Sunday, January 13, 2019

Anti-Pirate Eyes In a Pirate World Today: Focus on Routhe Bolomet, a Swiss and Hawaiian Citizen and Other Panel Members

Anti-Pirate Eyes In a Pirate World Today:  Focus on Routhe Bolomet, a Swiss and Hawaiian Citizen and Other Panel Members 

                                                                             Review by Amelia Gora (2019)

Routhe Bolomet, a Swiss and Hawaiian Citizen:

Although she fights for her house in court, obtaining Dr. DeZayas letter which shows that Hawaii is indeed a separate nation (see below), there are disturbing things which came off of the following website:

One of the comments shown on this particular thread follows:

  1. Trump fast tracked 5G - want to see what it's going to do to the people exposed which is everyone
    All of this is being directed by the Knights Templars out of Switzerland where the BIS is
    The above is just one video this man has put out exposing this
    Now you know why the leaders of the world meet in Switzerland
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved
  2. You want to see what they need the 5G for - microchipping for all
    And most of this stuff is being designed in Israel
    Watch videos by Brendon O'Connell on their role in these chips and 5G and the IoT (Internet of Things)
    You may also make note that FoxConn is the factory being built in Wisconsin - not a coincidence either
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved "
  4.  Routhe Bolomet appeared on the panel with Mahealani Asing Kahau who was one of those exposing the deceptions in court, and how the entities are Corporations acting as if they are a government.
  5. Routhe Bolomet with Leon Siu were able to obtain a letter from Dr. DeZayas of the United Nations recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom.
  6. Note:  The Hawaiian Kingdom is not even a part of the United Nations, an entity which built on the Rockefeller's land, was formed by the CFR - Council on Foreign Relations made up of England, United States, and the JP Morgan bankers.
  7. The United Nations formed based on the agreement to plunder, pillage weaker nations and share the bootie, etc.
  8. **************
  9. Reference:  also view:
  11. Wai‘anae Town Hall on the UN Memorandum Regarding the Illegal Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom

