Friday, January 11, 2019

Correction on Post Anti-Pirate Eyes on Hawaii: Mahealani Asing Kahau: U.S. Is Bankrupt and Is a Corporation, Operate with the Stock Market and Routhe Bolomet and Dr. DeZayas Letter Recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom

Correction posted 1/12/2019 at 1:04 am based on ongoing research by others and myself:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Anti-Pirate Post: Removing Accolades based on Researcher, Royal Families Assistant Konohiki Info About Mahealani Asing Kahau

Anti-Pirate Eyes on Hawaii:

Mahealani Asing Kahau:  U.S. Is Bankrupt and Is a Corporation, Operate with the Stock Market and Routhe Bolomet and Dr. DeZayas Letter Recognizing the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc.  

                                                                   Important Points Brought Out

                                                                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2019)

Mahealani Asing Kahau shared the following important points affecting all kanaka maoli, Hawaiians, American citizens:

The United States is a Corporation.

In 1871 they became a Corporation, bankrupt and under reorganization.

In 1993 Congressman Trafikker stated that the U.S. Government is broke/bankrupt, insolvent, and have no standing in court.

DUNN & BRADSTREET - Stock Market

The following have assigned numbers under DUNN & BRADSTREET:

OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Hawaiian Homelands                            
DLNR a trading company, they are private
Attorney General
Judiciary - Judges
Public Safety -Sheriffs Department
Honolulu City & County Police Department
State of Hawaii Tax Office
Every Court:  Land Court, Regular etc.
Lt. Governor

Note:  Attorneys bond number is used.
They are under the London bar.

Reference:  also view:


Routh Bolomet shared the following:

Routh Bolomet:  Hawaiian Kingdom Law used for reclaiming lands.
The Corporations do rulings by default without contacting her.
Pirates write deeds to themselves and family members, claiming that they pay taxes to the Corporations and nobody challenges them.

With Dr. DeZayas information, it was suggested that the move to make is to use "ergo omni" - repair the damage, ask the General Assembly to undo the wrong.

Everyone needs to be put on notice.

The World is recognizing that the State of Hawaii is in the Hawaiian Islands.

Use "ergo omnis" and the letter from Dr. DeZayas:

Dr. deZayas’ Memorandum in its entirety, which can be downloaded in PDF format.

His memorandum also serves as an amendment to the 2013 Report correcting the legal status of Hawai‘i as an occupied State and not an issue of self-determination for an indigenous group of people. In line with this change, Article 69(e) of his recommendations is more appropriate, “States should ratify the individual complaints procedures of the United Nations human rights treaties, adhere to and utilize the inter-State complaints procedures, and globalize the reach of the International Criminal Court.”

Dr. deZayas’ Memorandum was sent by the Swiss Postal service, La Poste, in Geneva, to the United States President, the Secretary of State, the State of Hawai‘i Attorney General, a State of Hawai‘i Judge Gary W.B. Chang of the Land Court, and State of Hawai‘i Judge Jeanette H. Castagnette of the First Circuit. Mrs. Bolomet is a defendant in a case before both Judge Chang and Judge Castagnetti.


The information above highlights the most important points of the meeting.

Information from other panelists, and important comments made by the audience was not covered in this article.

Please review the above links and know that many did share valuable information as well.




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