Thursday, October 11, 2018

Vol VII No. 724 Part 1c1 - More on Robert W. Wilcox, Treasonous person…/treason-conspirat…
Supposed Hawaiian Freedom Fighter :
Robert W. Wilcox
Shows he was a traitor for the Hawaiian Kingdom yet we currently honor this man for the rebellion (probably a deception) and erected a statue of him in downtown Honolulu.
Hawaiian History has to be revisited throughout time to ascertain the true History of Hawaii.
It is similar to naming the Honolulu International Airport Daniel Inouye a Traitor to the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Robert Ebanez
1892 May 2 - out of the book 100 YEARS OF HEALING - The Legacy of a Kauai Missionary Doctor by Evelyn E. Cook (2003)
- Note that the following speech was not covered in the newspapers nor was it brought out in the trial for ROBERT W. WILCOX, et. als.:
page 105:
"highly educated part-Hawaiians, such as Robert W. Wilcox and John E. Bush, who, while strongly identifying with the Hawaiian people, nevertheless often opposed the Queen and considered the monarchy obsolete."
Robert Wilcox delivered the following speech on May 5, 1892, before an audience of about 200:
Monarchy is limited to descendants of royalty. Republic means the welfare of all. In an aristocratic republic the president is chosen from the nobility. In a democratic republic any commoner can become a president. The most popular man, receiving the greatest number of votes will become president. America and Switzerland are the leading republics of today.
Those who tell you that you are not fit to govern a republic, you should regard as your worst enemies.
Our greatest enemy is the Queen, because she keeps the Hawaiians down. (Applause)
Are we to be governed by Wilson (Marshal Charles B. Wilson, alleged lover of the Queen). I do not wish to be governed by dolls. I believe no woman ought to reign. They have no brains. They are generally weak."
R.W. Wilcox and others were arrested and charged with Treason:
The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, May 21, 1892, Image 4

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Treason, Conspirator Robert Wilcox Documented Posted by Amelia Gora…


Debra Kekaualua hoy guy, have u researched stuff via tax map key to see where your family lands may have a kuleana lca, etc???? TMK is a western term, on the maps they have get their info AND YOUR ohana, genealogically. Like the warrior of COCO Palms, they went and foSee More



Robert Ebanez Yes I'm glad he came to Oahu to research.....many deeds were fraudulently altered.


Robert Ebanez Robert Wilcox was President of the International Liberal League in 1891 , 2 years before the overthrow talking about overthrowing the Queen . He made a speech against the Queen.The part that doesnʻt make sense is if he did rebel against the Provisional Government they should have hung Wilcox for undermining the overthrow. What is the truth... Never trust the usurpers at that time and today.


Robert Ebanez in 1892.......Amelia Gora, has kept all the documents over the years.....History will change


Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon When I spoke to other researchers that admire Wilcox-they admitted that he wasn't a Royalist-someone that loves their monarch...he was a Loyalists-someone that loved the Hawaiian Nation...the research they have is through songs and mele dedicated to WiSee More



Robert Ebanez It does bring things to the those days racism was an evil life. Being President of a league of Haole men is not the kind of club Hawaiians would join.


Maria Taylor Jack has always held the position that Wilcox identified the alii to the mercinaries who, in turn, killed them, referring to turkey hunts of those connected to the monarchy. He also said that he left Hawaii for the protection of Congress not because he was noble, but because the ikaika I clan were on a mission to kill him.


Robert Ebanez Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon, can you please do a timeline of when Robert Wilcox started his rebellion . It was about 1889 when The Queen was in power and Dole was part of the government of the Kingdom


Robert Ebanez The fact of the matter is that Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown Government Deed For the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of Interior to Assign LandsSee More


Robert Ebanez They were Harvard graduates in the Kingdom of Hawaii who were American conspirators that affected and changed the original intent of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown lands deed and Government deeds for their own purposes and did proceed to defraud See More



Robert Ebanez something is not allowing me to post some other information here on Facebook.....censorship is a fucking crime


Amelia Gora note: part of the film is good information but am disclaiming connection to Henry Noa's government which is one of the many claiming to be the government. Observing, scrutinizing each is a must.


