Saturday, December 22, 2018

"Servants of the Living God"

Friday, December 21, 2018

Are You One of Those Appointed?

By Anna Von Reitz

There are in the Kingdom of Heaven those who are "Anointed" as Priests of the All-Mighty, Guardians of the Kingdom like Jesus and the Archangel, Michael.  

And then, there are the "Appointed" by the Anointed, those who also serve, but in a lesser or more specialized capacity.  These Servants of the Living God serve in a wide variety of roles and have many different powers.  

They are appearing among us now, but they, too,suffer memory-erasure and may be disoriented and discomfited by their own abilities and gifts, which can be problematic.. 

Just recently several people have contacted me who have struggled all their lives with secret abilities that they themselves don't fully understand.  Their gifts range from being able to channel vast amounts of energy, to being able to heal physical illnesses and deformities, to being able to restore damaged ecosystems, to being  able to communicate with animals like Doctor Doolittle and many more "gifts". 

None of these people have received any comfort, direction, or training and many of them are not yet in any direct connection with their spiritual roots. Some have suffered terrible experiences as a result of their abilities -- rejection by mates, friends, and family. Attacks from superstitious religious zealots.  And perhaps worst of all, deep questioning of their own nature and "weirdness". 

I know a man who, like Jesus, can heal any illness or disease, so long as the person suffering it is willing to be healed. This is literal fact, which I have experienced myself (He healed me of a back injury and chronic pain that I endured for 31 years simply by hugging me and saying a few words in my ear.)--- yet he keeps his gift strictly secret and lives on a farm out in the hills like Tom Bombadil.     

The alternative is to be inundated with constant pleas for help from the sick and the dying, which is bad enough, but also to run the risk of being attacked by Big Pharma and the government, and either killed outright or arrested and "studied" like a slime mold. 

While he heals by word and touch, as Jesus did, there are others who have a similar gift of being able to restore health using the sounds of musical instruments that are properly turned to the full frequency of the natural harmonic octaves.  

When you realize the importance of the Voice of God in creating the Earth and all that lives upon it, and realize that Satan was the Archangel in charge of music -- you can easily see how music has been abused and changed from its natural health-giving frequencies to unhealthy, incorrect, out-of-tune frequencies.  

David Rockefeller, one of the most evil and able perpetrators of the gross misalignment of our world, actually and deliberately had the musical notes redefined and re-calibrated to frequencies that cause disease and anxiety.  We are just now facing up to the death toll and misery this one act has caused and begun the discussion of "musical ethics" and importance of properly attuned whole notes and whole tones. 

Properly calibrated, music brings relief and restorative energy and serves to attune us in the same way a tuning fork can be used to tune a piano.  Our biological framework resonates in sympathy to the "whole tones" of the natural musical scale and responds by correcting physical and chemical imbalances. 

While this entire branch of science is in its infancy, you can still directly experience the results for yourself by going to the various websites like and reading books on the subject like The Power of Sound by Joshua Leeds, which includes a demonstration CD of classical music played in whole tones. 

There are already Appointed Ones among us who are experts in this field and who naturally are attuned and able to directly impact and heal the health of the entire biosphere, but they, too, are often astonished by what happens as a result of their gift and don't dare to come forward for fear that they will be attacked as "freaks" and arrested. . 

There are many, many more gifts and different kinds of Appointed Ones at work on Earth.  It was of them that Jesus spoke when he foretold that His Followers would do even greater miracles than He showed us, so there is no reason to be afraid or confused by the presence of these gentle Healers and others sent to us at this time. 

How can you tell if you are one of the Appointed Ones?  Most likely you have always had a sense of being different and been aware of your gifts, but perhaps not known how to cope with them or properly develop them.   

One common trait is the ability to "draw down" electricity from streetlights and even main transformers; without consciously desiring to do so; you simply pass by and take out whole city blocks of streetlights or blow transformers.  

Another common trait is melancholy and introverted habits. The Appointed tend to be saddened by the misery of the Earth and the people and animals on it, which gives rise to a certain element of melancholy many of them share.  They also tend to be loners or to have only a small circle of friends, and to dislike being the center of attention.  

They are often uncomfortable in crowds or even in places like grocery stores, because they are intensely aware of the jostling and often unhappy energies that people project.   

Another commonality is that for whatever reasons, people and animals naturally trust the Appointed Ones. 

It is a common experience for the Appointed Ones to hear the most intimate details of the lives of strangers --- people will just walk up to the Appointed Ones and tell them things they wouldn't tell their spouse or their best friend or their Mother.  

