Sunday, January 27, 2019

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii: October 1892 or Three Months Before Dethroning Queen Liliuokalani, the U.S. Planned to Purchase Pearl Harbor

Note: This article is EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD because the U.S. claimed that Pearl Harbor was ceded to them......

and it WAS NOT!..........lies, lies, lies promoted by the media, etc.......this article is dated October 1892, and the U.S. did not have lands at Pearl Harbor, they were seeking to purchase Pearl Harbor, etc........the seas belonged to the Konohiki and not to King Kalakaua.........even the Treaties does not show "ceded" in the wording.............wicked lot, beyond evil............

Treaty of 1887 which would have expired in 1894:

His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands grants to the Government of the United States the exclusive right to enter the harbor of the Pearl River in the Island of Oahu, and to establish and maintain there a coaling and repair station for the use of vessels of the United States, and to that end the United States may improve the entrance to said harbor and do all other things needful to the purpose aforesaid.

Note: The Convention/Treaty was ratified by King Kalakaua in 1887.....and would expire in 1894.....nothing in the above states that any part of Pearl Harbor/Pearl River was ceded to the U.S...............Lies, Lies, Lies promoted by the media and other criminal deviants, pirates, conspirators......then look at the article of 1892 showing the U. S. government moves to purchase properties in the Pearl Harbor area......

An intense research of all transactions of the U.S. shows that the U.S. purchased lease lands from Oahu Rail..... also, the criminal courts Condemned lands for the U.S. Government.....AFTER the premeditated move of removing Queen Liliuokalani from the throne with the support of treasonous persons now documented..............wicked, beyond evil...........

Top that off with the fact that King Kalakaua signed the 1887 Constitution, called the Bayonnet Constitution because he was under duress due to a gun raised to his head.............the Constitution stripped him of his Royal status..............until Queen Liliuokalani tore up the Constitution of 1887, she legally returned the Royal status to the throne.....and she could because she was adopted/hanai by Kamehameha's descendants.

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