Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Legal Successors of Queen Liliuokalani - reposted 12/30/2018

The Legal Successors of Queen Liliuokalani

                                     The Legal Successors of Queen Liliuokalani

                                                        Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2018)

The following is based on the 1892 Official Directory, and Research:

Image result for picture of queen liliuokalani  
 Queen Liliuokalani, sister of King David Kalakaua was a member of the Royal Family under the Kamehameha's.

Her mother Keohokalole was the hanai/adopted daughter of Nahuina who was Kini and Kapule's oldest daughter.  They were the children of Hanuna, the son of Kaoleioku who was the oldest son of Kamehameha.

The following Highlighted names are the Successors to the Hawaiian Government/the Constitutional Monarchy under 
Queen Liliuokalani:

Queen Liliuokalani had hanai/adopted children:
*Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani
* Kawahie
et. als.

John Dominis had claimed that he had hanai/adopted children.  U.I.

Queen Liliuokalani's Successors Named and Descendants...…..of their bodies are possibilities of those who can reign:

Queen Kapiolani died in 1899.

She had an adopted son named Kahanu with her first marriage to Bennett Namakeha.

Kahanu was Not her descendant.

Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani married David Kalakaua after her first husband died.

Note:  Queen Kapiolani was a hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini who also married her sister's /Princess Poomaikelani's daughter named Haili.  She became the hanai sister of Haili's daughter Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora and had John Gora (and siblings).  John Gora married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (and siblings).

Queen Kapiolani was the administrator of Princess Poomaikelani's lands.  She was a hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini, a Kamehameha descendant who married her sisters daughter named Haili.  Kaluakini was sent to Kalaupapa, Molokai claiming that he had leprosy in 1888.  Haili, his wife who was the daughter of Princess Poomaikelani went to Kalaupapa, Molokai as a kokua/helper to her husband.  Kokuas were told that they had to submit to experimentation if they wanted to stay with their loved ones.

Kaluakini and Haili's children were adopted by Kaluakini's mother and King David Kalakaua's son named Kaopu.  Kaopu had a sister named Kamaka - Reference:  Bureau of Conveyances Liber 12 page 448, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Princess Poomaikelani was an owner of Kalaupapa, Molokai through her hanai/adopted mother named Kaunuohua (female) who was also the kahu/caretaker of Kamehameha II/ Liholiho, brother of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Princess Poomaikelani's stepson Police Lieutenant/Captain Abraham Kekai was killed by usurpers including Dr. Katsuki who ran him down in 1912.

According to oral history, Dr. Katsuki had a hand in killing off many kanaka maoli at the Maluhia Hospital.

Queen Dowager Kapiolani, widow of King David Kalakaua:

Queen Kapiolani

Successor to Queen Kapiolani

Princess Kaiulani died in 1899.
Kaiulani in 1897 (PPWD-15-3.016).jpg

Note:  Princess Kaiulani had no children.

Parents of Princess Kaiulani

Archibald Cleghorn the husband of Miriam Likelike died in November 1910.

Archibald Scott Cleghorn, HSA.jpg

Miriam Likelike died in November 1887.

Likelike, photograph by J. J. Williams (PP-98-9.013).jpg

Note:  There were no descendants from Princess Kaiulani. She remained single till her death.

Successor to Princess  Kaiulani

Princess Poomaikelani died in 1895.  She had descendants and heirs.


Note:  Princess Poomaikelani also known as Abigaila was married to several: 

Hiram Kahanawai - no children.

Kuluwailehua/Kuluailehua - they had child Alapai (female);

J.W.E. Maikai - they had son named Samuela;

Ioela/Joela - they had daughters Luika (female), and Haili (female) born 1863;

Mana - they had Elizabeth (female); stepdaughter;

Kai/Kekai - she had stepson Abraham Kekai.

Princess Poomaikelani hanai/adopted her nephew Kealiiahonui when his mother Princess Kinoiki died in 1884.  His father David Kahalepouli Piikoi died in 1878.

Therefore, the descendants of the blood of Princess Poomaikelani were:  Alapai (female); Samuela; Luika/Luiza (female); Haili/Kaili/Kalama (female); Elizabeth (female).  

 Princess Poomaikelani's sister's children:

Princess Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike

Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike.jpg

David Kahalepouli Piikoi

David Kahalepouli Piikoi.jpg

Kealiiahonui was 18 when he died in 1887.  He was 14 when his mother died.   

Edward Abnel Keliiahonui.jpg  

There were no other documented hanai children under Princess Poomaikelani.

Successor After the death of Princess Poomaikelani and her descendants:  

Prince Kawananakoa was born in 1868.  He was 16 years old when his mother Princess Kinoiki died in 1884.  His father David Kahalepouli Piikoi died in 1878. He was the oldest of the three (3) brothers.  It was claimed that King Kalakaua was his hanai/adopted father and Queen Kapiolani his hanai/adopted mother.

