Sunday, January 13, 2019

Anti-Pirate and Hawaiian Patriot: Tane Inciong Says It Well ;)

Frederic Torres-Pestana and 2 others shared a post.

Tane Inciong
Why do people insist on chasing their tails by complying with the lawless USA disingenuous definitions related to the Hawaiian Kingdom, both its subjects and aboriginal subjects.
Misusing the intended USA definitions, terminology with its misaligned semantics meant to create more confusion and dissent which demeans the Hawaiian Kingdom and its subjects.
Errant terminology which people refuse to give up using; thereby weakening our status, facts, and are in denial of truth; in hiding the USA’s international war crimes against the Hawaiian Kingdom.
If you keep using USA mislabeling, you are playing into its hands and complicit to its crimes.
To break away from USA brainwashing and propaganda and lies, stop using their terminology to deceive.
For one important thing, since we achieved international recognition as a sovereign, independent, neutral nation-state within the Family of Nations in 1843, it’s impossible to be a colony of anyone of its peers nor colonized by anyone of them. The Lawless USA committed criminal acts that led to a belligerent occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The USA tried to hide its destabilization of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Government by using its businessmen in the Hawaiian Kingdom as its pawns to set up its USA puppet government so as not to set international precedent.
This is how it skirted the laws of occupation and neutrality of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
It was then that they tried to erase the status of the Hawaiian Kingdom and began to refer to it as Hawaii and the Hawaiian Islands.
The Turpie Resolution of 1894 warned USA citizens and world nations to not interfere with the Hawaiian situation lest it be an unfriendly act against the USA.
The USA referred to Kanaka Maoli as indigenous people of the USA and ignored the rest of the Hawaiian Kingdom subjects.
The Akaka Bill was an attempt to relegate Kanaka Maoli as Native Hawaiian indigenous to the USA; and under the Indian Tribal Act with US Congress plenary authority. Hence, USA DOMESTIC recognition, DOMESTIC self-determination, DOMESTIC nation to FEDERAL nation, whereby Hawaiian Kingdom aboriginal subjects would denounce its Hawaiian Kingdom citizenship to acquiesce in being a USA indigenous tribal entity under congress plenary authority.
This would erase all international crimes committed by the USA against the Hawaiian Kingdom and its Subjects.
Today, we are still belligerently occupied by USA which continues to violate international laws of occupation and neutrality of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Therefore, we are not colonized by the USA; but a forced-assimilation to the Americanization of the Hawaiian Kingdom which is an international war crime. Do not think for a minute that we Kanaka Maoli are indigenous to the USA and that we are colonized by the USA. It never happened.
Our strength of argument is we are Hawaiian Kingdom Subjects.
We should speak as such being as our kupuna signed the Ku’e Petitions of 1897 and never surrendered to the USA; this makes us still Hawaiian Kingdom Subjects. The KINGDOM’S Government still exists albeit usurped by the USA and renamed as the State of Hawaii Government; they changed the bureaus to departments; it’s still the Hawaiian Kingdom government.
So use the correct definitions and terminologies to stop chasing your tails. Kupa Lahui Hawai‘i au a mau. A’o ‘oe?

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Amelia Gora shared a post.
2 mins
Lovely post from a lovely man...…….Hauoli Makahiki Hou Tane...the best always! aloha.

Tane Inciong
Why do people insist on chasing their tails by complying with the lawless USA disingenuous definitions related to the Hawaiian Kingdom, both its subjects and aboriginal subjects.
Misusing the intended USA definitions, terminology with its misaligned semantics meant to create more confusion and dissent which demeans the Hawaiian Kingdom and its subjects.

Frederic Torres-Pestana and 2 others shared a post . Tane Inciong 7 hrs Why do people insist on chasing their tails by...
our Hawaiian sage speaks...…..

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