Sunday, October 28, 2018

Vol VII No. 726 Part 2

Will you be protecting Mauna Kea! Will you force DHHL to accommodate all ohana on the waiting list? Will you assist Kanaka in securing their KULEANA lands?Will you be like Jennifer Ruggles and do the PONO thing! She is our Hero and she ain't Kanaka by koko. Do you have that much MANA and COURAGE to do the PONO thing? To do the IMPOSSIBLE? Making Drastic Laws to Protect Na Kanaka for future Generations? If you can do that? You will really be a Kanaka hero like jennifer but, o...n a higher level because of what position you will be in as Governor. You'll be our Savior. Think about it? You could be the temporary Head in charge for the Hawaiian Kingdom. Like a temporary Queen until the Kingdom is restored. Na Kanaka will be giving you thanks everyday and giving you makana. The whole Hawaiian Islands will come to see you. You'll be in the History books around the world! I hope you said YES that you can do this? Mahalo for already making a difference on the leeward side. Many Kanaka in office came and gone and NONE did the PONO thing! MAHALO
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Ruthann Caudill What about some of the newer people?



Ruthann Caudill OHA Uncle Kapu?



Kahaka Patolo I'm tired playing by their fucked up rules



Susan Rosier So Kanaka policing Kanaka? No can! Everyone has always and WILL always do what they can from where they are and what they perceive! Aloha 'Aina until the last Aloha 'Aina does NOT mean "stand aside our way is the ONLY right way". That's not how!
No need jump in and support everyone with every thing they do BUT to start chastising people for doing what their na'au says do is WRONG!

This is the second time I see this kine! First was on my page with the comment "Pillaging". Really? Really? Best be consulting KeAkua about your own actions! Can you remove the spec from someone's​ eye without removing the tree in your own eye?

Your choice is not the ONLY choice. You are supported in what you are doing and we ALL expect you to respect what we do and have been doing also!!!

And me I no need talk to nobody! Maybe you gotta consult with your boss! No need swell head on this journey!! We all holoholo together!

We go now pule for each other for the journey is rough and only traversed when each of us use our own unique gifts from KeAkua



Kahaka Patolo Like I said before, I STAND ALONE IN MANY ISSUES. I DO IT MY WAY. You no like my way? GET OUT OF MY WAY! Time to Arrest these FAKE KANAKA Who Has been causing HEWA to the Na Kanaka! I'm on my own path and NO ONE OR NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME! JOIN ME OR STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME BECAUSE I WILL RUN YOU OVER!!!!



Susan Rosier Kahaka Patolo I stand with you 1000%



Kahaka Patolo I know you do tita



Kahaka Patolo I stand with you too always. Our people suffered enough already! Pau



Kahaka Patolo Where did this Aloha aina stuff you guys talking about?



Susan Rosier Mahalo Cookie



Theodora Akau Gaspar We all have Kuleana, education of truth based on facts is key, I'm an educator who reached out in a respectful kind truthful way only to be bullied. Take care & carry on.



Amelia Gora the Kamehameha's are we went to Hauula to try to help more Kamehameha's who didn't know their genealogies but now do....the Mormons were going to evict them....they were given documents...…...Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants! as our great grandmother said...……….blow you pu Patolo and aloha to you too ;)



Okay all Kanaka Maoli's Time to get busy and take back our Nation. Keanu Sai dropped the ball and is not going to help us. So now it's our Kuleana to get our nation going. January 18th Let's surround the Crapitol with 10,000 plus Kanaka's with signs telling them to get out and we had enough. Let's do this!!! or are you still on the fence waiting to see what will happen? Lets get our Monarch in place.. forget past hakaka. The time is NOW!!!!!!


Keone Belles I knew this long time ago I could see it , I knew this was coming , but good one less humbug!!I told the brothers this and here we are my naau was right.



Malakai Kalākaua The kingdom will be restored and all nations will be united in 2020/2021.



Keone Belles Lets keep going I agree!!100%



Pono Kealoha This is excellent post, but the name dropping for someone who is doing it their way? but with the same purpose EAducating and doing through different channels and different ways :( is why I leave this here🤔


Kahaka Patolo and 2 others shared a link.

