Sunday, February 17, 2019

Anti-Pirates in Hawaii Series: Against Usurpers Including Tamashiro et. als. and our Families are part of Fidel Castro - unverified/rumor? don't think so

Hawaiian Kingdom
subjects are NOT subject to any man/woman. We are subject to the CREATOR'S LAW!


Amelia Gora different from the Provisional government again..... did you not check the case Rex vs. Booth which documents what the Hawaiian Kingdom is...…….then again there are many claiming to be the Kingdom.....just sayin....



Amelia Gora but we the bloodlines including being Queen Liliuokalani's families... and you guys not......including Keli Akina …..hmmm


Amelia Gora Conspiracy to defraud the Royal Families....a possible charge.... btw Nadine Aquino is also one of the konohiki ….I think you're stepping in an area that you do not belong...… what or who makes you part of the Hawaiian Kingdom? just because you say you are? doesn't work that way or does it? you're a nobody who wants to be somebody in the Hawaiian Kingdom....just like Keli Akina….. scarey…. good bye....



Robbie Lindauer Yeah, the question if you're going to establish a Kingdom is -who is king-?

will you bow to another human as lord and king?



Amelia Gora Hawaiian Kingdom exists already..... another Alien commenting.... and also someone who has no say.... interesting...….. it is Not us who did wrongs... Rule of Law, U.S. Constitution applies to treaties... Okinawan pirates are documented, Pirates on the High Seas are documented....


Amelia Gora scarey Aliens, Pirates in the Hawaiian Islands who are illegal, unlawful, and who fail to follow Rule of Law, etc. ……. goodbye.


Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u Amelia Gora I have heard so much about u in DCC. Archives. How u have failed to give help to help the Hawaiian People and our Aina. But pushed them OFF to someone else. Now I know Dayne and Keline Kahau talks about u alot! And yet they too act like theSee More



Amelia Gora Excuse me...…...I don't know who you are....I'm not with David Wynn Miller (deceased) who has an active group of people who defend his works such as Leocadia Hashimoto, Dayne and Keline Kahau - Postal Judge...don't know if Mahealani Asing is with that See More



Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u There's no bashing just TRUTH. because I was one of those family members being abused. And took for granted. And now today I will stand strong with Gene Tamashiro and Keli Puuali'i Akina who is only trying to bring it back together. Not with lies but wSee More



Robbie Lindauer Gene Tamashiro seems like plenty people want to be king.



Deer Deer It appears to me that one of the biggest threat to the re-establishment of the Hawaiian Kingdom (including the Royal Families) is people who want to cause division, exclusion, and separation. The Nation must come together as a whole, there must be UnitSee More



Gene Tamashiro Aloha Lahui... The main purpose and intention of good government is TO PROTECT THE UNALIENABLE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS OF EACH MAN / WOMAN and CHILD. Our beloved Hawaiian Kingdom was founded and is based on this fundamental TRUTH. All people are respected inSee More



Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Constitutional is our kingdom... not above the law... but enforcers of the law



Thom Gagne Please bring the effort “full circle”.
One Planet / One Race - The Human Race.
No more separators - please!!



Shiloh Galdeira Where the Unlimited U.S. currency for the Hawaiian people? I think they waiting for the main genocider colony to drip the master mind plan on our dead spirits?



Shiloh Galdeira Hawaiian sovereignty for your request.



Gene Tamashiro Full disclosure + substantive due process. ๐Ÿ‘️❤️



Amelia Gora Aliens know this ….Protective Orders removed from Keli other words you people are on your own ...all of this is also documented on the Hawaiian Kingdom records ….all of you are NotSee More

Amelia Gora once again we are descendants of Kamehameha, the next of kin Kalola who is documented in Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Probate...including three (3) more of his children, 2 of his hanai/adopted children, 6 of his stepchildren, and 2 of Queen Liliuokalani's hSee More

Deer Deer sad to see so much anger, hatred and fear. i pray that you find aloha!



Ponokealii Ponokealii actually Gene, Hawaiian Kingdom subjects are, as the name implies, subject to the crown or mo'i who is the head of state of The Kingdom.

in order to be granted subject status each individual must swear loyalty and fealty to the crown and to the mo'i that wears the crown. they must also pledge their allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom Constitution.

Hawaiian Kingdom subjects are not required to honor any gods since no religion has ANY role in the governance of the Hawaiian Monarchy government of The Hawaiian Kingdom because of the strictly enforced doctrine of the separation of church and state.



Ponokealii Ponokealii kauikeaouli brought Christian ideology into The Hawaiian Monarchy government at the urging of keopualani who like my 6th great grandmother ka'ahumanu was a Christian convert.

as mo'i he certainly had the right to make a royal proclamation establishing The Hawaiian Kingdom as a Christian nation under biblical law. BUT, as the head of state of a constitutional monarchy for which kauikeaouli had willingly given up his right to absolute rule in favor of a democratic constitutional government ruled by the will of the people as represented and carried out by democratically elected legislators.

in such a scenario a Christian theocracy governed by biblical law clearly violates the widely accepted doctrine of separation of church and state and so much be dismantled.

there is too the fact that the laws, proclamations and edicts of the reigning mo'i must fully conform to the Constitution and all such laws, edicts and proclamations of the mo'i can be amended, superceded or overturned by the mo'i's successor to the throne.



