Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Congratulations Keli Akina....Case Precedence Due to Case Won in the Usurpers Court/Entity of Corporation, an Illegal Entity

I won my court case this morning. I told the Administrator (Judge) that is this a court of Martial law, she said no... I said well your flags say otherwise. So the judge said the STATE wasn't ready and the police officer wasn't present. So I said that this case needs to be vacated because the officer wasn't here. So the court should issue a bench warrant for the officer. If I wasn't here I would have a bench warrant issued. So this case needs to be Vacated so the judge said okay this case has been dismissed. I said I want it Vacated she said yeah. So Success in the kingdom.


Keli Akina Vacate is it never happened


Simbralynn Kanakaole Keli Akina until today๐Ÿš๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿ”จset precedent for others to puka through #NOFEAR#HOLOMUA#FLIPDATSHIP#HOLOMUA๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ฏ


Hanale Kila Hopfe Awesome, good job Keli.


Dakyndre Helgesson Awesome great job on that.


Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u U mustve presented something other than that brother. My so called father in law went and he got shut down ๐Ÿคฃ so I believe in what u did and I want to know more. Yeehee


Terri Modomo awesome job๐Ÿค™


Hanale Kila Hopfe The unavailability of the Police occifer also worked in your favor ! Good show Keli.... you knew what to say ! You da man !


Amelia Gora Congratulations Keli Akina I do believe you have set a case precedence which is what others can refer to...…….need the case number, what circuit/district court ...example State of Hawaii vs. Keli Akina, etc. Mahalo ….also appears the request to "Vacate" instead of Dismiss the case is the right way to go..... Mahalo for posting and sharing to all....and did you add that you are a "protected person" as documented by Dr. DeZayas letter? see: https://www.meanwhileinhawaii.org/.../un-independent...

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