Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A Second American Civil War Underway?

Phoenix@Home: Domestic Counterinsurgency Program U.S. President’s Endgame Solution to Government Shutdown, QAnon CIA Phoenix Program Cheerleader

By Jon Kelly

VANCOUVER, BC - Exclusive new video published to social media on January 14, 2019, reveals the U.S. President considering a CIA Phoenix Program-emulating domestic counterinsurgency initiative focused upon raids, occupations and arrest of political “enemies”. co-editor Jon Kelly broke the story while covering last Tuesday’s Oval Office Address as co-host for Sunday’s episode 142 of End of Days: The Michael Decon Program. The former CBS Radio feature producer, first to report a resurgent Phoenix Program in wake of Ukraine’s 2014 Euromaidan Revolution presented granular audio analysis revealing POTUS’ sleep talking fever dream-like counterinsurgency solution to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history, part of an ongoing scenario the head of Russia’s Roscosmos has described as the “second American civil war” now underway.

Note:  It appears an ongoing indoctrination is being made by the Warmongers similar to the Spanish- American War period where the media began to spin tales which ended up Warring with Spain.

In that War, the Maine blew up and Spain was accused of blowing up the ship.

In reality, the Maine blew up caused by the boilers overheating and many Innocents died needlessly.

The criminal taking of the Hawaiian Islands was included from that period.

Now, the media was by the Hearst newspapers encouraging War with Spain.


Notice the players in this case encouraging War...…..

Is U.S. President Trump actually being used by those planning to War with Innocents once more?

The Democrats are involved, etc.

Is Social Media used in lieu of the newspapers?  Social Media meaning Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Everyone should take a step back and learn from history.

The In-House war is between the Democrats and U.S. President Trump:

“It’s all about their own sense of strength,” said John Feehery, a former senior House Republican aide. “Pelosi wants to be validated. She wants to be seen as a strong leader. Trump feels like he has to govern through strength. This is strength versus strength. Unfortunately, the people in the middle are the government workers who can’t afford to lose a paycheck.”



Pelosi is a Democrat, and Trump is a Republican.

In War, the victims are the Innocent, and living in a state of slavery.  In this case the Federal employees are the slaves and are suffering the consequences of a War between two strong, bull headed individuals who fight for their right to have it their way.

The innocents are disregarded and the leaders should have a game of chess instead of playing with their pawns.

Both fail to secure the health and safety of their own.

The War is lost by all.

The innocents/Federal employees are the victims.


Trump changed 5x...…..this is the latest:

Is Donald Trump a Republican - › … › US Presidents › Donald Trump
Jan 10, 2019 · Donald Trump is a registered Republican in the State of New York. Not a registered Conservative.


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Phoenix@Home: Domestic Counterinsurgency Program U.S. President’s…

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