Amelia Gora Kamehameha also did the Constitution of 1852 and put out the first anti-slavery law which was copied by the United States 13 years later or in 1865....Kamehameha IV also did a constitution in 1864 and wanted to return to the 1852 Constitution.....Aliens infiltrated King Kalakaua's office and basically stripped him of rights...he was under duress with a gun to his head and signed what was termed as the Bayonnet Constitution in 1887, which is why Queen Liliuokalani sought to change it...she burned / destroyed that Constitution and legally returned all to the earlier Constitutions....Kamehameha III is on record that the Constitution could be changed by the Kings of kanaka maoli bloodlines/Royal bloodlines, NOT Aliens ….reference: Researches posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web ….. refer to the REX vs. BOOTH case for an explanation of what the Hawaiian Government is because it appears that many kanaka maoli and Aliens are undereducated about what the government is and what is is all about. Also, Alii bashers ---be very careful because the Judicial Tribunal is also in place, along with the Hawaiian Kingdom's court of original jurisdiction...…. for everyone's information suggest that you be knowledgeable about the following posted facts....see: also for everyone's information, we will be issuing ID's, etc. questions?

Amelia Gora the posted information from the above link should be printed and kept with everyone's land documents, etc. Only those with our ID's or those who contact the Royal Families Konohiki, and Assistant Konohiki will be assisted. Aliens cannot own Alodio/Alodial titles which was conveyed to kanaka maoli in 1848, and Aliens could only have fee simple. Study the link above or have someone read it to you v e r y s l o w l y in order to understand the issues, etc.

Amelia Gora Alii bashers beware....includes Keli Akina ...who happens to be living in a tent on some of our Royal Families lease land, etc. you may have to relocate ….for bashing, etc.

Gene Tamashiro Where is your proof that I am an ali'i basher? What statement or action have I made that is untrue or unlawful? Keep it simple...I am ready to face my accuser. Truth is Sovereign. Time to back up your accusations with public record facts. Really...otherwise stop harming others with slanderous, divisive and hurtful GOSSIP! ๐Ÿ‘️❤️



Thom Gagne As long as there exist separators - there will be no unity!

One Planet / One Race

This little,

“I’m more Hawaiian than you”

A manipulation tactic from antiquity.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio You're the one being divisive and manipulative, making this about blood quantum. Bloodline, land titles and the laws of heirship are what we're talking about, dipshit haole. Gene over here talking some doodoo about "mokuauhau" and you all not paying tribute those that matter? Suck a dick with your "one love" bullshit while you trespassing on my aina. Put a gag in it, cause with your mouth full, you talking out your ass. Genocidist haole, trying to steal my identity. Cease your genocidist activities.



Thom Gagne Jeffrey Kawika Patricio thank you for your input. Indeed, you prove without question - I have nothing to fear !
I am indigenous to this planet.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Thom Gagne Haole's still stuck on that "I think, therefore I am" shit... Take a tip from Tesla, work it out internally before you let that dumb shit leak out to the rest of the universe. You're not ready to play with the grown folks. No matter how you try to rearrange it in your brain, you're still a parasite, trespassing and squatting in Hawaii. Aloha!



Thom Gagne Jeffrey Kawika Patricio aren’t you charming.
Perhaps you know where that quote comes from - perhaps you don’t!
Perhaps you actually know the context that the statement was made to address - perhaps you don’t!
I have no idea why you think it’s cool to attack people you don’t know - because it’s not cool.
Have a nice day!



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Thom Gagne Indeed, that was my intention! I have a way with words, don't I? ALOHA!!! ๐Ÿฅฐ



Thom Gagne Jeffrey Kawika Patricio - you & your “words” similar to your “cause” -
They require - no response, because both are irrelevant.

Have a nice day in Oakland - exactly where you belong.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Thom Gagne And your true genocidist sympathizing aloha finally shines through... I have to live in hell, so your parasiting haole ass can trespass on my homeland.



Thom Gagne Jeffrey Kawika Patricio choices Jeffrey.
I made calculated choices in my life to prepare for my future. I worked toward my goal for decades.
Nobody is “entitled” to anyplace/anything. This is a common mistake.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Thom Gagne The fruits of genocide are sweet, aren't they?



Thom Gagne Jeffrey Kawika Patricio I would not know that Jeffrey.
I am pretty sure you enjoy the “fruits” of modernity.
Your welcome!



