Sunday, November 18, 2018

Waianae Town Hall Meeting Invited Me ...the Publisher of IOLANI - the Royal SHARK (oops) --the Royal HAWK! Come Visit With Us on November 24, 2018 - SATURDAY

We would love to welcome you to our Town Hall Meeting!

Ken Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:14 PM

To: ""

Cc: Kellen Smith

Aloha Ahiahi Ms. Gora!

We would like to welcome you to Wai’anae on Saturday, November 24th from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at the Wai’anae District Park, Multipurpose Bldg. for our follow-up Town Hall Meeting entitled,

“Ali’i & Maka’ainana Heirs and Successors –
Going Beyond (DOI) Hawaiian Home Lands and Blood Quantum”

In light of Dr. Alfred deZayas’ UN Memorandum and the realization that we are “a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation.”

We have re-invited Matthew Kaho’opi’i, Kilikina Kekumano, Mahealani Kahanaoi, Routh Bolomet, and Keahi Tajon to speak of their experience in discovering their genealogies and applying it to their ancestral birthright and inheritance of land persevered for them from our legacy of Hawaiian Kingdom law and sovereignty, both acknowledged and challenged by the current officials within the court system of Hawaii.

In addition to these guests, we have also invited Jonah Ke’eaumoku Kapu, his wife, and his legal team, Lance Collins, Esq., and Bianca Isaki, Esq., and are attempting to invite you, Owana Salazar, and Dane Gonsalves, as well.

We heard from Keli Akina that you are usually at Costco Iwilei on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from about 10 AM to 1 PM. We unfortunately both work usually during those times and were wondering if it might be possible to meet you in the evening or on the weekend sometime at a place convenient for you? We would love to share time and space with you and just wala'au, if that is a possibility...?

And in the spirit of full disclosure and transparency, we are also inviting Jobie Masagatani, DHHL Director, William Aila, Jr., DHHL Deputy Director, Julie-Ann Cachola, DHHL Planner, and Lehua Kinilau-Cano, DHHL Legislative Analyst to allow full disclosure of what the U.S. Department of the Interior is truly offering to Kanaka Maoli in comparison and contrast.

We would love to welcome you as a special guest of honor to participate on our new guest panel and guide our conversation to discuss issues you consider important, share your ideas and concepts and perhaps even answer other personal questions concerning these legal matters.

If you have the time over this Thanksgiving weekend, please accept our official invitation to join us and elevate the discussion of our future at this history-making event!

Very Sincerely,

Kellen Smith & W. Ken Koike
Co-Chairs, Agriculture & Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee
Wai’anae Coast Neighborhood Board #24


Here is a link to view the first Town Hall Meeting we held in October upon Dr. Alfred deZayas' Memorandum:

Thank You Kilikina, Mahealani, Keahi and Keeaumoku!

Ken Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 6:15 PM

To: Kellen Smith

Aloha Mai Kakou! (Yes, I'm using the BCC)

We would like to thank Kilikina Kekumano, Mahealani Kahau and Keahi Tajon for their acceptances and confirmations to attend the next Town Hall Meeting in Wai’anae on Saturday, November 24th from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at the Wai’anae District Park, Multipurpose Bldg. for our follow-up entitled,

“Ali’i & Maka’ainana Heirs and Successors –
Going Beyond (DOI) Hawaiian Home Lands and Blood Quantum”

We’re still hoping to hear from Matthew Kaho’opi’i, Routh Bolomet, Amelia Gora, Dane Gonsalves, Lance Collins, Jobie Masagatani, William Aila, Jr., Julie-Ann Cachola, and Lehua Kinilau-Cano…

Bianca Isaki sends her regrets. And Aunty Kilikina reminded me to invite Michael Lee, but does anyone have his number or email address? I'd be happy to welcome him, but right now I can't.

Special thanks also to Jonah Ke’eaumoku Kapu of Maui! As he has agreed to come to Wai’anae on Friday, November 16th from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at the Wai’anae District Park, Senior Citizen’s Room to share about his 14+ year Land Title adventure to reclaim his birthright. (Yes, that’s tomorrow night!)

In light of Dr. Alfred deZayas’ UN Memorandum and the realization that we are “a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation,” we would love to welcome you as a special guest of honor to participate on our new guest panel and guide our conversation to discuss issues you consider important, share your ideas and concepts and perhaps even answer other personal questions concerning these legal matters.

If you have the time over this Thanksgiving weekend, please accept our official invitation to join us and elevate the discussion of our future at this history-making event!

And don't forget Ke'eaumoku Kapu can't make it to the Town Hall Meeting but will be with us tomorrow night (Friday) from 6:00 - 9:00 PM!

Very Sincerely,

Kellen Smith & W. Ken Koike
Co-Chairs, Agriculture & Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee
Wai’anae Coast Neighborhood Board #24
(808) 372-0758
(808) 275-7007

Amelia Gora

11:08 PM (34 minutes ago)
to wkenkoike, aoponoulu,  

I plan to be there, you can count me in with a few others who would like to say a few words also.  My family members and friends are cousins Keoua, Brian, Charley, Calvin, Gordon, John, San Tah, Kalani, and John Carroll.

Thank you,

Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora

11:39 PM (3 minutes ago)
to Michael, wkenkoike, aoponoulu,   

Could you also ask retired Professor Williamson Chang also?  He's the best! He has a lot to contribute to all kanak maoli.  

Also for everyone's information....I did help Keeaumoku Kapu, his brother, and his sister Lani White in their claims to lands on Maui.  His sister Lani came to Honolulu to look for me at the prompting of her older brother...…..They were given Protective Orders and assigned to be konohiki as well.  I helped them in getting some of the laws/case precedence, and allowed them to take care of our families interests because we are also Mataio Kekuanaoa's descendants and heirs through his oldest son Paalua, and his stepson John Kapena.  Our ancestors Paalua, and John Kapena were the siblings of Victoria Kamamalu, Moses Kekuaiwa, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, David Kamehameha, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani (female).

Lani White told me "thank you" the last time that I saw her at the Archives. 

In other words, Keeaumoku Kapu failed to mention the other help aside from his "legal team" who happens to be other kanaka maoli who happens to be Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children, two (2) of his hanai/adopted children, and two (2) of his stepchildren who happens to be Kaumualii's children also.

Just wanted to add this bit of information.

Once again, please invite Williamson Chang former UH at Manoa Law Professor.....I haven't his phone number......years ago I was one of those who was selected to participate in a research project for him in the Library of Congress and that project fell through.  (We would have made an awesome research team....with Kilikina Kekumano, et. als.)

Amelia Gora

p.s. our family members and friends would make an awesome program for sure. Also please add Tom Berg...Mahalo.


Amelia Gora shared a post.
Meeting in Waianae...…..for those interested in meeting some of the researchers...……..and Royal persons, et. als. Bring your cameras so that you can document who's taking pictures, who's watching those watching, etc.

Notice:  11/21/2018  - Wednesday

Won't be attending this function...……….aloha.

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