Saturday, January 19, 2019

Vol VII No. 738 Part 3

Fwd: Great sovereignty clip with Daniel Anthony


Tony Castanha

Thu, Jan 17, 7:34 PM (2 days ago)
 to papbullslist-l


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dr. Kioni Dudley <>
Date: Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 9:33 PM
Subject: Great sovereignty clip with Daniel Anthony
To: Dr. Kioni Dudley <>

This is a fantastic clip from last night’s HawaiiNewNow report.          

                                                Kioni Dudley

BREAKING NEWS Legislation for Endangered Hawaiian Owl (Pueo) Ewa Plain; Oahu


Pueo Country

AttachmentsTue, Jan 15, 6:19 PM (4 days ago)
to Pueo, bcc: me
Aloha to All,

Forwarding Message from Michael Kumukauoaha Lee 
RE: Native Hawaiian Cultural and Religious Practices with Pueo 
       Beginning January 16, 2019 / OPENING DAY at the Hawaii 
       State Legislature; Please be Apprised of the Following Action:

The pathway to extend preservation and protection rights to the endangered pueo where it lay its head has been aborted at the University of Hawaii West Oahu (UHWO) campus- as was contained in last year's HB2629.
HB2629 was to establish a pueo preserve/endangered species  laboratory at UHWO's non-campus, private development land.
UH Systems, our Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) would not support the effort to dedicate any amount of acreage to compete with the special interests that have different plans slated for that property.
Using our legislative process to bring to fruition the pueo preserve did not garner the needed support last year, and if the attempt were repeated again this year, would have faired the same outcome.    
Therefore, another means to give the pueo a level of protection had to be generated - a mechanism for relief that could be deemed more palatable to the powers that be.
In play, this legislative session, will be introduced a bill to extend protection for the pueo and its habitat through what is called:
Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The concept of an HCP for the pueo would be synonymous with what transpired for the endangered plant we know as the Red Ilima on the Ewa Plain and is also referenced as a Safe Harbor Agreement (SHA).
The formula to care for the pueo being displaced and its habitat destroyed that existed on the non-campus, private development land at UHWO, involves three directives to mitigate that loss, and or harm levied to it:
1.     UH Systems (UHWO), as the property owner, would be charged to be the sponsor to  ensure that the endangered pueo displaced, the habitat destroyed, would be provided with relief.  For example, it was the State Department of Transportation (DOT) that  sponsored the HCP/SHA for the Red Ilima due to the actual Red Ilima to be destroyed, were to be done by the hand of the State DOT. 
2.     DLNR, DOFAW, have the tools, resources, and expertise to carry out the findings that a comparable landmass exists in the inventory of State land holdings in which to offer the pueo with habitat elsewhere- as close/ nearby as possible to the place where the extirpation/eviction from UHWO had transpired.
3.     The Board of Land and Natural Resources (Board), would be tasked with voting up or down on the HCP advanced to them.  Often, if financial resources are not provided to accomplish the HCP to fruition, the Board may reject the HCP concept. The Red Ilima was provided with $20 million in its HCP and the establishment of that funding source, was what led to the HCP being approved.
We already know, that the current Chair of DLNR, Ms. Suzanne Case, and her Administrator for DOFAW, Mr. David Smith, have on the record, declined to acknowledge the pueo are in existence at UHWO, and furthermore, have opined that no pueo can exist there. This was based on their submitting a review of the property during the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, that UHWO served no endangered species of any kind, and had possessed no value defined as habitat that would or could serve the pueo, or any other avian species listed as threatened, or endangered.
DLNR/DOFAW/UH Systems, if they were charged to execute an HCP for the pueo, would be admitting that their departments had advanced a false narrative for the property so that the property could be developed free and clear.
An HCP is not a finger pointing exercise- nor is it being advanced as payback.  
Rather, the truth that pueo were there, as the evidence proves, the law says relief to them must/shall be undertaken, and it has not. 
The HCP is about doing what is right, and the legal means to afford the pueo with a habitat in which to survive in compensation for "kicking it out" of where it thrived for centuries.  
When the bill is filed sometime after Opening Day- tomorrow, in which to advance the HCP for pueo, I will be emailing you again to update you as to what steps you can take to help get the HCP passed and eventually implemented. Unlike the Red Ilima that couldn't fly away and all in power could not pretend it wasn't there, we have a new challenge with the pueo and I hope you will join me in this challenge. 