It is also common for otherwise vicious guard dogs and wild animals to accept the presence of the Appointed Ones and to be friendly and to not be alarmed by the presence of these Servants of the Lord. 

If you have a gift that you find troubling or troublesome or simply one that you don't quite know what to do with, and you experience any of the things described above, take heart.  You are not alone on the Earth.  There are many others here working to restore health and balance and compassion and logic--- and to do the work each one has been appointed to do. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Sound Health by Sharry Edwards is also helping people with sound

    1. The govt as usual knows all about frequencies and vibrations and actually changed all music to be convertered from 432hz to 440hz....barely perceptible to the ear, but apparently it does affect the body....!! If our govt can't kill us , they want everyone going crazy....!!
      Check out some iTunes about music harmonics between 432hz and 440hz...!! That's how little it takes for tones to go from healing to times that degrade our immune system...!!
    2. Its true James...but we are awakening and becoming empowered to take back what is good and right and deliver the evildoers to punishment
    3. The frequency was changed to disrupt the human system cause chaos and disorder in the nerves system and to just generally mess with us .if we listen to the 432hz or I think even 428 our minds and bodies will begin to heel
  2. We are all sons and daughters of YHWH and we all have gifts we just need to focus and realize how to work with them all. To separate and place anyone on a pedestal is dangerous and how we got into this mess in the first place. Jesus is a title and metaphorical for christ consciousness, LOVE; all we need to do is WAKE UP!!! Buellar, buellar?

    1. penny4, Scripture in Gods Word tells us that there are conditions to first be met, to 'qualify' as a son or daughter of God. It is 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 and tells us What does light have to do with darkness? Come out from among them and be ye Separate, and then he will be a Father unto us, and then we shall be his sons and daughters.
      And then too, lets not forget that Jesus told said of the pharisees that they were of their father the devil; the children of hell.
      Also, no Jesus is not a 'title or metaphor for anything; He IS who he says he IS, and we are to think like he does, be in agreement with him. Its having the mind of christ. There is no 'consciousness' about it.

      P.S. Where is the proof that anyone changed any frequencies, and Who was it that did that, if that be true. And how does it get changed?
  3. God created Lucifer as the highest angel in God’s angelic kingdom. Lucifer was the anointed cherub (Ezekiel 28:14; Isaiah 14:12,13). Lucifer’s Reign as the anointed cherub that covereth was God’s most high priest in the mountain of God ( Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:13-17). Lucifer was the highest ranking angel that God created until he sinned and became Satan. It was Lucifer’s job to protect the mercy seat of Christ. But instead Lucifer wanted to sit on the mercy seat of Christ and become Jesus. Pride lifted up in his heart and God cast him out of that position. He then became known as Satan.

    When people start saying that Jesus is on the same level as Michael the Archangel, that is a problem!
    Michael the archangel was created by God. Jesus is part of the Godhead.

    We are starting to see New Ageism and Christianity mixed together again on this blog.

    1. Fruit, yep, I too see this mixing or blending creeping into this blog, but most don't know the difference, or even what is what, what is right and what is wrong here.
      Overall, we see dissatisfied folks who are power seeking and wanting desperately to play God, and they cant. In fact they are traveling all the more toward the ditch.

      2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables.
  4. Another pioneer in the resonance of "pure music" is Ananda Bosman, along with other talents he possesses courtesy of his contacts after his 2 NDEs (near death experiences). or
  5. Leonard Horowitz healing tones
  6. a study of the body's immune system reaction to queries if a substance is affecting you . Royal Rife discover he could kill a bad cancer cell or organism by finding it's unique anti frequency .
    Other cell un affected only the one tuned too.
  7. I listened to and watched a you tube demonstrating an instrument that is not fretted and has about 20 or so strings. Once tuned to the 432 A note rather then a 440 A note the harmonies really made the instrument sing. The 8 hz difference while small is significant and can cause a kind of cacophony with the surrounding energy balance. Harmonicas are hard to find, have to get a real old estate sale one and yes they are tuned to 432A note ( and all other notes effected accordingly) Several electric and acoustic bands use 432 knowing this can effect how we send out our music to our own ears and pleasures as well as the rest of the Universe as the waves travel. Our own waves CIA reported in 1983 can encircle the globe in milliseconds, our brain waves, certain thoughts etc. That's one thing obvious to me is that looking at the entire of the planet, mankind has gotton really out of tune and needs brought back in to the realm of agreement rather than confusion and disharmony.
  8. Circle the globe?....that’s funny right there!
  9. Our own waves CIA reported in 1983 can encircle the globe in milliseconds, our brain waves, certain thoughts etc
    The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind....aka ether. No globe, the Earth is like a tent with a the book
  10. How many roads must a man walk down
    Before they call him a man
    How many sea must a white dove sail
    Before she sleeps in the sand
    How many times must those cannon balls be fired
    Before they're forever banned
    Oh yeah let me tell you that
    The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
    The answer is blowing in the wind

