Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vol VII No. 744 - Alii Bashers Beware/Be Aware

Amelia Gora Legal Notice: alii bashers .....all sitting on our Royal Families Private Properties will be documented as trespassers, etc. etc. and added to the Genocide Activities list which I was assigned to since 1998. For the Records...also, Keeaumoku Kapu advising you that you're moving with the wrong people......also think you forgot to mention that you and your family looked for me to ask what was needed to reclaim your lands.... and I went over a list with your sister Lani and pointed out the laws... I also gave your family a Protective Order, and also added that your Family could help malama our families interests in Victoria Kamamalu's properties adjacent to your land..... it's great that you're maintaining your properties, but it was I who pointed out the case PIIKOI vs. KAPENA, HAWAIIAN REPORTS which documents case precedence, the lands which were re-entered by the owners has to be removed from further court activities...….and compounded by the fact that NO ONE CAN TAKE YOUR PROPERTY AWAY not even the Royall Families which is in HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, KEKIEKIE vs.. DENNIS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Hawaii...….funky,, hagemogi people from the Big Island came to talk with us and appears to be druggies and aliens talking Sovereignty and mimicking our Hawaiian government when in reality they can be prosecuted for crimes of Identity theft, Genocide, etc...…...suggest you connect with kanaka maoli instead of ALIEN wannabe's and idiots such as their security followers who can't even pass the Police Tests, etc. are incapable of handling their own affairs, etc..... People such as these characters are already documented as Genocide Activists.....also, a character who came from the Big Island was another ALIEN who looked like a military psyops….watch those around you Keeaumoku Kapu … example of the past is Robert W. Wilcox who employed the assistance of Albert Kunuiakea, the illegitimate son of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and Gina Lahilahi. He did serve in office with the Provisional Government...…… other words, do not be swayed by usurpers now documented with these bunch of characters, conspirators, pirates, pillagers....etc. Wanna work with the true blues? aloha.


Dianne Hoapili replied to a comment on this.
Hawaiian Kingdom Lives!
Our true status is no longer a controversy. The Question is...
What are you going to DO ABOUT IT?


Gene Tamashiro Kingdom Ohana Gathering : Sunday 3-3-19 1pm 👁️❤️@ Uncle Robert's in Kalapana...Common Unity / MO'OKUAUHAU / LAW / Organic Agriculture / Healing and Security. "Kill 'em with ALOHA"



Beth Leeds I am spreading aloha around the world!!!


Beth Leeds I protect Mauna Kea


Beth Leeds I stand up for the Hawaiian Kingdom



Rocky Kalani I was born in the kingdom. We goin huli the occupiers



Gene Tamashiro Heavenly Father + Earth Mother = Keiki O ka '👁️ina!



Rocky Kalani Kanikapila?



Gene Tamashiro Awesome Rocky...Alana will MC and stage manage the music!! 👁️❤️



Amelia Gora Everyone be aware that Gene Tamashiro, and Keli Akina are on the Genocide Activities List at the Honolulu Police Department and on the Hawaiian Kingdom Records with our House of Nobles.....Tamashiro is an Alien trying to usurp the Hawaiian Kingdom de aware that they are PIRATES, Identity Thieves and in the same boat as the Provisional government of 1893...…… also Police should be aware because they are a threat to the Royal Families......


Robbie Lindauer the royal families that sold out the people to the occupiers in the first place?

I mean 'royalty' is a stupid idea anyway, the idea that someone is better than someone else is literally stupid.



Aris Albaitis I truly can't tell if this post was in jest.. As soon as I saw Gene being accused of Genocide (Gene-ocide, hehe.) I figured it has to be a joke, but apparently "Royals" have a shit list or is this some tinfoil hat thing?