Ekolu Kalama I agree. One cannot be sovereign and governed.


Amelia Gora you have to understand the role, assignments of Celso Moreno friend of King Kalakaua,,,he was influential over the three (3) Robert Wilcox, Booth, and another who left for the U.S. to be educated in how to overthrow the Queen etc. see:

Amelia Gora In 1891 or two years before Dole et. als. moved to dethrone our Queen Liliuokalani ...Celso Moreno is already on record to dethrone her....he refers to Robert Wilcox because that traitorous person followed Moreno like a little lamb....and spoke viciousSee More

Amelia Gora know that Owana Salazar criminally claims herself to be a princess... wrong... Celso Moreno's association and influence on Robert Wilcox leaves it exposed for the world to see.,....she dared to sign so called treaties with Portugal, etc.... looks like See More

Elizabeth Keka'aniauokalani Moreno Everything you, Amelia Gora, and you, Robert Ebanez, have to say is so ignorant that even if you say one truth it’s overshadowed by your reputation for being so @#cking nuts that no one will listen. My great-great grandfather was no traitor. Look withiSee More



Keala Inciong I heard of this before big time disappointment. He must have been brainwashed when he went to Military School. E Kala Mai but if that quote is not authentic, can anyone prove it?


Healani Sonoda-Pale Because Wilcox did not agree with the Queen all the time doesn't mean he was a traitor he stood for what was best for our people. I personally don't like how the Queen attacked Emma in her book for me it was all jealously because she knew the Queen EmmSee More



Amelia Gora Queen Emma was Not a Kamehameha, only married to one... Robert Wilcox was Not a Kamehameha but a treasonous person all the references are shown .. the damaging speech which was not entered in court is located in a book called 100 YEARS OF HEALING - TheSee More


Healani Sonoda-Pale The Kalakaua's came from Kamehamehas Kona Uncles they were Keoua and Kekuiapoiwas cousins. Hānai was beautiful but doesn't mean you have the blood and mooku'auhau to inherit. Bloodlines not Hānai lines is what mattered. Hānai relationships were many times political were done to build political alliances.


Lā K. Ea our history should not be reduced to the rumor mill


Amelia Gora lol ,you have a lot of research to do,,,,,, toodles gotta go ,,,, Our true trustees meeting today for Queen Liliuokalani's Trust... ,


Amelia Gora Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon are you one of the descendants of Sheldon who put out the Hawaiian newspaper Holomua? anywayz, he was arrested for printing the near accurate story of the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani... see HABEAS CORPUS case at the archSee More

Kika Lomi Waialae Lots of very interesting manao here. However if one researches the creation of governments one will realize that like currency, it was created for the enslavement of people. So while everyone is focusing on becoming or maintaining being a citizen or suSee More



Deldrene Herron Fascinated with bloggers who follow past events.

Let's GO forward to restoring lands given by our benevolent Monarch to his people. Let us get back our government's treasures from America. Let's decide if we want a republic, constitutional monarchSee More



Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a Robert Kalamai but this article represents the perspective of English historians in Hawaii who only represented 6% of our population. Many of Americans that wrote this falsified history we're Robert Wilcox's enemies. Should we as Kanaka believe Robert See More



John Martin I just finished reading the article and find it to be an absolutely necessary introduction to how the power of media (newspapers dedicated to the "foreign" community's perspective) has colonized the minds of generations of Hawaii's people. It's well pSee More



Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a Mahalo for your Mana'o John! I feel so strongly that we are careful with hidden agendas. Those who wrote the History of Hawai'i in English largly had hidden agendas. They would benefit from the destruction of our language because it would make it hard See More



Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon K guys lets kako'o Kaho'okahi, Andre and Kaleikoa👍🏾🙏🏾❤️💋BLNR has always been a disease & sores!


Ron Kaipo Deception from A blogger. Suspicious entry.


Alexander Kalauokalani Pe'a May Robert Enbanez rest in peace.


Robert Armitage Sr. YES,AMEN 2 MY CUZN WITH 💘💘💘& ALOHA MALAMA IA OE...


