Saturday, February 9, 2019

Vol VII No. 741 Part 2a

RAPE IN HAWAII by Uninvited Occupiers who Have No Legal Claims to Our Lands...….even documented by the United Nations.....Racketeers, No Jurisdiction, Illegal to the MAX!

Ruthann Caudill This case is still in Court.
Judge Crabtree is presiding, so I don’t understand why anyone might want to get a Contempt of Court slapped on them.


Gene Tamashiro replied to a comment on this.
Hawaiian Kingdom
subjects are NOT subject to any man/woman. We are subject to the CREATOR'S LAW!
Nico van Engelen So restoring the kingdom puts it back in Gods hands? I like the sound of that as Monarchy is an outdated notion for sure.
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Amelia Gora different from the Provisional government again..... did you not check the case Rex vs. Booth which documents what the Hawaiian Kingdom is...…….then again there are many claiming to be the Kingdom.....just sayin....
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Amelia Gora but we the bloodlines including being Queen Liliuokalani's families... and you guys not......including Keli Akina …..hmmm
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Gene Tamashiro Yes, Amelia...I do not have kuleana as royal bloodline. Respect. Mokuauhau is coming. You need to be there!! House of Nobles returns...๐Ÿ‘️❤️
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Amelia Gora Our House of Nobles are already in place...we the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands.... Sorry Gene ….appears that you're in the same position as Okinawan Pirates Yagi (former Comptroller for the State) and Ige - current Governor of the Identity thieving Territory turned State.... what's sick is hearing about all the self proclaimers calling themselves Kings or Queen's, etc. Our Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court, of original jurisdiction is here.....and have been operating for almost a year, the Judicial Tribunal for 3 have been contacting our families with some dubious information....and we question your whole basis......we will Not support you and others who move towards violence including Keli Akina a wanna be policeman, sheriff, etc....or others similar such as yourselves.
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Following last February's shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, some students claimed local government officials were at fault for failing to provide protection to students. The students filed suit, naming six defendants, including the Broward school district and the...
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2 hrs
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. -- An Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that will criminalize abortion as first-degree murder. Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes. "No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform…
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Lori Wilson Patch This is great Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson was the first black woman to attend and graduate from Harvard Medical School and was a founder of Massachusetts Citizens for Life and National Right to Life.
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Maria Taylor and 2 others shared a link.
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An “unusually strong” storm system is bearing down on the Hawaiian islands from the north, promising life-threatening surf as high 60 feet, “unprecedented” coastal flooding, damaging winds, and heavy showers this weekend, forecasters warned today.

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