Robbie Lindauer Aris Albaitis from what i see “royals “ have it in for everybody not them



Thom Gagne Aris Albaitis Aloha Aris - Gene is not in jest. But, this Amelia Gora seems to troll Gene and make bizarre off color remarks - the usual “keyboard warrior” !! That’s the part of this that is a distraction.
Gene, as so many of us know - is true, sincere and firmly believes in his effort. Genes work has brought light to truth and a way forward.
Gene harms no one - helps everyone.
These folks, Amelia Gora and company throw accusations and provide no positive energy.
Right on Gene - whatever you need, I am your servant.



Aris Albaitis Very good then. I was replying to Amelia as the jest in question. Gene is awesome though. Miss that guy.



Roger Kay Here is one vid I found which is a position supported by many of the leading Kipunas on Moku 'o Keawe...(but perhaps not on Oahu). I believe much of bro Genes actions stem from this Island's consciousness of whom one believes is part of the "Sacred Vine". ..and whether beneficial protocols or actions are being carried out by that alleged heir. That process for official Claim validation by Kingdom vote on this island is now being independently assessed by any and all "Sacred Vine" Claimants here (those of Queen Keopuolani, Kauikeaouli..) through the process of Mo'okuauhau. Uncle Albert Haa's supporters are some of the more staunch activists along with the other groups on this island...who all have their own "protocols" ...but which does not diminish their Aloha Warrior "front-lines" activities .


Robbie Lindauer everyone on the planet can trace their ancestry to the same people, so who cares?

royalism is just a kind of racism



Thom Gagne There has never been and will never be justification of those that “believe” in Royalty. Blatant aggression is not “royal”. Since, hopefully in 2019, we as rational, reasoning humans can grasp and understand that we are ALL the same - nobody is better than another - period.
There is no “royalty” by any decree other than aggression.
One Planet / One Race - The Human Race.



Roger Kay Robbie Lindauer Yes, I tend to characterize it more as an upper caste (or class) bigotry or chauvinism ...and which Kam 1's Maui "wife" relatively stood against. The following video also displays how Uncle Albert views himself as just one of many...among the other better or worse. The revelation here is that a seated constitutional monarch (Kamehameha 3) was being threatened by the "Royalty" of a foreign Federal Corporation..and had to fake his own death, and flee the country in order not to be assassinated. But, he has heirs to tell the story. ...


Dianne Hoapili Robbie Lindauer Aole, it is not and you have made your freedom of expression in choice of participation. One down. 🤗🌈😊🌺



Robbie Lindauer Dianne Hoapili IT IS RACISM to set up one person above another because of the status of their birth.


Shiloh Galdeira Where the money for wronging Hawaiian people at? Lock down for Americans.



Alan D. Ackerman I got a plan ...



Mel Wildman Way ahead of you !



Darcy Alvarado Ok no more walking in! Lol



Flip Tripper This ain't about Hawaii, this is about a rock floating in the middle of the universe, with a bunch of walking, talking confused cosmic particals of dust learning to work together... Carry on❤️🙏 poopy heads😋😜❤️🤗😘 I love you Gene ❤️the rest of you too❤️😘



Elizabeth Sand Amen There is always a learning curve to understanding the truth of the Hawaiian Kingdom. May the teacher present themselves to the student(s). May gracious patience be a virtue before condemnations.