For more information, please contact Michael Kumukauoha Lee:
91-1200 Keaunui Drive Unit 614 Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706 | 808-693-1954 |
  • Retired Teacher of Hawaiian Religious Studies at Damien Memorial School
  • Recognized Direct Lineal Descendent by Oahu Burial Council 
  • Native Hawaiian Cultural Religious Practitioner 
  • Honored by Hawaii State Legislature and Honolulu City Council Resolutions

Chant for Pueo by Michael Kumukauoha Lee 

  1. JANUARY 10, 2019 /Letter to Mr. David Smith; Administrator DOFAW
  2. JULY 6, 2017 /Message to Ms. Suzanne Case; Chair DLNR
Brief Notes:
A Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) VS HB2629

A bill for a HCP negates the need for HB2629 with the following advantages:

1.  HB2629 took a land mass out of the UHWO inventory.

A HCP does not do that.

2. HB2629 facilitates conflict to UHWO financial plans for leasehold - disrupts 
    monetary flow for UHWO to be self- sustaining with proceeds generated from rent
    of the non-campus, private development land.

A HCP has no impact to any financial schemata in UH Systems coffers /what's in play- no

3. HB2629 creates enemies, and burns bridges with various legislators, UH Systems, and governor
    who will not under any circumstances, dedicate one inch to any wildlife where such inch of land 
    takes away the flow of money between them, campaign donors, developers, and special interests.

A  HCP has no impact upon a legislator's need to cater to developers, and keep the campaign 
contributions flowing into their coffers.

4. HB2629 if re-introduced, diverts time and resources away from any HCP being entertained.

A HCP negates the SEIS mandate, and provides all parties with title to the non-campus, private 
development land free and clear. A HCP negates the SEIS lengthy process- and makes delays moot-  
it usurps and fast tracks immediate resolve.



Thousands of Doctors Sexually Abuse Patients With Impunity Across U.S.


PEERS via 

Tue, Jan 15, 4:01 AM (4 days ago)
to me
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"More than 2,400 U.S. doctors have been sanctioned for sexually abusing their patients. State medical boards, which oversee physicians, allowed more than half the sanctioned doctors to keep their licenses even after the accusations of sexual abuse were determined to be true."   ~~  ABC News on sex abuse by doctors, 7/6/16
Dear friends,
Sex Abuse by Doctors
Highly revealing excerpts of eye-opening major media articles uncover how thousand of doctors in the U.S. have sexually abused their patients, yet over half keep their licenses and many are given little more than a slap on the wrist.
In this age of #metoo, how is it that those in whose hands we entrust our health are not held responsible for serious abuse, including many doctors who have sexually abused hundreds, and in a few cases even thousands of patients.
Links are provided below to the full news articles for easy verification. If any link fails to function, read this webpage. By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future.
With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower
Note: Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news articles on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.

The New Sex Abuse Scandal: 2,400 Doctors Implicated by Patients
2016-07-06, ABC News
More than 2,400 U.S. doctors have been sanctioned for sexually abusing their patients, according to a new report that, for the first time, surveyed records from all 50 states and reveals the nationwide scope of a problem that may be almost as far-reaching as the scandal involving Catholic priests. State medical boards, which oversee physicians, allowed more than half the sanctioned doctors to keep their licenses even after the accusations of sexual abuse were determined to be true, according to a yearlong investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “We found a culture of secrecy,” said Carrie Teegardin, a reporter on the paper’s investigative team. Even after being convicted of sex crimes and losing their licenses, doctors are often able to reapply to practice again. The Journal-Constitution investigation began with a story about one Georgia doctor that led to efforts to document the problem nationwide. By combing through news reports, state medical board records and court files going back 16 years, the Journal-Constitution's reporters compiled a list of physicians who were either convicted in criminal cases or disciplined by state medical boards. Many of the doctors were accused by large numbers of their patients, in most cases females being seen by male doctors. “One thing we found that was shocking to us is some of these doctors are the most prolific sex offenders in the country, with hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of victims,” Teegardin said.
Note: For more on this, see this excellent article from Atlanta's leading newspaper.

