Thursday, March 14, 2019

Anti-Pirates Poe/People Series: Reclaiming Your Alodio/Forever Lands Gifted by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli

Reclaim Your Aina/Lands (your Forever Lands Gifted by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli) called Alodio/Allodial/Ano Alodio Lands to Kanaka Maoli ---Aliens have only Fee Simple or 30 years leases

In 1848, the time of the Mahele or Sharing and NOT Division/dividing as written over time, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave to his subjects/kanaka maoli Alodio Titles.
To Aliens/foreigners/haole, he gave Fee Simple - less than alodio or 30 year leases/freehold lands.
Those who premeditated the dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani did move to defraud all kanaka maoli of their properties by lies, fraud, deceit.
The following are evidence of frauds documented over time:
1929 - Bailey in the INDICES OF AWARDS claimed lands were "alodio in fee simple" which merged the two types of lands into one............defrauding all kanaka maoli.
Our Hawaiian people have been assailed by foreigners who have criminally maneuvered to claim properties that they can never own because  our land system is a Constitutional Monarchy government system and lands conveyed in 1848 are a done deal.
The Mahele lands were conveyed and given forever to kanaka maoli.
A foreign entity has not the right to own alodio titles, therefore, the Paramount or superior titles are owned by our people only.
Our people have only to put their genealogies together, and connect to ancestral lands.
Some lands are already known by the descendants, and other lands needs to be researched.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave forever lands to his people.
Do your genealogies to show your direct connection to the landowner, your ancestor.
Reference your land claims to HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 1 KEKIEKIE vs. DENNIS case because 'no one can take the lands from you, not even the Royal families themselves'  and your title is good against all the world.
You need to obtain copies of the Royal Patent, Land Commission Awards and Survey Notes from the Archives.  Copies of the Royal Patent, and Land Commission Award can also be obtained from the Bureau of Conveyance.
Reference:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS - Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa case.
There are other cases but these are good to go.

HOLIDAY - Madonna


I'm a Kumukahi descendant. How is our wahi pana in molokai land granted to charles bishop. OH HELL NO! Amelia Gora Keeaumoku Kapu

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