election discriminated against him and other non-native inhabitants....

Obamacare: 38-state lawsuit reveals deep national divide over states' rights, federal role, taxation

...the case is expected to reach the Supreme Court, where the matter may be finally settled....

Justice Department Signs Off on CVS-Aetna Merger

...The attorneys general from California, Florida, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Washington participated in the settlement....

Planned Parenthood Endorses Ige-Green Ticket

...Laurie Field, Hawaii State Director for PPVNH said, "Ige and Green have publicly supported increased access to reproductive health care, comprehensive sex education, LGBTQ and immigrant rights."....

Chief Justice Appoints Summer Kupau-Odo as District Court Judge

...Kupau-Odo has been a Co-Litigation Director and staff attorney for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation since May. Prior to that she served five years as a senior associate attorney at the Earthjustice Mid-Pacific Office, and before that was a Deputy Public Defender for eight years....

Election Countdown--Dates to Remember

...Election Day is Tuesday November 6....

Call for Nominations for UH Board of Regents

...recruitment process for three (3) City and County of Honolulu seats on the Board of Regents. All seats are for five-year terms to begin July 1, 2019....

Process Begins for Maui County to Acquire a Portion of Wailuku Water Company

...the county to obtain approximately 8,764 acres of WWC land in the West Maui watershed area along with its water conveyance system. The proposed acquisition price is $9.5 million....

Honolulu Rents Flat for Year

...Of the nation's biggest 252 cities 93% have registered Y-o-Y rent increases, 6% flatlined, and only 1% of cities have seen their rents decrease compared to  September, 2017....

City now accepting Grants in Aid applications

...GIA proposals must be submitted by 2 p.m. on Monday, November 19. Last year more than $7.6 million in GIA were awarded....

Mauna Kea: DLNR Helicopters to Exterminate Sheep Again

...aerial shooting from helicopters is scheduled for October 25 and 26, 2018....

  1. Hawaii's Largest Carbon Credit Scheme to be Evicted from its own HQ?
  2. HRS 171-93: Law Allows Swap of Lava-Covered Lots for State Property in Zone 3
  3. Finally! OHA Is Being Audited for Fraud, Waste and Abuse
  4. 'Big, Big Problem' -- City can't meet FTA deadline for rail funds
  5. OHA Trustee Candidates Aila and Kiaaina 'Instrumental' in OHA's Biggest Boondoggle
  6. HART Diverts Millions from Rail Budget to Do HDOT's Job
  7. OHA Criminal Activity Since 2012: A Handy Guide for FBI Agents
  8. Report Ties Hawaii Youth Suicide Rate to HSTA Grab for HGEA Positions
  9. Former UH Manoa Anti-Trump Protester-- "Why I Left the Left"
  10. Union proposal would require $400M hike in property taxes
  11. Rail in Default? Feds Give HART 60-Day Warning
  12. HART Board Legally Ambiguous, Barely Able to Function, Can't Figure Out How Many Members it Has
  13. HGEA Claims Another Pelt: DOCARE Chief Quits
  14. Hawaii district court strikes down law targeting pro-life pregnancy centers
  15. Hirono Rhetoric Backfires--"Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years" 
  16. Constitutional Amendment Ballot Measure Will Raise Cost of Living -- Funds may not go to Public Education
  17. Democrats Celebrate Serial Rapist Dan Inouye
  18. DoH Report on Underage Transsexuals Makes no Mention of the Child Molesters who Victimize Them
  19. Lawsuit: Land Use and Environmental Regs Designed to Push 'Minorities' Out
  20. Pearl City: Lowest Percentage of Disabled in Poverty in USA
  21. New Thinking for Hawaiian Homes
  22. 'Education Tax' -- $21K per House
  23. Janus: Hawaii union law potentially unconstitutional 
  24. Engineers: Sea Life Park Falling Apart- A Disaster Waiting To Happen
  25. After Years of Hype: Hawaii Electricity Still 82.4% Coal and Oil
  26. Hawaii DoE: 2nd-Lowest ACT Scores in USA 
  27. DoE to Impose Multi-Million Dollar Housing Tax Kalihi to Ala Moana Starting Oct 1 
  28. Hirono Took Money From Democrat Who Admitted to Hitting Wife 
  29. Democrat Lawyers Tag Tulsi Gabbard 'CWILF'
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