Monday, February 11, 2019

Legal Notice: Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2019-0211 Genocide Activities File for Keli Akina, Gene Tamashiro, and Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u from Amelia Gora, Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.





U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State 
Honolulu Police Department - Chief of Police 
Governor David Ige
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Many Interested others  

                            Subject:  Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2019-0211  Genocide Activities File for Keli Akina, Gene Tamashiro, and Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u from Amelia Gora, Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.

Please add Keli Akina on the Genocide Activist List. Akina is a threat to my person, and our Royal Families.  He moves to defraud our Royal Families, promotes fraud, piracy(ies), conspiracy activities, genocide activities, etc..  Evidence is shown in the reference below.

Gene Tamashiro, and Kehaulani Kahau - Napulou  are also added as a threat to my person, and our Royal Families.  Promoting fraud, piracy(ies), conspiracy activities, genocide activities, etc.  Evidence is show in the reference below:


Hawaiian Kingdom
subjects are NOT subject to any man/woman. We are subject to the CREATOR'S LAW!
Hawaiian Kingdom
subjects are NOT subject to any man/woman. We are subject to the CREATOR'S LAW!


Nico van Engelen So restoring the kingdom puts it back in Gods hands? I like the sound of that as Monarchy is an outdated notion for sure.

· Reply · 2d
Amelia Gora

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Amelia Gora different from the Provisional government again..... did you not check the case Rex vs. Booth which documents what the Hawaiian Kingdom is...…….then again there are many claiming to be the Kingdom.....just sayin....

· Reply · 2d

Gene Tamashiro All claims are respected...AND must be supported with facts and evidence. I am lawful in our beloved HAWAIIAN KINGDOM. Go to:CIRCLEOFSOVEREIGNS.COM 👁❤
· Reply · 2d

Gene Tamashiro Hawaiian Kingdom : Declaration of Rights 1839 Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III 👁❤YHWHAKUA / CREATOR is in control.

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Frederic Torres-Pestana Gene Tamashiro San , nofoget Protocal very very important ohea Hawai’i Nei

· Reply · 1d

Frederic Torres-Pestana Maka’ala Kanawai “ IHI KAPU “

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Gene Tamashiro Excellent Frederic...Even though I do not have the koko ali'i bloodline, I am a 100% supporter of OUR CONSTITUTION and the House of Nobles. Aunty Amelia, Nadine "Noelani" Aquino, and other sacred vine experts are central to the Moku'auhau process which is now beginning to take shape...Yeah! Communicate with each other...Organize and support the Creator's Kingdom on Earth. HAWAIIAN KINGDOM LIVES!! 👁❤

· Reply · 1d

Frederic Torres-Pestana My respect & response to you is NOT about da koko , PROTOCOLS Kupuna Kanawai Waihitapu

· Reply · 1d
Amelia Gora

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Amelia Gora but we the bloodlines including being Queen Liliuokalani's families... and you guys not......including Keli Akina …..hmmm

· Reply · 2d

Gene Tamashiro Yes, Amelia...I do not have kuleana as royal bloodline. Respect. Mokuauhau is coming. You need to be there!! House of Nobles returns...👁❤

· Reply · 2d

Amelia Gora Our House of Nobles are already in place...we the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands.... Sorry Gene ….appears that you're in the same position as Okinawan Pirates Yagi (former Comptroller for the State) and Ige - current Governor of the Identity t…See More

Gene Tamashiro If I have made a false claim...bring your evidence...and correct me.

· Reply · 1d
Amelia Gora

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Amelia Gora Conspiracy to defraud the Royal Families....a possible charge.... btw Nadine Aquino is also one of the konohiki ….I think you're stepping in an area that you do not belong...… what or who makes you part of the Hawaiian Kingdom? just because you say you are? doesn't work that way or does it? you're a nobody who wants to be somebody in the Hawaiian Kingdom....just like Keli Akina….. scarey…. good bye....

