Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Alien Version of "Overthrowing a Kingdom"

vs. the Truth

which is posted on other links...………..
see:…/pirate-eyes-on-h… SUMMARY OF CONSPIRATOR, LIAR Sanford B. Dole vs. the Researched Truth ...a keeper, share far and wide.....
for the truth...…….this recent Alien film continues the Premeditation conspiracies, frauds documented........……..


Hawaii went from a kingdom, to a republic, to a state in under 200 years. Unlike previous conquests, the series of events that lead to annexation is far more...
Comments…/pirate-eyes-on-h… SUMMARY OF CONSPIRATOR, LIAR Sanford B. Dole vs. the Researched Truth ...a keeper, share far and wide.....
About this website
Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: Conspirator, Liar Sanford B. Dole in the "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" vs. the Researched Truth ...

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