  12. The recent Waianae Meeting included the following panel members:
  13. Routhe Bolomet - a Swiss citizen - the land where the Pirates of the World convene, plan, etc.
  14. Leon Siu - self appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs who helped to obtain the letter of recognition by Dr. DeZayas, worked with Routhe Bolomet.
  15. Note:  The Human Rights Committee was the department headed by Dr. DeZayas.
  16.  A Russian queried 'how did the U.S. acquire Hawaii?'
  17. Leon Siu brought out the issues in various department - Human Rights Committee, Decolonization, etc.
  18. Outcome:  U.S. is an occupation.  The U.S. claimed that the people decided through plebiscite to belong to the U.S.  The 1959 Statehood is questioned.
  19. Routhe Bolomet and Leon Siu were able to obtain the letter from Dr. Dezayas.  Interestingly, the United States bowed out from the Human Rights Committee shortly after the letter from Dr. Dezayas was released.
  20. Timeline:
  21. 2018 - February 25.  The Hawaiian Kingdom was recognized as a nation with a "strange form of occupation".
  22. 2018 - June 19.  The U.S. withdrew from the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations.
  23. ****************************Note:  Ongoing issues based on the timeline of the Dr. DeZayas letter.
  24. The other members at the Waianae Meeting were as follows:
  25. Mahealani Asing Kahau - playing in court, exposing the Judges, etc. with her Dunn & Bradstreet numbers, a dangerous game if she continues to keep information to herself.  See:
  26. Kilikina Kekumano - a researcher, a member of the Hawaiian Kingdom House of Nobles.   She pointed out the importance of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States.  U.S. President Trump uses and maintains rule of law.  In 2005, Queen Liliuokalani's opposition to annexation was found by her in the Library of Congress.  The legal documents are important documents affecting the status of the Hawaiian Kingdom.  The Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom was never annexed.  (kudos also to Williamson Chang for legally documenting that it's not possible to annex another nation).  The Joint Resolution was not a Treaty.  They can't tax us, they cannot ticket us...…...Law of the Splintered Paddle.  The Treaty is a  legal document , we are legally free from taxation.  Take the Treaty to court.  Common Law documented.  Alodio Titles under Magna Carta of 1215.  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave alodio titles to our people.  To aliens he gave fee simple, less than alodio, freehold, etc.
  27. Williamson Chang's statement:  Water cannot be owned but is a public trust.  He spent time in jail for fighting for Hawaiians included paying $75,000 in fines.  The U.S. seized Hawaii after the War with Spain.  Senators bashed the McKinley Administration....questioning jurisdiction.  Hawaii is a foreign nation.  The U.S. intentionally deceived the American people.  The State of Hawaii etc. cannot show title to private lands.  The good news is that the land is still alive, still owned by the kanaka maoli.  "We have been fooled for far too long..."  the U.S. trick has been on us.... "Remain a servant, Dr. Williamson Chang".
  28. Note:  Sanford B. Dole crossed off 500 deeds of Queen Liliuokalani an are documented clouded titles. This is documented genocide.
  29. The State of Hawaii does not own the Crown Lands.  It was seized.
  30. Poka Laenui/Hayden Burgess is an attorney, a member of the Bar (part of the One World Order setup.) (He appears to be an alii basher, and feels all have a part.)  Note:  the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S. pertains only to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs and successors ……….no one contrary to what he stated, only the Kamehameha's and the Presidents have a say.
  31. Dexter Kaiama is also an attorney, a member of the Bar. (part of the One World Order setup.) Interestingly, he queried Mahealani about "incorporations".... in actuality, she used the Corporations term.
  32. ***********************Note: some of the above has associations/affiliations with the One World Order/New World Order through the bar, etc.
  33. Important Note:  Switzerland is also the place that has copies of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Royal Patents, etc.  It is in Biernes, Switzerland.
  34. Evidence of activities in Switzerland:

  35. Leaders of the World Meet in Switzerland......where Routhe Bolomet's husband is from.

Microchipping the masses.

The use and abuse of our Hawaiian lands appears to be used by the bankers - those who meet in Switzerland over time.

Members of the Bar are also directly associated with the plans of the One World Order/New World Order.

The value of Routhe Bolomet's connection to Switzerland is that an in depth look at Switzerland and its connections with the bankers, nation leaders, Pirates of the World gathering affecting all in the World

The value of those on the panel is that below the surface, observations can be made by those who are Pirates or part of the Pirates and those who are Anti- Pirates.

The highlighted information is Anti-Pirates evidence which verifies who are the Pirates.

Research incomplete.


P.S. I was invited to the Panel discussion in Waianae but was unable to attend.  Had I attended the discussion would go past the time for sure ;)….


Dr. deZayas’ Memorandum in its entirety, which can be downloaded in PDF format.

His memorandum also serves as an amendment to the 2013 Report correcting the legal status of Hawai‘i as an occupied State and not an issue of self-determination for an indigenous group of people. In line with this change, Article 69(e) of his recommendations is more appropriate, “States should ratify the individual complaints procedures of the United Nations human rights treaties, adhere to and utilize the inter-State complaints procedures, and globalize the reach of the International Criminal Court.”

Dr. deZayas’ Memorandum was sent by the Swiss Postal service, La Poste, in Geneva, to the United States President, the Secretary of State, the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General, a State of Hawai‘i Judge Gary W.B. Chang of the Land Court, and State of Hawai‘i Judge Jeanette H. Castagnette of the First Circuit. Mrs. Bolomet is a defendant in a case before both Judge Chang and Judge Castagnetti.


Monies obtained by the U.S. based on the Stock Markers - Bradstreet....Loans, Bonds found below...note the Swiss holds meetings for the Money mongers, the Bankers, etc.:

The following is off of chroniclingamerica website:

1903 - Hawaii and Bonds:

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, June 12, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:





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