The #MeToo movement and public outcry over Dr. Larry Nassar’s sex abuse have not reformed the system that disciplines doctors.
2018-04-26, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
A new national investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has uncovered 450 cases of doctors who were brought before medical regulators or courts for sexual misconduct or sex crimes in 2016 and 2017. In nearly half of those cases, the AJC found, the doctors remain licensed to practice medicine, no matter whether the victims were patients or employees, adults or children. Even some doctors criminally convicted are back in practice, demonstrating that a system that forgives doctors — first exposed by the AJC in 2016 — has not changed. Dr. Richard Martin Roberts is still allowed to see patients in Texas even though a medical board disciplinary panel in November 2017 found he repeatedly conducted unwarranted genital exams on young girls. “Only doctors get to do this,” he told one, a 7-year-old he was supposed to be examining for a learning disability. Doctors benefit from a system where victims are often not believed [and] criminal charges for physician sex abuse are rare. At a time when powerful men in business and politics are losing careers over sexual misconduct, America’s doctors remain a baffling exception, impervious to the power of the #MeToo movement. The AJC’s new investigation found that medical boards still routinely handle serious sexual misconduct as an illness or lapse in training that should be dealt with through therapy, education and watchful eyes in exam rooms. In 31 states, cases can be hidden from the public through private board actions.
Note: Watch an excellent segment by Australia's "60-Minutes" team "Spies, Lords and Predators" on a pedophile ring in the UK which leads to the highest levels of government. A second suppressed documentary, "Conspiracy of Silence," goes even deeper into this topic in the US.

Gymnast McKayla Maroney was paid to keep quiet about abuse, lawsuit says
2017-12-21, CNN News
Olympic gold-medal-winning gymnast McKayla Maroney alleges in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles on Wednesday that USA Gymnastics paid her to be quiet about abuse by the team's longtime doctor Larry Nassar. The lawsuit ... also names as defendants Michigan State University, the US Olympic Committee and Nassar, the former team doctor who has admitted sexually abusing underage girls. "In December of 2016, after suffering for years from psychological trauma of her sexual abuse at the hands of Nassar, and in need of funds to pay for psychological treatment," Maroney was forced to enter into a confidential agreement with USA Gymnastics, the lawsuit said. John Manly, Maroney's attorney, called the confidentiality agreement "an immoral and illegal attempt to silence a victim of child sexual abuse. The US Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics were well aware that the victim of child sexual abuse in California cannot be forced to sign a nondisclosure agreement as a condition of a settlement," he said. "Such agreements are illegal for very good reasons - they silence victims and allow perpetrators to continue committing their crimes." Maroney entered the settlement to "obtain funds necessary to pay for lifesaving psychological treatment and care," according to the lawsuit. Nassar was sentenced to 60 years in federal prison on child pornography charges earlier this month. In November, he pleaded guilty to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and admitted to using his position to sexually abuse underage girls.

White Coat Betrayal: Ending Sexual Assault in Medicine
2018-01-24, US News and World Report
As a women's health advocate and practicing OB-GYN for 25 years, I want to point out that some doctors, especially male gynecologists, pediatricians and anesthesiologists and psychiatrists, have raped, fondled and molested patients of all ages. Finally, the conversation is getting started because of Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar. He's the former team doctor for U.S.A. Gymnastics, and he was sentenced to 60 years in prison on child pornography (37,000 images!) charges. I've heard story upon story about sexual misconduct from my patients, including inappropriate touching and sexual misconduct during their gynecologic exams when they were young women. Experiences like these have a long-term negative effect on a woman and the way she takes care of her physical health during her lifetime. Trying to get any hard facts or statistics about doctor sexual misconduct is very difficult. According to the Atlanta-Journal Constitution, "half of the more than 2,400 doctors sanctioned since 1999 for sexual misconduct involving patients still have active medical licenses." A nationwide investigation by the AJC published in July 2016 found widespread sexual abuse by doctors – from OB-GYNs committing rape and anesthesiologists taking advantage of sedated patients to pediatricians molesting children. We cannot tolerate business as usual. I would like to see a law passed where violating a patient would result in revoking his or her medical license, jail time and being forever identified as a sex offender on state registries.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on sexual abuse scandals in many other fields.