· Reply · 1d

Keli Puuali'i Akina 'Aole, you was asked to do a job but you failed to do it. We are putting this kingdom government in motion. You are not participating in the process. You failed to do your job. You are not the minister of foreign affairs either, you do nothing in the international arena. The Lahui is moving forward without you.We/I battle in the courts everyday, What have you done for the Lahui? Your work is meaningless unless you help with change.

· Reply · 1d · Edited

Amelia Gora ...I was asked to do a job? hah! a job of listening to you to remove San Tah…… battle in the courts everyday... are you not aware of Joyclynn Costa outcome that the Doctrine of Political Question won....the Judge accepted the fact that everything is a nation to nation issue which is why he stepped aside...because they have no's called case precedence...… failed to deliver after I paid $25 for your ID … and I heard some other things about you.... a person who took the police test and failed 3x or more is questionable....your move to be aggressive and wanting to have guns, etc. is Not Pono…. heard you even dressed up in your security outfit and allowed trucks onto property that you have your tent on and then directed them to park without the OK of the good people who allowed you space.....and you yelled at me over the phone to remove the assistant konohiki status from San Tah! … lack education, you fail to follow rule of law - Hawaiian Kingdom law....amazing how small your mind is due to lack of understanding....and you dare move with aliens who claim to be putting together the Hawaiian Kingdom … yet another Provisional government set up to defraud our Royal Families...….auwe…...sad....your Protective Order is officially canceled, and you are a threat to our Royal Families as well... this is a legal notice posted for the records...and for filings with the Honolulu Police Department on the Genocide Activities list which I was assigned to since to kanaka maoli NOT aliens/ or Okinawan Pirates...…..auwe, sad....and by the way, we have the alodio/allodial titles for our Royal Families as well as being Kamehameha's, and Queen Liliuokalani's Families...sad... goodbye. P I r a t e s, conspiracy, T r e a s o n, etc. so who really beat up San Tah and left him for dead....he needed 6 staples in his head after you yelled at me...… the public: anonymous tips

· Reply · 1h
Amelia Gora

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Robbie Lindauer Yeah, the question if you're going to establish a Kingdom is -who is king-?

will you bow to another human as lord and king?

· Reply · 1d

Amelia Gora Hawaiian Kingdom exists already..... another Alien commenting.... and also someone who has no say.... interesting...….. it is Not us who did wrongs... Rule of Law, U.S. Constitution applies to treaties... Okinawan pirates are documented, Pirates on the High Seas are documented....

· Reply · 1d

Amelia Gora scarey Aliens, Pirates in the Hawaiian Islands who are illegal, unlawful, and who fail to follow Rule of Law, etc. ……. goodbye.

· Reply · 1d

Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u Amelia Gora I have heard so much about u in DCC. Archives. How u have failed to give help to help the Hawaiian People and our Aina. But pushed them OFF to someone else. Now I know Dayne and Keline Kahau talks about u alot! And yet they too act like they all for helping Hawaiian Lands and people. Yet they make fraudulent papers to get Hawaiian people in homes with a payment. And when it is time for it to go down. They still expect payment. They say to us, who the hell does the people think they are. That Dayne n Keline are not lawyers. And they need to seek help else where. And what do Dayne n Keline does. Step back and bring up more fraudulent papers from David Wynn Miller.
Ask me how I know? Check my name!
U Amelia can say all u want but in da end. U are never for what the Kingdom needs! Nor u shouldn't be heard! Bye.