Amelia Gora We had planned projects and Robert died a week later...…… we continue on with him in prayers, Raymond Kamaka, Stanley Kamaka, Greg Wongham, Bobbie Harmon, cousin Danny Castro et. als……..aloha to all of them...…...

Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon Ok but the decendents of Robert aren’t making millions, they are all very poor, none have really benefited like how the actors & producers of Moana have. Or like how the directors & producers will create “The King” with Dwayne Johnson playing Kamehameha. Not one penny for this movie is going to the decedents of Robert Wilcox. Demonize all you like but our Lāhui needs to prioritize on very important issues not on scorn and de-humanizing poor people.


Amelia Gora the Truth..Gandhi's Views On Truth
Truth (Meaning of Truth)
I deal with truth first of all, as the Satyagraha Ashram owes its very existence to the pursuit and the attempted practice of truth.
The word satya (Truth) is derived from Sat which means 'being'. Nothing is or exists in reality except Truth. That is why Sat or Truth is perhaps the most important name of God, In fact it is more correct to say that Truth is God than to say God is truth. But as we cannot do without a ruler or a general, such names of God as 'King' or 'Kings' or ' The Almighty' are and will remain generally current. On deeper thinking, however it will be realized that Sat or Satya is the only correct and fully sign fact name for God.
And where there is Truth, there is also is knowledge which is true. Where there is no Truth, there also is knowledge which is true. Where there is no Truth, there can be no true knowledge. That is why the word Chit or knowledge is associated with the name of God. And where there is true knowledge, there is always bliss. (Ananda). There sorrow has no place. And even as Truth is eternal, so is the bliss derived from it. Hence we know God as Sat-Chit-ananda, one who combines in Himself Truth, Knowledge and Bliss.
Devotion to this Truth is the sole justification for our existence. All our activities should be centered in Truth. Truth should be the very breath of our life.
When once this stage in the pilgrim's progress is reached, all other rules of correct living will come without effort, and obedience to them will be instinctive. But without Truth it is impossible to observe any principles or rules in life.
Generally speaking observation of the law of Truth is understood merely to mean that we must speak the Truth. But we in the Ashram should understand the word Satya or Truth in a much wider sense. There should be truth in thought, truth in speech, and truth in action. To the man who has realized this truth in its fullness, nothing else remains to be known , because all knowledge is necessary included in it. What is not included in it is not truth, and so not true knowledge; and there can be no inward peace without true knowledge. If we once learn how to apply this never failing test of Truth, we will at once able to find out what is worth doing, what is worth seeing, what is worth reading.
But how is one to realize this Truth, which may be likened to the philosophers stone or the cow of plenty? By single minded devotion (abhyasa ) and indifference to all other interests in life (vairagya) replies the Bhagvat Gita. In spite, however of such devotion, what may appear as Truth to one person will often appear as untruth to another person. But that need not worry the seeker. Where there is honest effort, it will be realized that what appear to be different truths are like the countless and apparently different leaves of the same tree. Does not God himself appear to different individuals in different aspects? Yet we know that He is one. But Truth is the right designation of God. Hence there is nothing wrong in every man following Truth according to his lights. Indeed it is his duty to do so. Then if there is a mistake on the part of any one so following Truth it will be automatically set right. For the quest of Truth involves tapas self suffering, sometimes even unto death. There can be no place in it even a trace of self interest. In such selfless search for Truth nobody can lose his bearings for long. Directly he takes to the wrong path he stumbles, and is thus redirected to the right path. Therefore the pursuit of Truth is true bhakti (devotion). It is the path that leads to God. There is no place in it for cowardice, no place for defeat. It is the talisman by which death itself becomes the portal to life eternal.
In this connection it will be well to ponder over the lives and examples of Harishchandra, Prahlad, Ramchandra, Imam Hussain, the Christians saints, etc. How beautiful it would be if all of us, young and old, men and women devoted ourselves wholly to Truth in all that we might do in our walking hours, whether working, eating, drinking, or playing till dissolution of the body makes us one with Truth? God as Truth has been for me a treasure beyond price; may He be so to every one of us.
– From Yeravda Mandir, Chapter 1.


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