Why you’ll never know if your doctor is a sex abuser
2016-09-22, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
Medical regulators pledge that patient protection is their central mission. As part of that focus, their websites provide information to the public about doctors. But in most states, patients will have a difficult time finding out if their doctors have been disciplined for sexual abuse or other violations. No state provides complete and accurate information on every doctor. Some obstacles to that are intentional. They are the result of state laws that tie regulators’ hands, agreements negotiated with doctors’ attorneys, or concerns about harming a doctor’s practice. Maryland investigated Dr. Joshua R. Mitchell III in 2005 after a complaint that he had sexually violated a patient. The board learned that the Baltimore police sex-crimes unit had investigated a similar complaint from another patient. The medical board wrapped up its 2005 investigation with a private letter advising Mitchell to offer a chaperone during breast and pelvic exams. Then in January 2010, a patient reported Mitchell raped her. The board’s website didn’t provide any information to the public until May 2010. Illinois and Wyoming post only summaries of disciplinary actions, which may not detail violations. Arkansas and both of Oklahoma’s boards require the public to file requests for disciplinary orders, and Oklahoma requires a fee. In contrast: Maine not only posts orders but provides a phone number for patients to find out if non-disciplinary action has been taken against a doctor.
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on sexual abuse scandals in many other professions.

Doctors Keep Licenses Despite Sex Abuse
2018-04-14, US News and World Report/Associated Press
[Robert] Rook was allowed to keep his family practice open, so long as he’s chaperoned, despite facing multiple criminal charges for rape. Prosecutors subsequently downgraded the charges to more than 20 counts of sexual assault in the second- and third-degree, charges for which Rook says he is innocent. An Associated Press investigation finds that even as Hollywood moguls, elite journalists and politicians have been pushed out of their jobs or resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct, the world of medicine is more forgiving. Even when doctors are disciplined, their punishment often consists of a short suspension paired with therapy that treats sexually abusive behavior as a symptom of an illness or addiction. The investigation finds that decades of complaints that the physician disciplinary system is too lenient have led to little change in the practices of state medical boards. The #MeToo campaign and the push to increase accountability for sexual misconduct in workplaces don't appear to have sparked a movement toward changing how medical boards deal with physicians who act out sexually against patients or staffers.

AMA tackles sex abuse — of doctors, by doctors
2017-06-05, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
The American Medical Association will no longer tolerate sexual misconduct by physicians – at least if their victims are other doctors, and if the abuse occurs at an AMA event. But the association is doing nothing to crack down on predators who violate other victims: their patients. Almost a year after The Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed widespread sexual misconduct in the medical profession, the AMA has scheduled neither formal proposals nor public discussions on doctors who abuse their patients. The organization’s silence forfeits an opportunity to address a problem that has stirred public interest. “They seem more likely to address someone else’s problems than their own,” said Lisa McGiffert, manager of the Safe Patient Project. The newspaper identified more than 2,400 doctors who had been disciplined for sexual violations involving patients; half are still licensed to practice medicine. But the numbers fail to capture the scope of misconduct. Many state medical boards deal with sex cases in private and issue no public findings. Others use vague language or euphemisms to hide the true nature of disciplinary matters. By some estimates, 7 percent of American doctors have engaged in sexual misconduct – meaning that tens of thousands may have engaged in harassment, molestation, even rape. The AMA plays no direct role in licensing or disciplining doctors, a function of state medical authorities. But the association is a powerful voice for the medical profession.

