Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Anti-Piratical People Series: Parity Clause to Updated Term: Protected Persons for Kanaka Maoli

What are you kanaka
A ) civilian / internationally protected persons
B ) a combatant / prisoner of war that resist against belligerent forces and invaders
Shane Niau I'm a KANAKA MAOLI SUBJECT of the Hawaiian kingdom ALOHA ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿฝ
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Troy Kamuela Wong I am a proud subject of the Hawaiian Kingdom
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Amelia Gora While Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was in place, the Law of Nations was in place with the Minister of Foreign Relations/Affairs who utilized the "parity" clause which was a protection of subjects, families, and those aligned with the Hawaiian Kingdom....then, the League of Nations was in place, evolved into the CFR/Council of Foreign Relations which created the United Nations which utilizes the Protected Persons status....which means that we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation...we are Not the ones who did wrong.....our status continues....don't fall into their games of trying to make our people into something else....the 1849/1850 treaty which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli still applies because the Kamehameha's exist supporting kanaka maoli who are Not sellouts, etc. ;)
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