· Reply · 11h

Amelia Gora Excuse me...…...I don't know who you are....I'm not with David Wynn Miller (deceased) who has an active group of people who defend his works such as Leocadia Hashimoto, Dayne and Keline Kahau - Postal Judge...don't know if Mahealani Asing is with that method of quantum language...….so who's telling you people lies that I not helping the Hawaiian, like Keli Akina are a threat to our Royal Families.... you have the Kahau name so you're speaking badly about your own relatives? Do you understand that the group that Keli Akina and others are following something other than a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy setup and really have no say in the Hawaiian the post very carefully...…...the whole intent of this group is to form a Provisional government and Not the Hawaiian's apparent that you lack the education and understanding ….follow Keli Akina, et. als…..once again I don't know who you are.... and can see that you too are a threat, a danger to my person, and our Royal Families......we help those who are with us mostly, feel sorry for those who are not with us and sometimes have exceptions. I don't owe you and others nothing, but our families are here to make corrections....and we have plans for our families, konohiki, assistant konohiki…... we are Not the ones who did wrong. Go talk to your Kahau family......I'll make sure Mahealani gets these messages too.....goodbye.

· Reply · 21m


Amelia Gora, a Royal person

additional references:


Genocide Activists forming a Provisional Government calling themselves the Hawaiian Kingdom...Aliens and kanaka maoli…..alike...ignorance ongoing genocide activists...…….for the records...

updated:  2/11/2019 11:32 PM

Hawaiian Kingdom
subjects are NOT subject to any man/woman. We are subject to the CREATOR'S LAW!
Amelia Gora different from the Provisional government again..... did you not check the case Rex vs. Booth which documents what the Hawaiian Kingdom is...…….then again there are many claiming to be the Kingdom.....just sayin....
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Amelia Gora but we the bloodlines including being Queen Liliuokalani's families... and you guys not......including Keli Akina …..hmmm
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Gene Tamashiro Yes, Amelia...I do not have kuleana as royal bloodline. Respect. Mokuauhau is coming. You need to be there!! House of Nobles returns...👁️❤️
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Amelia Gora Our House of Nobles are already in place...we the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands.... Sorry Gene ….appears that you're in the same position as Okinawan Pirates Yagi (former Comptroller for the State) and Ige - current Governor of the Identity tSee More
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Gene Tamashiro If I have made a false claim...bring your evidence...and correct me.
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Keli Puuali'i Akina Where are you when we are in the courts fighting for our people!!! I've been helping others out of the traps of the fake state. We are helping our people. We don't need the crab in the bucket syndrome.
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Amelia Gora Conspiracy to defraud the Royal Families....a possible charge.... btw Nadine Aquino is also one of the konohiki ….I think you're stepping in an area that you do not belong...… what or who makes you part of the Hawaiian Kingdom? just because you say you are? doesn't work that way or does it? you're a nobody who wants to be somebody in the Hawaiian Kingdom....just like Keli Akina….. scarey…. good bye....
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Keli Puuali'i Akina 'Aole, you was asked to do a job but you failed to do it. We are putting this kingdom government in motion. You are not participating in the process. You failed to do your job. You are not the minister of foreign affairs either, you do nothing in the international arena. The Lahui is moving forward without you.We/I battle in the courts everyday, What have you done for the Lahui? Your work is meaningless unless you help with change.
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Amelia Gora ...I was asked to do a job? hah! a job of listening to you to remove San Tah…… battle in the courts everyday... are you not aware of Joyclynn Costa outcome that the Doctrine of Political Question won....the Judge accepted the fact that everything is a nation to nation issue which is why he stepped aside...because they have no's called case precedence...… failed to deliver after I paid $25 for your ID … and I heard some other things about you.... a person who took the police test and failed 3x or more is questionable....your move to be aggressive and wanting to have guns, etc. is Not Pono…. heard you even dressed up in your security outfit and allowed trucks onto property that you have your tent on and then directed them to park without the OK of the good people who allowed you space.....and you yelled at me over the phone to remove the assistant konohiki status from San Tah! … lack education, you fail to follow rule of law - Hawaiian Kingdom law....amazing how small your mind is due to lack of understanding....and you dare move with aliens who claim to be putting together the Hawaiian Kingdom … yet another Provisional government set up to defraud our Royal Families...….auwe…...sad....your Protective Order is officially canceled, and you are a threat to our Royal Families as well... this is a legal notice posted for the records...and for filings with the Honolulu Police Department on the Genocide Activities list which I was assigned to since to kanaka maoli NOT aliens/ or Okinawan Pirates...…..auwe, sad....and by the way, we have the alodio/allodial titles for our Royal Families as well as being Kamehameha's, and Queen Liliuokalani's Families...sad... goodbye. P I r a t e s, conspiracy, T r e a s o n, etc. so who really beat up San Tah and left him for dead....he needed 6 staples in his head after you yelled at me...… the public: anonymous tips
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Robbie Lindauer Yeah, the question if you're going to establish a Kingdom is -who is king-?

