Thursday, November 29, 2018

La Kuokoa Celebration at Thomas Square...this Morning at 10am ..some of our Royal Families will be at Thomas Square.....some will go to the Heiau......Your Choice... :)

facebook:…/la-kuokoa-celebr… Some of the Kamehameha's will be there...…..recognizing our Independence Day for the records...… Hope you can be there too......handouts on how to claim your aina and limited supply of the laws/ case precedence which supports kanaka maoli claims.....otherwise send an email....weblinks will be given...…….aloha.
LA KU'OKO'A "DECEMBER 01, 2018"! pilipo souza 8:02 PM (46 minutes…
Reference for the guaranteed Independence of Hawaii/the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:

Four (4) Nations guaranteed the Independence of Hawaii: U.S, Great Britain, France, and Belgium

The following was sent from a friend:

"The cover design is the Hawaii Judd family coat of arms, given to Dr Gerrit Parmele Judd by KIII in 1843……in recognition
of faithful service to the Kingdom.  The heraldry is significant of the four nations guaranteeing the independence of Hawaii - 
the Union Jack of Great Britain, the thirteen stars of the United States of America, and the tri colors of France and Belgium,
shown in the four quarters of the shield.  The Treaty of Indpendence in the center is held by four hands representing these
nations. The translation of the motto beneath is ‘It Shall Be Upheld’. The coat of arms was designed by Guimier in Paris at the
instance of Haalilio. The Hawaiian flag is at the top.”

A well known clergyman and teacher of the Hawai'ian language, Henry Pratt Judd was born at Rensselaer, New York, son of Agnes and Albert Francis Judd. Henry graduated from Punahou School (Oahu, Hawaii) in 1897, from Yale in 1901, and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1906.

He worked with the Hawai'ian Board of Missions from 1908 to 1935, and, after that, for ten years as a professor of Hawai'ian at the University of Hawai'i. He was pastor of several churches and chaplain of both houses of the Territorial Legislature. Judd also was a member of various professional and civic groups. In later years he continued to teach Hawai'ian.

Henry P. Judd authored several books: a memoir, and textbooks on the language. He also co-authored an English-Hawai'ian dictionary. 



facebook just now:…/la-kuokoa-celebr… ….Hope you will come kanaka maoli…and friends....haters not welcomed...…….....we'll be there at Thomas Square and Not the Heiau....aloha.
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