Thursday, December 6, 2018

Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho Family Member: Jack Iaukea

VA UPDATE: Just when you think things may be changing:
Jack is having a procedure - we will be gone one day. For the procedure Jack will be sedated and will be in a wheelchair for the trip. Kona VA specifically put in for special mode (wheelchair) transportation to and from the Airport and Medical Center. However, someone in Oahu has denied that request "because the request does not conform with the medical record" which is total BS. I asked for a copy of the note, and ...they won't provide a copy I asked for the author, can't get that information either. Benetravel strongly suggests that we arrange our own transportation prior to arriving.
Back to the Office of Accountability and hopefully they will open up the investigation again.
Most sick and disabled veterans don't have the where-with-all to deal with this type of harassment and red tape (in Jack's case I think it is retaliation for having complained.) They just give up and this is how disabled veterans die.
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Freeman Clarkbar It never ends :(
Danny de Gracia II One of my family members had a similar problem with the VA. They complained directly to the Senate. It got solved.
Maria Taylor Danny, if you saw the package I put together for'd be shocked and proud that I kept all the evidence.
Maria Taylor Looking for a Tort lawyer...btw - message me if you know any any.
Maria Taylor Danny de Gracia II I thought Queens had a shuttle. Apparently only for employees. No patient shuttle when going to Oahu is the only option for these procedures. Someone went out of their way to overstep the PCPs orders to prevent Jack from getting a ride to have his heart shocked back into normal rhythm because they don't do that on other islands. Something is seriously wrong. Apparently, kidney failure, blood clot in the heart, 3 strokes and severe heart issues don't warrant a shuttle... we thinking of leaving this God forsaken corrupt evil island. I pray Trump takes it all down.
Maria Taylor Maria Taylor I pray God takes it down.
Maria Taylor every stinking thing is like pulling teeth
Do you think it's coincidence? Heck no. They to this to Jack all the time, but why does that surprise me.... they were going kill him with non care. They wear the patient's out and send them on a run ar
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Maria Taylor We are going to try to get transport via United Healthcare, but I have to run to the VA, get the doctors signature, try to get justification letter for the procedure from cardiologist who wants me to sign a release and submit it to med records who will mail it to us, but not in time. Last time we took a taxi, it was 75.00 dollars. I fail to see why this can't be easier. Govt run health care atty is finest.... where taxes and profits are the only thing that matters.
Maria Taylor And Jack had given me permission to disclose the corruption and the medical info required to do that.
Cathi Berta Taylor Good night can he postpone
Maria Taylor He may have to....
Amelia Gora Hi Maria, Jack is a descendant of Kamaka who was the son of Kahiamoe who was the oldest son of Hueu Davis and Grace Kamaikui who was the daughter of John Young. Grace Kamaikui was also married to TCB Rooke who adopted Emma/Queen Emma. Queen Emma and husband Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV formed the Queen's Hospital. Boils down to Hueu Davis, and siblings: Kale Davis and Peke Davis were the siblings of Emma/Queen Emma. As one of the direct descendants of Hueu Davis and Isaac Davis who married Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui/Kalukuna, Jack is entitled to health care through his ancestors as one of the heirs. This genealogy has been verified by my research as Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogy/ Genealogical Society which began in 1994. We continued the Hawaiian Genealogical Society of my great great grandmother Abigaila/Kapooloku/ Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii. Also as one of Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children, heir from two (2) of his hanai/adopted children: Hueu Davis and Peke Davis; and four (4) stepchildren through Kalaniopuu, and two (2) stepchildren through Kaumualii, I hereby maintain that Jack Iaukea is one of our cousins and entitled to health care as an heir and family member of both Emma/Queen Emma and Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV. Documented on this day December 6, 2018 and 1:32 AM formally, and recognized since June 2018 or earlier upon his connection to Raymond Kamaka, another cousin of ours who was a member of our House of Nobles and a Royal Family member. Please print this and submit to the Queen's Hospital. Mahalo......hope all goes well. Please say hello to cousin Jack Iaukea from our Family too.

Amelia Gora Maria Taylor fyi...please forward to Queen's Hospital, etc.  My email: or call brother John...…. ;)

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