will you bow to another human as lord and king?
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Amelia Gora Hawaiian Kingdom exists already..... another Alien commenting.... and also someone who has no say.... interesting...….. it is Not us who did wrongs... Rule of Law, U.S. Constitution applies to treaties... Okinawan pirates are documented, Pirates on the High Seas are documented....
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Amelia Gora scarey Aliens, Pirates in the Hawaiian Islands who are illegal, unlawful, and who fail to follow Rule of Law, etc. ……. goodbye.
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Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u Amelia Gora I have heard so much about u in DCC. Archives. How u have failed to give help to help the Hawaiian People and our Aina. But pushed them OFF to someone else. Now I know Dayne and Keline Kahau talks about u alot! And yet they too act like theSee More
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Amelia Gora Excuse me...…...I don't know who you are....I'm not with David Wynn Miller (deceased) who has an active group of people who defend his works such as Leocadia Hashimoto, Dayne and Keline Kahau - Postal Judge...don't know if Mahealani Asing is with that See More
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Kehaulani Kahau - Napulo'u There's no bashing just TRUTH. because I was one of those family members being abused. And took for granted. And now today I will stand strong with Gene Tamashiro and Keli Puuali'i Akina who is only trying to bring it back together. Not with lies but with TRUTG. You may give my Aunty Nina anything you want. She is not who I speak about. And idc. I speak truth and facts. I know who to trust and who not to trust. 🤗🤗🤗
And I didn't say YOU were with David Wynn Miller!.
Please read my post correctly.. I hear it from Dayne n Keline! And if they spoke of lies. My apologies.
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Robbie Lindauer Gene Tamashiro seems like plenty people want to be king.
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Gene Tamashiro The royal families are now coming together to MOKU'AUHAU. We support everyone's right to serve their community and live their life as they are called to do. True freedom requires TRUE LAW. Our nation is founded on the Creator's Law : Declaration of Rights 1839, Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III. Hawaiian Kingdom subjects are not subject to another man/woman. We are, all of us, even our King are SUBJECT to the LAW. 👁️❤️
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Robbie Lindauer Gene Tamashiro there is only one king, and we are all brothers. I will not call another human “royal” because we are all equal before God. (my family also “royal blood line” but you don’t hear me trying to make other people bow over it).
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Gene Tamashiro Aloha Robbie..Mahalo for your clarification. Yes the term "royal" and "alii" can be misunderstood and misapplied. The great and humble achievements of my ancestor's indeed run through my veins. But this sacred legacy does not give me ANY SPECIAL RIGHTS above others. Our leadership is confirmed by our pono service. 👁️❤️
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Deer Deer It appears to me that one of the biggest threat to the re-establishment of the Hawaiian Kingdom (including the Royal Families) is people who want to cause division, exclusion, and separation. The Nation must come together as a whole, there must be Unity. The wisdom of King Kamehameha III in the first Constitution 1839 (Declaration of Rights), "God hath made of one blood all nations of men, to dwell on the face of the earth in unity and blessedness." He does not promote an "Us vs. Them" situation. He had the wisdom and courage to embrace Unity. Just because a human has royal blood, does not make them a leader. Similarly, just because someone manages to get themselves in a position of authority, they are also not automatically a true leader. Look at President Trump who enriches himself in his position instead of the people. A true leader inspires people, includes people, works for all of the people not just the ones that they believe are worthy. King Kamehameha III goes on to explain, "God has also bestowed certain rights alike on all men, and all chiefs and all people of all lands." Unity! Equal protection! It is inappropriate, unkind and unjust to attack another human personally simply because we disagree with them. If anyone has a case, please bring forward your facts and evidence or stop trying to divide righteous people. Personal attacks are the last resort of weak people. I pray that the Hawaiian Kingdom, as an occupied nation, has the courage, the inclusiveness, the wisdom and the aloha to find a way to move forward together, letting petty differences fall away. Let us look for our areas of common unity (community) instead of our differences. Let us all step outside of ourselves (our egos, our pride, our righteous indignation, our anger, our fears and our prejudices) and embrace one another as one aloha Hawaiian Kingdom nation under God.
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Gene Tamashiro Aloha Lahui... The main purpose and intention of good government is TO PROTECT THE UNALIENABLE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS OF EACH MAN / WOMAN and CHILD. Our beloved Hawaiian Kingdom was founded and is based on this fundamental TRUTH. All people are respected in their unalienable right to make claims AND we are ALL REQUIRED to provide EVIDENCE to substantiate and prove our claims. Hawaiians of all colors, including families with royal lineage are ALL PROTECTED and ALL HELD ACCOUNTABLE to the three primary principles of LAWFUL ADJUDICATION: Be Truthful. Do No Harm. Honor Your Word. IMUA - ONIPA'A - LOKAHI - ALOHA👁️❤️
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Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero Constitutional is our kingdom... not above the law... but enforcers of the law
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Thom Gagne Please bring the effort “full circle”.
One Planet / One Race - The Human Race.
No more separators - please!!
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Gene Tamashiro True that Thom.. But Chinese/Brazilian/Australian/American etc...are not lawfully allowed to determine the destiny of our Hawaiian Kingdom. For the same reason..."well meaning" people are not allowed to pitch their tents on your kuleana blood sweat and tears, and then tell you what to do. 👁️❤️
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Thom Gagne Gene Tamashiro love you Gene. I understand your place.
I see in this thread the dissent of the tiny little group - unable to coordinate collectively, the “I’m more Hawaiian than you” syndrome.
This is very divisive and counter productive.