System shields doctors’ abuse nationwide, leaves patients in dark
2016-09-22, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
Dr. Mark Knight calls himself an artist, one whose “gifted hands” sculpt bodies to perfection. Sometimes, though, Knight’s hands strayed. So last year regulators placed the plastic surgeon ... on probation for sexual misconduct with patients. He will be subject to restrictions on his practice and close monitoring until 2020. But when patients come to his office ... Knight doesn’t have to tell them about his disciplinary status. And he doesn’t have to explain why an extra person is supposed to always be in the room: to make sure Knight doesn’t violate patients again. Knight’s freedom to see patients without disclosing his tarnished record underscores the opaqueness of the physician discipline system across the United States, a national investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution found. The AJC identified more than 2,400 doctors disciplined for sexual misconduct involving patients since 1999. Half are still licensed. No state routinely requires doctors to tell patients when they have faced disciplinary action. Four states post no disciplinary records online, and at least nine purge case files after as little as five years. Twenty-one states sometimes handle misconduct cases secretly and allow doctors to continue practice with no public hearings or public scrutiny. In 2015, advocates working with the Safe Patient Project petitioned California’s medical board to require ... a doctor on probation [to] give each patient a one-page form that briefly stated his offense. At a hearing in October, board members unanimously rejected the petition.
Note: If you live in the US, see how well your state does in protecting patients from sexual abuse using this chart.

Doctors who sexually abuse patients go to therapy and then return to practice
2016-08-24, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
After medical regulators said he fondled patients, exposed himself and traded drugs for sex, Dr. David Pavlakovic easily could have lost his license. Law enforcement thought his acts were criminal. Instead of losing his job, Pavlakovic was placed in therapy. He was allowed to return to practice. And he didn’t even have to tell his patients. Society has become intolerant of most sex offenders, placing some on lifelong public registries and banishing others from their professions or volunteer activities. But medical regulators have embraced the idea of rehabilitation for physicians accused of sexual misconduct. It is left to private therapists ... to unearth the extent of a doctor’s transgressions. There is little pretense of the check and balance of public scrutiny. Even doctors with egregious violations are allowed to redeem themselves through education and treatment centers, which have quietly proliferated over the past two decades. These education and treatment programs are being used by regulators in virtually every state. The Catholic Church once secretly sent sex offender priests for psychiatric treatment, then returned them to service. The abuse, the church reasoned, was a spiritual failing requiring repentance and forgiveness. Most medical authorities have embraced a similar approach, but through the lens of sexual abuse as the sign of a mental disorder. Public board orders on regulators’ websites reveal dozens of physicians who were found to have re-offended after taking part in education or treatment programs.

A broken system forgives sexually abusive doctors in every state
2016-07-06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
In a national investigation, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution examined documents that described disturbing acts of physician sexual abuse in every state. Rapes by OB/GYNs, seductions by psychiatrists, fondling by anesthesiologists and ophthalmologists, and molestations by pediatricians and radiologists. A few physicians — with hundreds of victims — are among the nation’s worst sex offenders. The Roman Catholic Church, the military, the Boy Scouts, colleges and universities ... have all withered under the spotlight of sexual misconduct scandals and promised that abuse will no longer be swept under the rug. The medical profession, however, has never taken on sexual misconduct as a significant priority. And layer upon layer of secrecy makes it nearly impossible for the public, or even the medical community itself, to know the extent of physician sexual abuse. The AJC launched its national investigation a year ago after reaching a surprising finding in Georgia: two-thirds of the doctors disciplined in the state for sexual misconduct were permitted to practice again. Some states are apparently more forgiving than others when disciplining doctors in sexual misconduct cases. Georgia and Kansas, for example, allowed two of every three doctors publicly disciplined for sexual misconduct to return to practice. In Minnesota, it was four of every five. Nationwide, the AJC found that of the 2,400 doctors publicly disciplined for sexual misconduct, half still have active medical licenses today.
Note: If you live in the US, see how well your state does in protecting patients from sexual abuse using this chart.

