Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Vol VII No. 737 - Human Trafficking: Maui Pineapple and Global Horizons

Thursday, January 08, 2015


For the record: Ruling against Maui Pineapple and Global Horizons in EEOC human trafficking case posted for downloading

by Larry Geller
Here is Judge Leslie E. Kobayashi’s order filed 12/19/2014 defining the $8.7 million dollar judgment against contractor Global Horizons and Maui Pineapple in the EEOC’s human trafficking lawsuits filed in 2011.
As explained in an email from the EEOC:
Global Horizons is responsible for $8.7 million solely for each of 82 Thai farm workers who submitted signed declarations to the court ($150,000 each). Of that amount, Global Horizons and Maui Pineapple are jointly responsible for $8.1 million for 54 claimants who submitted signed declarations who worked on the Maui Pineapple farm. Extensive injunctive relief was also ordered.
Global Horizons may be unable to pay its share, but Maui Pineapple is alive and kicking and so the exploited Thai farm workers may ultimately be able to recover lost wages and damages. Under the ruling, each would receive an award of $50,000 in compensatory damages and $100,000 in punitive damages, for a total award of $150,000.
There is also extensive and detailed injunctive relief—see the ruling starting at page 70.

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