Friday, February 8, 2019

Vol VII No. 741 - Part 3: Mauna Kea Court Case Still On, Non-owners Move to Use Lands for WAR Purposes

OHA vs State Mauna Kea


Ruthie Caudill

Thu, Feb 7, 9:33 AM (21 hours ago)
to TrusteeAkina, bcc: me
Dear Trustee,

Please, are there any updates in the OHA vs. State et al about the Mauna Kea?

It would be helpful if there were updates.


Ruthann Caudill

Ruthie Caudill

Thu, Feb 7, 10:47 AM (19 hours ago)
to JohnRuthie, bcc: me
Aloha John,

Mahalo for your answer. 

Motion to Dismiss are standard procedure.

The Status with Judge Crabtree was to wait until OHA new members were sworn in.

Since there are so many people who are concerned about what is happening, it would be nice to keep everyone informed.

Mahalo for your time.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 3:20 PM John Burnett <> wrote:
Aloha Ruthann,

Good question. It's difficult for us to follow Honolulu state court proceedings from here unless we are apprised by one or both parties of what's happening, since we have no Tribune-Herald reporters in Honolulu. I can tell you there were arguments January 30 on UH's motion to dismiss and Judge Crabtree took the motion under advisement. When the next hearing or written decision is coming out, I don't know. Unfortunately, unlike the judiciary's criminal case website or the federal website, we can't get documents from the state's Hoohiki website and it's difficult for us to get them from Honolulu in a timely manner.

But this is something (in my opinion) the Star-Advertiser should be on (and I can't help you there). 


On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 9:35 AM Ruthie Caudill <> wrote:
I am wondering why the Lawsuit is not covered?


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