Which doctors are sexually abusive?
2016-07-06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
In public, Louis William Bair was brilliant, warm and engaging. In private ... women would later tell of groping, of vulgar comments and of aggressive, closed-door sex in his office. Bair was a doctor, and the women were his patients. Sexual contact between doctors and patients in Colorado, as in other states, is prohibited. But when Bair drew the attention of the Colorado Medical Board in 2002, it wasn’t because of violations. It was because the governor chose him to serve on the board, where he could help judge disciplinary cases for other physicians. Bair’s dual existence illustrates one of the most surprising findings of an Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation of sexual misconduct by doctors. Among those found to have sexually abused patients are some of the most accomplished and admired – revered, even – physicians in the country. Their violations range from subjecting patients to lewd remarks ... to rape. Often, despite significant evidence to the contrary, doctors balk at acknowledging they have done anything wrong, whether they have victimized a sole patient or hundreds. They may say they were helping their victims, or that they weren’t even doing anything sexual. Bair ... liked to revel in his sexual exploits, sipping scotch with his friend Kent Black, bragging about how good he was in bed. Black recounted to the investigator that he once warned Bair that someday, someone would turn him in. But ... Bair had a ready response: That was "'the benefit of sitting on the board,'" Bair quipped. "'You can quash this stuff'."
Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on sexual abuse scandals in other professions.

Failing grades
2016-11-17, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
In every state, patient protection is supposed to be the prime directive when it comes to licensing and disciplining doctors. But a 50-state examination by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that only a few states have anything close to a comprehensive set of laws that put patients first. “Instead of looking out for victims or possible victims or protecting our society, we’re protecting doctors,” said Rep. Kimberly Williams, a member of the Delaware General Assembly, who sponsored a patient-protection bill last year that was blocked with a veto. The AJC studied five categories of laws in every state in the nation to determine which states are the best - and the worst - at shielding patients from sexually abusive doctors. The statutes examined covered everything from the duty to report bad doctors and the power to revoke the licenses of the worst, to the laws that decide who gets to serve on medical licensing boards and how much information consumers can know about doctors who have gotten into trouble. Not a single state met the highest bar in every category. The AJC’s findings explain how it’s possible for a doctor who has served time on felony charges, molested patients or demanded sex in exchange for prescription drugs to continue seeing patients: In most states, there’s no law against it. It often takes a horrific case or a public expose to get pro-patient legislation passed.
Note: See a list of powerful articles revealing egregious and rampant sexual abuse by doctors around the US.

How a doctor convicted in drugs-for-sex case returned to practice
2016-11-17, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
Nearly two decades ago, [Andrew] Dekle was sentenced to four years in federal prison after a jury found him guilty of writing more than 120 illegal prescriptions for women who testified that the drugs were in exchange for sexual favors. “The pimp with a prescription pad” is what one prosecutor called him during a trial in which it was revealed that more than 400 sexually explicit photos of female patients and other women had been discovered in his office. In some states, where legislatures have enacted laws prohibiting doctors who commit certain crimes from practicing, Dekle’s career would be over. But in Georgia, where the law gives the medical board the discretion to license anyone it sees fit, he was back in practice two years after leaving prison. The [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] found more than 450 cases in which doctors had sexual contact with patients while also prescribing controlled and addictive substances for them. In more than half, the physicians were allowed to continue practicing. Although it’s rare for medical regulators to allow doctors convicted in drugs-for-sex cases to keep their licenses, the AJC found instances in Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky where physicians with convictions similar to Dekle’s were allowed to remain in practice.