    (Well how many years) how many years can a mountain exist
    (Yeah before) before it is washed to the sea
    (How many years) how many years can a man exist
    (Ah before) before he's allowed to be free
    (Too many years have gone by already now)
    How many times can a man turn his head
    (He turned his head and pretended)
    He turns his head and pretends he just doesn't see
    Ooh yeah you know the answer my friend is blowing in the wind
    The answer is blowing in the wind
    Let me tell you it's blowing (blowing) blowing (blowing) it's blowing
    The answer is blowing in the wind
  11. this is the big one
    How many years) how many years can a man exist
    (Ah before) before he's allowed to be free

    1. Ah, yes! One of my favorite wordsmyths did ask some pertinent questions and point a few things out! The Times they are a changin'!
  12. Hmm... this sounds familiar. It seems that some folks volunteer and others are conscripted to the Work. My late husband was one of the latter. His early life rivaled the tribulations of Job. He was a Native raised in a Catholic boy's school. Enuf said there. You can extrapolate. He had a way of turning his hardships into strengths. He also had perfect pitch. When he returned to his Native community, the ceremonies (generously 'legalized' in 1978) provided context and teaching for his inherent gifts. Those gifts are considered 'medicine' and their application is called 'doctoring'. It's all a prayer and the ones who carry these gifts in integrity will affirm that they are from the Creator for the benefit of the people and not for personal gain.

    Much of what you describe, Anna, is all too close to home! The need and pain and confusion in the world is vast and those who can help in a real way are far too few. There's also spiritual protocol involved. In order to get help, you have to ask for it. If no one knows you can help, you're never asked and your prayers remain more or less generic because you can't interfere with another's freedom of choice. If you do it for someone without them asking, they may not learn to do for themselves. There are exceptions to this generality, especially when it comes to family members, but that's the gist of it. A 'medicine road' is not something that is sought after. It may look good and important from the outside but interfacing with the kind of grief and trauma that most encounter three or four times in their life, on a monthly or sometimes weekly basis requires a certain resilience and a lot of compassion. Love is the key here, be it with Jesus and/or the depths of your own heart. You might even be asked to love someone you don't like, putting aside your aversion to the irritating personality quirks and reaching for the strength and insight they're offering you. Part of the strength of a healing is both in the witnesses and the silence. 'What happens here stays here' was heard more than once. This and the protocol offers some protection for the primary conduit(s) of the prayer, those gifted ones.

    The presence of a 'gift' doesn't necessarily mean the presence of integrity. There are some 'pay to pray' circuses out there and more than a few 'shamans' who claim to be somebody. Like attracts like .. by their works are they known and all that.

    Another glimpse of what it looks like on the ground in a different context.
  13. I just came out of Oregon DMV office after UNconsenting to organ donation.
    While sitting down in the office with clipboard, filling out the form, I overheard the 2 female employees conversation.
    One said to the other " we've had aLot of strange requests like this. I wonder what how we're supposed to enter stuff AFTER " Oliver". And how ate we supposed to keep inventory.?"
    What I wonder is..what is OLIVER? Code word for " All Over?". 😳
  14. Appointment = app - ointment the application of the oil is the ointing why the word ointment why the sick can be healed with the anointing of oil
  15. 2 Thess 2:9 Even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie
  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. These type of people (& pets) Anna mentioned in her interesting article r even outside the orbit of Abby's type of biblical fanaticism & exist ALL over this planet in even other religions. AMAZING💓
  18. As usual I agree with you Leland!-
    I do like it when Anna does ad a bit of this to the pot. My take on Jesus is that he shared his gifts to the world so we has his fellow man would wake up!
    However, it wasn't til I and many otgers are leaving the religious cult following that people are finally waking up to be free. Thanks Anna for this reminder especially this time of the year when people get blinded by commercialism and the next big thing.
    Another way "THEY" want us to look elsewhere.
  19. "Sons of God: Hear His Holy word,

    Gather around the table of the Lord

    Eat His Body, drink His Blood

    And we'll sing a song of love

    Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia." Your article reminded me of this...Thank you.

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