Thursday, January 10, 2019

Vol VII No. 737 Part 1a


Justice for Hawaiians, right where Queen Liliuokalani left it?
There is ongoing confusion of where Hawaiians can obtain justice in the courts, some folks feel justice can only be found in the international courts, others feel they must create their own courts.
What if the modern courts of the state of Hawaii claim they were created by the legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom?
HRS §601-1 Judiciary. There shall be a branch of government, styled the judiciary. [L 1892, c 57, §1; RL 1925, §2211; RL 1935, §3570; RL 1945, §9571; RL 1955, §213-1; am L 1959, c 259, §1(a); HRS §601-1; am L 1974, c 159, §14]
Please note in the brackets above “L 1892, c 57, §1”
This somewhat secret code means “Session Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, 1892, chapter 57, section 1”
This law, Chapter LVII. An Act, To Reorganize The Judiciary Department was enacted by the legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom, approved by Queen Liliuokalani, and became law on January 1, 1893.
There is an urban myth that the state of Hawaii does not recognize Hawaiian Kingdom Law, yet when you look at the first foundational law of the modern state of Hawaii, HRS 1-1
HRS 1-1 Common law of the State; exceptions. The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is declared to be the common law of the State of Hawaii in all cases, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or by the laws of the State, or fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian usage; provided that no person shall be subject to criminal proceedings except as provided by the written laws of the United States or of the State. [L 1892, c 57, §5; am L 1903, c 32, §2; RL 1925, §1; RL 1935, §1; RL 1945, §1; RL 1955, §1-1; HRS §1-1]
Please note in the brackets above “L 1892, c 57, §5”
You will note that the law above looks just like the one enacted by the enacted below by the legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom, approved by Queen Liliuokalani.
‘The common law of England, as ascertained by English and American decisions, is hereby declared to be the common law of the Hawaiian Islands in all cases, except as otherwise expressly provided by the Hawaiian Constitution or laws, or fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian national usage, provided however, that no person shall be subject to criminal proceedings except as provided by the Hawaiian laws’ [Session Laws of the Hawaiian Islands (1892), Chapter LVII. An Act, To Reorganize The Judiciary Department, Section 5)
The facts are Queen Liliuokalani was cleaning up laws enacted prior to 1892, and this law locked in “Hawaiian National usage”, simply meaning all the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, prior to 11/25/1892.
The opening of the door to the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom is found in HRS 1-1, which indicates “fixed by Hawaiian judicial precedent, or established by Hawaiian usage”.
The key to open this door is only persons who have placed their nationality, according to “Hawaiian National usage”, or have given their allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom, have standing to claim protection under Hawaiian Kingdom Laws.
Malama Robinson Got it... now let's see it in action!
The Hawaiian Law Foundation it has already been tested the limits of HK law in the courts here in Kona, both the Circuit court judges are very aware of it, one of them wrote a sworn declaration in 1996 while in private practice, "The state of Hawaii is an illegal government, void from the beginning"
Lynda Saffery Q. Lili’u was soooooo Akamai♥️💋♥️💋♥️💋♥️
Jessa Lei Soo there. Soo here...and Now! Thx R.
Aaron Schnacky If only USA didn't spend billions on hawaii
The Hawaiian Law Foundation problem is most of the money is lost through graft and corruption...
J Roselani Baricuatro-Kanīnau Aloha 'Āina Patriots =/= Hawaiian Nationals. Know that neither & both is NOT synonymous to each other. So, do not even imply that they are. Mahalo. Lonoikamakahiki, Ea .
Tony Long Hawaii made the U.S.A. Even more.!!!! THEY OWE US BIG TIME!!!!!
Nadine Awana Mahalo for sharing.