State lets doctors accused of sexual abuse on patients keep practicing
2016-07-09, Palm Beach Post
Dawn Marie Basham answers the phone in tears. Less than a week earlier, prosecutors had dropped charges against the Delray Beach doctor she said sexually assaulted her during an office visit. Basham feels alone, but she is far from it. Other women say they are sexually victimized by their physician. And while some South Florida doctors eventually lose or give up their licenses, others continue to practice even after they admit to sexual misconduct on a patient, a Palm Beach Post investigation led by its sister newspaper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, found. A convoluted complaint system in Florida can end up protecting these doctors, giving them every opportunity to mitigate discipline. “I feel I failed somehow. I didn’t get any justice,” Basham says of her criminal sexual battery case against Dr. Manuel Abreu. The case fell apart when Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Charles Burton barred other alleged victims from testifying. Now she waits ... to see whether the Florida Department of Health acts on her complaint against Abreu, hoping, she says, he loses his ability to practice. Potential patients researching Abreu on the state Board of Medicine’s website would see his license listed as clear and active. They would have no idea whether the state acted when Abreu was arrested on sexual battery charges in March 2015 after Basham and eight other women sued the doctor for sexual batteryIt can be yearsbefore an administrative complaint shows up on an accused doctor’s disciplinary record.

Doctors and priests: patterns of sexual misconduct
2016-07-06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
Sexual abuse scandals at American institutions like the Boy Scouts and the military have made headlines, and forced reforms. Now, with the publication of a year-long investigation by reporters at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the medical community is facing similar scrutiny. But perhaps no such scandal has drawn as much attention as the one that rocked the Catholic Church, after the Boston Globe uncovered the true extent of the Church leadership's long cover-up of its problem. As AJC reporters looked into sexual abuse within the medical community, they saw parallels with the church scandal. More significantly, the two cultures have one chief issue in common: secrecy. Secrecy underlies almost all of the proceedings surrounding complaints of sexual misconduct by physicians. The justice system is geared to let the public know when a potentially dangerous problem arises in their community. If the accused is later cleared, then that gets reported, too. In contrast, the medical disciplinary system, like church procedure before it, is usually geared to protecting the identities of everyone concerned. In Colorado, for example, even a patient may not come back to the medical board after filing a complaint and request information about his or her own complaint. One reason the AJC undertook this project was to let all patients know that there are things they can do to protect themselves. The first is to know how an intimate medical exam is supposed to proceed: read about it here.
Note: See a list of powerful articles revealing egregious and rampant sexual abuse by doctors around the US.

Medical profession condemns sexual abuse by doctors but resists solutions
2016-07-06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
The nation’s largest medical society says it has zero tolerance for doctors who sexually abuse patients. But ... the association does not favor the automatic revocation of the medical license of every doctor who commits sexual abuse of a patient. It does not expel every offender from its membership rolls. It has never independently researched the prevalence of sexual abuse in clinical settings. Twenty-six years ago it declared sexual misconduct a breach of medical ethics, but since then it has remained all but mute on the issue. It has, however, fought to keep confidential a federal database of physicians disciplined for sexual misconduct and other transgressions. When a proposal to open the database emerged in Congress, a former House staff member said, the AMA “crushed it like a bug.” Patient advocates say the AMA and other medical organizations have shown reluctance to confront the scope and impact of sexual misconduct, further exacerbating the problem.

Repeat offender still licensed to treat Georgia patients
2016-07-06, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
During a career spanning nearly 30 years in Georgia, Dr. William Almon has reinvented himself in numerous ways in numerous places. What hasn’t changed is his ability to practice medicine. In three different settings, Almon faced allegations that he sexually violated extremely vulnerable female patients — a suicidal soldier, jail inmates, a mentally ill woman and a child of 14 — and every time was effectively given a pass. Of the thousands of cases reviewed by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in its investigation of physician sexual misconduct, few show the forces that protect offending doctors more dramatically. At Fort Gordon outside Augusta ... he admitted that he had sex with a hospitalized patient. The patient, a private, was found immediately afterward on the floor of her hospital room, curled up and crying. The Army ... allowed him to resign in lieu of facing a court-martial. At the Augusta jail ... he was charged with sexually abusing three inmates. prosecutors ultimately dropped the charges. And at WellStar’s East Paulding Primary Care Center, where Almon was hired even though corporate officials knew of his background, he was accused of molesting two patients. One was a woman who is schizophrenic. The other was a 14-year-old girl. The charges could have brought a prison sentence, but prosecutors allowed the doctor to plead no contest to misdemeanor counts of battery and sexual battery and receive probation. Then the Georgia Composite Medical Board negotiated an agreement that let him continue practicing.
Note: Watch a video produced by AJC for more details on this egregious case.