Deer Deer so sad that some individuals have no aloha? not pono. so full of hatred, fear and anger that they only attack those that only wish to live in peace. so easy to be negative, call names, not be kind. try be kind, try be aloha, try be positive. maybe you begin to enjoy your life better. not everybody your enemy. open your eyes, open your mind and maybe you find your heart open too.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio That shit is old. Fuck your aloha! You know shit about aloha. Expect me for smile while you try to steal from me. If you was Hawaiian, and you had aloha, you would know your place amongst the cosmos, but your place as a haole is to STFU. Aloha!



Elizabeth Sand Amen Please do not use toxic positivity. It is dismissive and marginalizes problems, feelings, and people.

So many do not know what aloha truly entails, it's full complexity. All words are weighed and do have consequences to using them.



WQTDB Oh no, no Pono. I think the most helpful way to explain aloha is to show or live it.
I know it is hard to show love in the face of oppression. I see Gandhi as a helpful example for the situation in Hawaii. Remember he was killed by a fundamentalist Hindu. If you loose your values during colonization because you feel you must fight like your enemy, then you have already lost that which you sought to protect.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio WQTDB LOL... Wanada haole tryin to tell a Hawaiian he not Pono. You have not a clue. The problem is that you haole are a bunch of incompetents that think you should be heard. Know your role naaupo. Paa ka waha.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio WQTDB How you expect kala when you maggots no mihi?


WQTDB Jeffrey Kawika Patricio my no Pono comment is not directed at you. If you are not interested in communicating and exchanging ideas with others, what are you doing?



Elizabeth Sand Amen How can one show and live aloha when they do not understand it?

It like being taught as a small child God loves unconditionally and God is the greatest parent as we are the children of God. However the child hearing this is actually being abused or neSee More



Elizabeth Sand Amen The condition State of Hawaii is in with high poverty and homeless rates as well as death causing diseases are an example of an entire groups of people saying this is the Aloha state without actually living aloha.



Elizabeth Sand Amen What to do for justice when living in an occupied nation? Where does one turn to for help?

Roots provide the nutrition for the fruits to flourish.



Catherine Martin Imua o Ke Akua



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio According to Gene, it's YHWHAKUA... lol



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio The kukae people come up with...



Gene Tamashiro YHWHAKUA really works for me...what works for you? Have at it brother...follow your bliss....and the LAW. If I ...or anyone makes a claim that is not true (supported by evidence) then PLEASE CORRECT ME. No harm = No Crime. The opportunity to serve and protect our beloved Lahui awaits. Hawaiian Kingdom = The Creator's Kingdom on Earth! ๐Ÿ‘️❤️ Hey...Amelia and Jeffrey my # 808 785-0402 ....I not da enemy.



Jeffery Moore When to take a newcomer to see Volcano National Park yesterday got scolded By The Park Police because they saw me in an automobile without a seatbelt for a few moments three vehicles lights flashing even my guest was telling me just do what they say I held my sovereignty as best I could after about 45 minutes we drove away and they drove away no paperwork but still it doesn't feel good that we live this way



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio You can clearly see that in your touted 1839 Declaration that chiefs are part of the ruling class. Genocidist alii bashing at it's finest going on right here.



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Why the misinformation, Gene?



Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Konohiki = Landlord... Those below are tenants...



Gene Tamashiro Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Misinformation?....Help clarify my misinformation. Keep it simple...BE SPECIFIC. Mahalo.๐Ÿ‘️❤️ After all...we all doing our best to be pono and not do harm right?



Amelia Gora also, check out this link....because these Konohiki are also alodio land owners these are the landowners as well.....what Tamashiro et. als. are basically defrauding all of the descendants/heiSee More



Amelia Gora let us count the ways that Tamashiro, et. als. use, which also shows that issues of conspiracy, piracy is documented. Which is why all have to be very careful on who one associates with.....

Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Gene sounds like he just graduated his Huna training and got a copy of the sovereign citizens handbook. Now he goin' fo broke.



Amelia Gora wrong ...if he tried that stunt in other nations, he would be manhandled, imprisoned, etc. …...just found out from others that the Castro's as in Fidel are related to us...…..interesting... maybe he should go there and then we'll see what happens to them ;) …. but we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation...operating with rule of law and the U.S. Constitution supports our treaty of 1849/1850 which involve only Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs, and successors - who are all relatives and the U.S. President Taylor..... Tamashiro et. als. are NOT part of our Royal Families.

Gene Tamashiro Everything happens for a divine purpose. OK...I know I can never actually "own" any land...after all...We don't even "own" our own bodies. It is by divine grace that we exist. I still have not met anyone that can actually will themselves to open their eyes in the morning. It is our Creator ...Yes...I say YHWHAKUA...BUT YOU CAN CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF ❤️ Anyway, I know and respect ali'i who have done their research and can show title to 'aina...They have earned my respect, as I have earned theirs. Anybody got "issues" and concerns about me, MY WORDS and my life...Call me, I trust the aloha truth will help us become better acquainted...maybe...even friends....808 785-0402


Amelia Gora other researchers pointed out our connections to the Castros in the other nation ---Fidel Castro et. als…..but our great grandfather had many brothers and sisters...they were Costillian Spanish, Spanish, French, Norwegian ;)

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