About this website
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – An Indianapolis church is sending a message about the nation’s current immigration crisis. Christ Church Cathedral put up the display at their lawn on Monument Circle overnight. It shows statues of Mary, Joseph and Jesus in a cage. “On our lawn tonight we placed The Holy F...
Honolulu Is under such stress that it blows my mind every time Iʻm here. Intruders aka tourist and new comers crowd the roads like maniacs, roam the sidewalks like they own it and use our beaches and public spaces as if their plane ticket was a property deed allowing them to do whatever they want. Tourists are Terrorist in Hawaii.
So whoʻs managing tourism, this clusterfuck of a so called industry? There are the typical state of confusion agencies speak...
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Barbara Cornelius-Davis This jus my mana’o . To me it’s when a sudden bright light 💡 goes off in their brain 🧠 ( the tourist) and they come up with some mystical idea that they belong here , they have some higher connection to Hawaii and feel they always really belong here and so they go back Minnesota, or Wisconsin, or Canada, or Washington or Idaho, etc etc etc pack the whole “gam” family never to return. Taking up residents most never to associate with a kanaka , then vote for other haole’s that moved here or how bout running for office them self , and as is common here in Ka’u home school, or some how manage to send their children to konawaena avoiding all the “local” associations in our Na’alehu or ka’u pahala schools ! To me they the dang terrorist . At the same time I grew up in the industry dancing young time Waikiki , greeter , hula model , and all that fun stuff but was fun that time not like the madness of today . Now kona look so ugly , Haleiwa has turn in to a “day mare” , Kailua o’ahu is like a tourist circus side show . A point , Waianae is now being bought up by yesterday’s tourist. I always thought it was protected because of the the rugged life and crime rate but now everybody lock up 😳 so nobody around to give the new resident hard time like the old daze 😆 jus’ say’in 😎



Anah Laudenslager Remember that tourists are people too....



Adriana Pizzia Franc Anah Laudenslager so you need to act with respect when visiting the islands



Bruce H Pascua Anah Laudenslager....
You not from here so you dont know what it's like....



Anah Laudenslager Adriana Pizzia Franc I've been a resident of Hawaii (Kauai & Big Island) combined for 9 years. I love and respect the aina very much. I've also visited every island as a tourist. There is a balance to everything and the solutions come when we can listen with neutrality so the truth can be revealed.... without judgment.



Clifford Kapono Anah For what itʻs worth, I couldnʻt ever see you as a tourist. It seems to me that where ever you go it is with a sense of place and self in balance with your environment. You helped me better understand HIlo for which I will always be appreciative. Mahalo piha :)



Inez Zoyla Larson You speak words of truth and wisdom, you echo alot of what's being said to me in college right now.. that no one has the right to tell the Natives of Any land how they should feel or what they should do or should be done in their lands... yet that's the exact same situation in the very first comment I read in this post. Amazing that it's nearly 2019 and we still haven't figured all this out yet...jus sayin



Inez Zoyla Larson Its a nice place I log hours they give me paper.



Inez Zoyla Larson Gregory what else am I gonna do with all this wisdom? Sit there and earn degrees I guess



Gregory Thompson Inez Zoyla Larson paper?? There only 168 hours a week how many hours do you log for that paper? Will that nice place support you and your son? I’m confused on what academia really has to offer. My professors never could really give an answer, perhaps you know something new?



Inez Zoyla Larson A piece of paper that says I can do my job. Makes sense to me



Inez Zoyla Larson Academia offers me proof that I can sit through something and work. As opposed to sitting on the road drinking Mickies 40s with my friends or getting into trouble..or fooling around making Scotty brothers and sisters, at least practicing... its worthwhile to me 🤗🤓



Gregory Thompson Inez Zoyla Larson a job that pays $25 an hour for 40 hours a week is $52,000 per year. The wisdom of math make sense to me too. Unfortunately it won’t pay the bills in life here in Hawai‘i. Ask your professors for the solution to that challenge. Tell’em you need to know before you get that piece of paper. Knowledge is power. Wisdom is to know how to use it.



Gregory Thompson Inez Zoyla Larson you limit yourself with options if that is the only choices to make.



Inez Zoyla Larson Gregory Thompson no I could go on and on.. just this.. this school thing I like it



Gregory Thompson Inez Zoyla Larson glad you do. I had fun in college too.



Robin Rose Mahalo! Spot on::: may I share this?


What is boring is that TGI gives you more Rant time than anyone else who wants to. But this is always how guilty folks roll and resulted this time, in a staged arrest of someone above the law, which sidelined a kanaka maoli contract suicide.
People that already vote, will yawn and say “been there done that … move along … I’ve done my part and now I can get back to working in the yard.”


Kahaka Patolo Only famous people do that to get your attention to watch their movie, or buy their music? Robin danner is NEITHER! Using Hollywood kine stuff to get support from us Kanaka! WE HATE YOU ROBIN DANNER! NO ACT LIKE YOU FAMOUS! DAT NO WORK IN THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM! WE TOO SMART FOR YOU ROBIN DANNER OHANA AND CORRUPT ASSOCIATES! NICE TRY! SILLY RABBIT TRICKS ARE FOR KIDS!



Debra Kekaualua Sorry Hooser the loser! join all your faithful dannerhola clowns. NO you cannot lead the band!




Malama Robinson TGI won't print my support for intelligent dialog.... it's beyond their scope of comprehension... I guess, I give up



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