Friday, March 22, 2019

Anti-Piratical People Series: Kuleana lands with Alodio/Allodial Titles ...

When you are occupying your kuleana lands? You are protected as a Hawaiian national as a Hawaiian Kingdom subject so you MUST OBEY The Hawaiian Kingdom constitution and Laws! You can't be a half ass kine Kanaka . You are PROTECTED in the Hawaiian Kingdom! The huli is happening! My NA Kanaka moving back to occupy their kuleana lands. Hawaiian Kingdom constitution and Laws are the ONLY LAWS we OBEY. We have to make changes. occupy your kuleana lands and grow, food, medicine, flowers, hemp, and any eco friendly products you can barter. Build your hale.eventually we will have villages. I hope to see that day. Reminder : an Alodial tittle is forever! When that person dies? Land goes back to the Ohana. NO CORPORATIONS CAN OWN LAND! Warranty tittle deed is INVALID! Get them off your land!anything that happened after January 17, 1893 is NULL AND VOID! Don't forget that! We MUST KU'E TO HAWAIIAN KINGDOM RESTORATION! That is the only time we will have the power and authority in our Hawaiian Kingdom! Know who you are? I'm a proud Kanaka Maoli until my last Ha.

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