Amelia Gora Legal Notice: alii bashers .....all sitting on our Royal Families Private Properties will be documented as trespassers, etc. etc. and added to the Genocide Activities list which I was assigned to since 1998. For the Records...also, Keeaumoku Kapu advising you that you're moving with the wrong people......also think you forgot to mention that you and your family looked for me to ask what was needed to reclaim your lands.... and I went over a list with your sister Lani and pointed out the laws... I also gave your family a Protective Order, and also added that your Family could help malama our families interests in Victoria Kamamalu's properties adjacent to your land..... it's great that you're maintaining your properties, but it was I who pointed out the case PIIKOI vs. KAPENA, HAWAIIAN REPORTS which documents case precedence, the lands which were re-entered by the owners has to be removed from further court activities...….and compounded by the fact that NO ONE CAN TAKE YOUR PROPERTY AWAY not even the Royall Families which is in HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, KEKIEKIE vs.. DENNIS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Hawaii...….funky,, hagemogi people from the Big Island came to talk with us and appears to be druggies and aliens talking Sovereignty and mimicking our Hawaiian government when in reality they can be prosecuted for crimes of Identity theft, Genocide, etc...…...suggest you connect with kanaka maoli instead of ALIEN wannabe's and idiots such as their security followers who can't even pass the Police Tests, etc. are incapable of handling their own affairs, etc..... People such as these characters are already documented as Genocide Activists.....also, a character who came from the Big Island was another ALIEN who looked like a military psyops….watch those around you Keeaumoku Kapu … example of the past is Robert W. Wilcox who employed the assistance of Albert Kunuiakea, the illegitimate son of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and Gina Lahilahi. He did serve in office with the Provisional Government...…… other words, do not be swayed by usurpers now documented with these bunch of characters, conspirators, pirates, pillagers....etc. Wanna work with the true blues? aloha.



Keeaumoku Kapu Am I missing something? Did I just get juked by an usurper?
Like · Reply · 18h
Amelia Gora Yes....these guys are claiming to be starting up the Hawaiian Kingdom/the Kingdom of Hawaii and said that no one person is above them, etc. They fail to do their homework because the following information shows what the Hawaiian government is.... it is NOT made up by ALIENS such as this group....see: "
2. Rex vs. Booth, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - About the Hawaiian Government = A Constitutional Monarchy Government Unlike the United States. See pages 616 +
The Hawaiian Government
“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in founding either the Government or the Constitution.”
Reference: REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.
See: " Keeaumoku Kapu these guys tried to get my own brother to move with them....they said they would pay for his flight to the Big Island, etc....They are based on usurpation, genocide activities, etc.Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Researched by Amelia Gora (2018)
The following points are important to know, understand, because our Constitutional Monarchy government has land laws unlike the Alien laws of the U.S. etc.
Although brief, and straight to the point, it is important to know that your genealogies connecting to your ancestors can be one of the most challenging things to put together prior to obtaining your Royal Patents, Land Commission Awards, and Surveys.
Know the following information and set up a packet for each of your land projects.
Know that alodio/allodial lands are forever. Even if grampa/ great grampa conveyed away, the lands are returned to the family/his heirs again after he passed.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gifted his people with "forever lands" unlike other Constitutional Monarchy governments. For example: Great Britain, Spain's Monarchs conveyed alodio lands to citizens........upon the persons death, the land returns to the Monarch.
Not so for kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli. The alodio/Alodio/Ano Alodio on the Deeds are "forever lands".
The following are important facts for all to know:
1. Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gifted his people - kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli Alodio/ Alodial Titles. To Aliens he gave Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.
Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli granted alodio/Ano Alodio Lands and Fee Simple lands to Aliens.
Aliens are Not Entitled to Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands. Aliens are Not kanaka maoli or those given/granted/ gifted by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III as documented in his Speech of 1851.
ROSTER LEGISLATURES OF HAWAII 1841-1918, Publication No. 1, Archives of Hawaii Compiled From the Official Records by Robert C. Lydecker, Librarian, Public Archives (1918) - King's Speech At The Opening of the Legislature, 1851.
HAWAIIAN REPORTS 3-4 R.C. Wyllie, Minister of Foreign Relations, Honolulu to Alfred Blanche, Esquire, Councillor of State, Etc. Etc. ANNUAL REPORTS, Read Before HIS MAJESTY, to the Hawaiian Legislature, May 12, 1851 pages 3-4, KAHN Collection, 24/28 – 24/39 II, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii
2. Rex vs. Booth, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - About the Hawaiian Government = A Constitutional Monarchy Government Unlike the United States. See pages 616 +
The Hawaiian Government
“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in founding either the Government or the Constitution.”
Reference: REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.

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Repost for Alii Bashers:
Amelia Gora Legal Notice: alii bashers .....all sitting on our Royal Families…

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