Saturday, January 12, 2019

Anti-Pirate Post: Removing Accolades based on Researcher, Royal Families Assistant Konohiki Info About Mahealani Asing Kahau


San Tah

7:37 PM (5 hours ago)
to me
I'm surprised you quote mahealani  Amelia she is,a very small time con. nothing  she say is her original research nothing it all picked up from others with decades of effort she gives no  source  credit too because her eqo feeds on the acolades as if it were an original thought she is sharing
 The us corporation has bankrupted itself 4 times and have created 4 separate constitutions the equivalent of a country in bankruptcy basically they r3stru ture their debt to their creditors for sanctions  the creditors want more so they actually run the corporation in bankruptcy to their desired end in bankruptcy the creditors are the shot callers their are the actual sources for this information first hand stated more correctly . They own the money because it earns 64% annually yep 64% look up velocity of money.  9% of the population is a gov corporation employee in some form or other every goverment agency is a separate profit center corporation all have D& B trading company numbers and credit ratings the rabbit hole is very deep with lots if twists and turns .  Well fare and SS just make people in poverty better consumers .if your making 64% annually  giving it to the poor because they will instantly spend it generating a new 64% ROI  i thought you knew all this the entire country is,a private corporation keep in a constant state of emergency and insolvent so it can totally be controlled by its creditors.  This information is far more extensive and in-depth  please look it up and quote the actual  creditable source deserving your accolades not a small time con artist .who happened to know something  u were  un aware of and 99% of the rest of the world does not have a clue because they own the main stream media 100% on the job to keep their hosts in the dark that's what parisites do  .... i caution you the one you quote plays both side against the middle for personal gains and ego feeding  nothing she says is new news it's decades   old from it true sources.  Fake Queen faking a lot more.. .        

Amelia Gora

10:57 PM (1 hour ago)
to San
Hi San Tah,

Thank you for posting.  
Mahealani got info from a friend and began requesting for documents about Dunn & Bradstreet and info about the numbers assigned to each entity/person.
I recall that you had stated that you too had the numbers gotten off the internet.

After querying Dunn & Bradstreet, this is what was found:

What is a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number and Why Do You Need to Care?

The D-U-N-S Number has become the standard for tracking more than 280 million businesses and is required to do business with hundreds of trade, government, and industry organizations around the globe. Banks and potential partners may use your D-U-N-S Number to access your business credit file, see your business credit history and help make decisions about your company.

Customers, suppliers, banks, and lenders may use information in your business credit file to help them make decisions about your company

  • Understand whether your business activities have affected your business credit scores
  • Stay alerted to score and rating changes in your business credit file
  • Know when to take action to help impact your business credit file
  • Know how many times your business credit file is requested

Checked out more on website and website:

gutenberg website first:



The following is off of chroniclingamerica website:

1903 - Hawaii and Bonds:

The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, June 12, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:



Thank you again for your comments, suggestions, and corrections.



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