My point, “nobody” should be telling anyone - Nation to Nation, Ethnic group to Ethnic group, etc...
But, we (you, others) ways to point out “separators” when - at the end of the journey - One Planet, One Race - The Human Race!
Seems to weaken the argument to simply impose the same make believe “differences” - entitling one group over another for location, resources, life!
I see a bigger picture.....
I’m sorry for the dissension I have read here - your efforts are incredible and earnest. To be labeled - usurper - seems very short sighted by the commenter.
Though we do not share the same “belief” system - you are true to your mythology that must bring you hope - I assume.
My belief remains on this planet and the beings that occupy every inch.
Anything I can do to help you - I am your servant!
Come play music!
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Shiloh Galdeira Where the Unlimited U.S. currency for the Hawaiian people? I think they waiting for the main genocider colony to drip the master mind plan on our dead spirits?
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Shiloh Galdeira Hawaiian sovereignty for your request.
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Gene Tamashiro Full disclosure + substantive due process. 👁️❤️
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Amelia Gora Aliens know this ….Protective Orders removed from Keli other words you people are on your own ...all of this is also documented on the Hawaiian Kingdom records ….all of you are Not part of the Hawaiian Kingdom de jure.... reference: Rex vs. Booth case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS - 1863, Supreme Court Law Library/ Archives/ Main Library.....also read up for your charges of conspiracy HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, 1851, The King vs. William Anderson and John Russell, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, etc. etc.
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Amelia Gora once again we are descendants of Kamehameha, the next of kin Kalola who is documented in Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Probate...including three (3) more of his children, 2 of his hanai/adopted children, 6 of his stepchildren, and 2 of Queen Liliuokalani's hanai children.... careful people know that research has been going on for 40+ years … suggest that you contact the konohiki and assistant konohiki on each island to stay pono ….aloha.
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