It has always been my belief Hawaiian Kingdom law is still in existence. It is also my belief the layers / cloak, if you will, for which interpretation of these layers are based on U.S. law. Hence, the judiciary enforcement an
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The Hawaiian Law Foundation also if you go to the link and search Hawaiian Kingdom, it will open the door to nearly every government record of the Hawaiian Kingdom...
Upai Robinson It is interesting how defiant were those who wrote the laws for the kanaka while grnma was incarcerated. Interesting too, the natural laws (Matt 22:37-40) were the very laws the Anglo- Saxon fought against Unko King George III in 1776. Then later we see such laws are found in the Hawaiian Kingdom and ignored by the same insurggents who cried for help because their lives were in peril when in reality, it was not. It is not how the laws were written or enforce but it was not to protect the Hawaiian monarch and his family and people. It was a shrewd way to remove the power of the King and make those doing such to have more power for themselves. As for the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, it was evident, that it was not a law to conquer nations but to have brothers living in harmony. However, the hawaiian Kingdom came under siege inspite of the monarchs extending a hand of hospitality. Some will say "this was the fall of the kanaka". Who would expect a neighbor would come to visit with greed creeping in his heart while his eyes feasted over what he looked upon with no respect for his host? The laws were written not to protect the King but to give these insurrgents more power and this is what happen. Look at the laws enforce by the United States(STATE OF HAWAII, inc.)?? What part help the Ko Pae Aina( of the land) aka kanaka to keep their lands, protect their fresh water, protect their fishing grounds, safeguard their human rights? Or even protect the hawaiian Kingdom from being a military testing and training location, knowing Hawaii nei is a preserved historic site? Now our mountains where my grnma Lilinoe lies buried on Mount Mauna o Wakea, and where your STATE laws permits an "Insidious" TMT standing over her burial site because you think you can!! Grnma lived way back around 2659 b. c.e. yet she lies as a forgotten one!! How insulting is your laws!! The letter of your profound laws cannot be sanctioned by my granma, Queen Liliuokalani. The defiant insurrgents wrote laws for the kanaka then they use it to benefit foreigners who flew over and you destroy our lands so these can live in your justice and they are willing to pay to live on stolen lands, people, fresh water, sea, violating kanaka laws by using it against us while you take pride in the lies you tell on television and the newspaper. The truth is your laws you write and use propaganda like you have the right to your claim. The Hawaiian Kingdom laws are absolute for the crimes you continue to do without let up. We are also under the laws of Occupation!! Present your treaty or DEOCCUPY!! Onipa'a.
Tony Long The gentleman on the right of our majesty is Robert Louis Stevenson!!! Madly in love with Princess Kaiulani!!! Forever heartbroken after her death, not soon after this picture was taken,!!!!!
Angie Merola Mahalo for sharing🤔😲
Tina Mossman Very satisfying to know. Mahalo !
Bonnie Bear Astrid Drolsøn not sure if you know about this page or not :-)
Pua Case is with Joshua Lanakila Mangauil and Ku Ching.
Mauna Kea Hui, Petitioners and Supporters
We Stand for Mauna Kea First Photo
Aloha Everyone, This is an Aloha filled request and invitation to show your support for the protection of Mauna Kea. It is critical that we, at this time assemble in a stand of unification and solidarity for our sacred mountain and all sacred places. This is our action and this is our virtual stance for Mauna a Wākea.
To stand with us:
Send us a message with your photo.
Create a sign that includes We Stand With Mauna Kea and one of these hashtags,
#onewiththemauna // #togetherwerise // #seeyouonthemauna
or create your own hashtag that promotes unification of all who stand to protect Mauna Kea and all sacred places around the world.
This is a stand WITH and FOR Mauna Kea, a show of unification, of strength, of aloha from all nations, all people, all individuals, who, through there voices and their actions, have expressed their support for this mountain.
For the love of the Mauna, as one with the Mauna, together we rise.
This is for the protection of Mauna Kea and all sacred places and is not a protest AGAINST anything or anyone.
All photos will be compiled to display a stand of solidarity for the protection of Mauna Kea and all sacred places. A video project is planned to show the world that we stand with Mauna Kea.
Mahalo, Thank you to everyone in Hawaiʻi and beyond Hawaiʻi who continue to stand for the protection of mountains, oceans, lands, waters and life ways around the world.
We Stand With Mauna Kea - Instagram:
This is a Sacred Action on Facebook and Mauna Kea Education and Awareness Project.
great opportunity to learn to olelo ...finally.
Hālau ʻŌlelo
Please share the great news with someone!
Facts don't support your bigoted fake national security crisis for a vanity wall.
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The Breakdown
It's NEVER Been About National Security. It's Always Been About Bigotry.
The Young Turks posted an episode of The Breakdown — with Francis Maxwell.
Trump Admin Claims 4000 Terrorists Crossed The Border. Here Is How Many ACTUALLY DID.
Facts Don't Care About Your Bigotry.
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Kahaka Patolo and Socially Unexceptional shared a post.
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TYT Investigates
Obama's 2014 Immigration Address
The Young Turks posted an episode of TYT Investigates — with TYT Investigates.
WATCH: This is the primetime national address on immigration by Pres. Obama that the networks refused to air in 2014 because it would be "overtly political."
Oh oh!
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Close a landfill.
Kudos on the Uchinanchu governor for having the guts to call that guy out. Respect.
Btw, on an important side note, a certain Okinawan governor in Hawai’i is the Okinawan governor’s buddy, you know. If that guy had 1/100th of the guts of his friend in the homeland, he might call out the military destruction and other hewa (ahem, TMT) happening here. So far, not. He is ok with our culture’s relocation to landfills, it seems. He has lost his roots.

Obama Lied About Iran And Now Congress May Be Coming After Him!
DCNF Presents The Facts
Obama lied on Iran and attempted to undermine United States policy by funneling billions through the Euro.
Now, Congress may be coming after him... Where is the media on this?!

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