No jail for Indiana fertility doctor who lied about using own sperm to inseminate patients
2017-12-14, Chicago Tribune/Associated Press
Former patients of a retired Indianapolis fertility doctor expressed anger that he avoided jail time Thursday for lying about using his own sperm to impregnate as many as dozens of women after telling them the donors were anonymous. Dr. Donald Cline was given a one-year suspended sentence after pleading guilty to two counts of obstruction of justice. No other charges were filed ... because Indiana law doesn't specifically prohibit fertility doctors from using their own sperm. The charges stemmed from two confirmed cases of paternity. Matt White and his mother, Liz White, said Cline deserved far greater punishment. He said DNA tests showed that Cline was his biological father even though Cline told his mother decades ago that he used anonymous sperm donations. "There's dozens of us," said Matt White. Some of the now-adult children of Cline's former patients filed a complaint with the Indiana Attorney General's Office in 2014, after they became suspicious while scouring online records to find biological relatives. Paternity tests performed the Marion County prosecutor's office determined Cline was likely the biological father of at least two of his patients' children. Cline, who retired in 2009, initially denied the allegations when he wrote to investigators, saying the women who filed the complaints were trying to slander him. On Thursday, he acknowledged that he had lied. Matt White said private DNA tests have identified 23 people as Cline's biological children with mothers who were his patients.

Prestige protects even the worst abusers
2016-09-16, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta's leading newspaper)
Caught in the act, Dr. Earl Bradley needed to think fast. “What the hell are you doing, you bastard?” his patient’s mother had screamed when she found Bradley with his hand in her daughter’s diaper. Now the police were coming. Bradley would say the mother - poor, young, unwed - must have been trying to extort money from him. It worked. A detective wrote that, compared to the doctor, the mother was “not credible.” A medical board investigator found that Bradley “specialized in welfare ... patients,” so a shakedown was “a distinct possibility.” The case was closed. And the doctor who would become one of the nation’s most prolific sexual predators moved on. For 15 more years, Earl Bradley raped, molested and sodomized a generation of his pediatric patients along the Delaware seashore. He recorded 13 hours of the assaults on video. Before he finally went to jail in 2009, he victimized 1,200 children, maybe more. Reported cases of doctors sexually assaulting children are unusual; vulnerable victims are not. Most are adult women, especially those who are poor or dependent on narcotic painkillers or lacking the credibility or social standing to pursue legal action. Still ... Bradley’s case underscores how American medicine so often puts doctors’ interests ahead of patient protection. The AJC documented eight instances in which Bradley was the subject of accusations between 1994 and 2008. Each time, in ways that echo through hundreds of other cases the newspaper examined, Bradley avoided punishment.
Note: Watch an excellent segment by Australia's "60-Minutes" team "Spies, Lords and Predators" on a pedophile ring in the UK which leads to the highest levels of government. A second suppressed documentary, "Conspiracy of Silence," goes even deeper into this topic in the US.

Important Note: Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news articles on several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever published.
Final Note: You may be angry or upset after reading this information on doctors going unpunished for sex abuse. Many people are. However, consider that many of us have at times in our lives acted out of selfish motives when it comes to sexuality and ended up hurting others in one way or another. Let us take this information not only as a call to stop this kind of abuse at the nationwide and global level, but also as a call to examine our own sexual relationships and make a commitment to deep honesty and integrity in our own lives around this most sensitive issue.
Remember, too, that with growing public awareness of the severity of this key issue, the incidence of sexual abuse is almost certainly decreasing all the time. This cannot help but lead to a healthier and happier way of living for all of us. Please help by educating yourself and others so that we can stop the abuse and build a more caring and loving society. Thanks for caring, and may we all work together to build a brighter future for our world. Together, we are making a big difference.
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