Friday, February 1, 2019

Vol VII No. 740 - Part 2



pilipo souza

Attachments10:49 AM (11 hours ago)
Neva Aloha kakou he Hawaii, PAU?

In case you neva but you like um? Here stay da olelo “Pule o Pu’eo” from Kahu Lee!
Kanaka Maoli history reports of the ahupua’a of Hono’uliuli sustaining the existence for 800,000 plus Kanaka. Why after all the degradation of this domain, the wise Pu’eo still remains? Is it to remind the people of what was once? Once the mice and rats are gone the Pu’eo will leave to another domain.  But what of the Kanaka Maoli?

Today, there are some modern day ahupua’a labeled as “Federal Hawaiian Homestead” that have more vehicles in the alanui and yard than they have occupants in the hale but no moa da wise Pu’eo? But the Pu’eo is the last to “give-up”. Have the Kanaka Maoli so much “formal education” that the na’auao of the Pu’eo is too much for us to understand? The Pu’eo is calling to the Kanaka Maoli to take a stand on all the Aina, Oni’pa’a! We must not abandon the Pu’eo for they are counting on us to survive, for without us, no moa the ‘iole! No moa ‘iole, no moa Pu’eo and soon no moa. Kanaka Maoli ! No different than the ocean species need balance, so does the Aina. To balance, we all need each other!

malama I ka pono o Iesu Kristo,

Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai’i 1936)
Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals – NOW !

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