Princess Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike

Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike.jpg

David Kahalepouli Piikoi

David Kahalepouli Piikoi.jpg

David Kawananakoa, retouched photo by J. J. Williams (PP-97-17-007).jpg

Note:  Both Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio lost their status in the Hawaiian Royal Families because they had filed a deed conveyed by their Aunt Queen Kapiolani and failed to listen to her instructions to file it AFTER she died.  A court case was filed and the Princes won because they were supporters of the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, etc. and that was Not the legal court of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Prince Kawananakoa was born in 1868 or 16 years old when his mother Princess Kinoiki died in 1884. His father died in 1878. 

It was claimed that King Kalakaua was his hanai/adopted father.  Queen Kapiolani was claimed to be his hanai/adopted mother.  

Prince Kawananakoa was born in 1868 or 16 years old when his mother Princess Kinoiki died in 1884. His father died in 1878.  

Prince Kawananakoa was 10 years old when his father died.  

It was claimed that King Kalakaua was his hanai/adopted father. King Kalakaua died in 1891.
King Kalakaua had two (2) children named Kamaka (female) and Kaopu.  He also had hanai/ adopted children.

This 1892 list is Queen Liliuokalani's list of her heirs:  

Queen Kapiolani was claimed to be his hanai/adopted mother, but issues of treason, etc. on the records.

Queen Kapiolani died in 1899.  She was the administrator of her sister Princess Poomaikelani's lands.

Opposition is documented by Queen Liliuokalani and Kapiolani against both Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio.

Both Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio lost their place as successors.

Princess Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike

Victoria Kinoiki Kekaulike.jpg

David Kahalepouli Piikoi

David Kahalepouli Piikoi.jpg

Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, photograph by Harris & Ewing, LC-DIG-hec-15958 (crop).jpg

Note:  Both Princes  Kawananakoa and Kuhio lost their status in the Hawaiian Royal Families because they had filed a deed conveyed by their Aunt Queen Kapiolani and failed to listen to her instructions to file it AFTER she died.  A court case was filed and the Princes won because they were supporters of the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, etc. and that was Not the legal court of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  

Prince Kuhio was born in 1871 or 13 years old when his mother Princess Kinoiki died in 1884. His father died in 1878.  

It was claimed that King Kalakaua was his hanai/adopted father. King Kalakaua died in 1891.

King Kalakaua had two (2) children named Kamaka (female) and Kaopu.  He also had hanai/ adopted children.

Queen Kapiolani was claimed to be his hanai/adopted mother, but issues of treason, etc. on the records.

Queen Liliuokalani succeeded her brother King David Kalakaua who died in 1891.

Opposition is documented by Queen Liliuokalani and Kapiolani against both Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio.

Both Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio lost their place as successors.

The above 1892 list of Successors was Queen Liliuokalani's list.


Dowager Queen Kapiolani left no descendants from her body.

Princess Kaiulani died and left no descendants from her body.

Archibald Cleghorn was in place as the father of Princess Kaiulani.  He left no more descendants from his wife Miriam Likelike/Princess Likelike.

Princesss Poomaikelani died and left her children who were her heirs of her body named:   Alapai (female); Samuela; Luika/Luiza (female), Haili (female) and Elizabeth (female).  She also left stepchildren:  Lillian/Liliana (female), and Abraham Kekai.  Prince Kealiiahonui died, and he was her hanai/adopted son, a true nephew.

On the 1892 list of Queen Liliuokalani, the Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio were named last on the list.

The Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio were eliminated off the list in 1899, after Queen Kapiolani's case. 

Both Queen Liliuokalani and Queen Kapiolani opposed the Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio.  Both were removed as successors by

Opposition was documented by Queen Kapiolani for the deed filed prematurely/before her death.


In the prepared "purported" Constitution of 1893 claimed to be signed by Queen Liliuokalani, entries were made claiming that the successors of Queen Liliuokalani were Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio.

Usurpers/attorneys wrote the Constitution themselves and filed it with the U.S. Congress.


Queen Liliuokalani destroyed her New Constitution.  The haole/Aliens concocted a Constitution claiming it to be a "purported" Constitution made by Queen Liliuokalani.  She was under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, and intimidation.
Note:  This means that this Constitution is null and void.
Therefore, the Successors of Queen Liliuokalani are Princess Poomaikelani's descendants based on research of  The Official Directory of the Hawaiian Government in 1892.

The Princes Kawananakoa and Kuhio were eliminated from the list due to cause, collusion, fraud, piracy(ies), and treasonous activities.

Supported by the usurpers, both Queen Liliuokalani and Queen Dowager Kapiolani left records/ evidence of their oppositions against the two (2).


note:  Honolulu Police Department Reports were made against Abigail Kawananakoa, et. als. for identity theft, fraud, etc.


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