Thursday, March 7, 2019

Vol VII No. 745 - Part 2

It’s the fault of the alleged state of Hawaii for not having ‘olelo Hawaii taught in schools besides English language. Now it suffers the consequences of their ineptitude and violations of the international laws of occupation and neutrality of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Kahaka: Hey,
I just signed the petition "Governor David Ige and BLNR Chair Suzanne Case: Protect Mākua and Pōhakuloa" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 1,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:

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Protect Mākua and Pōhakuloa

Amelia Gora shared a post.
16 mins
Ruthann Caudill
“Knock, Knock”
“Who’s there?”
“AOC who?”
“AO see your taxes, Trump!”

Ruthann Caudill OK....I have a weird sense of humor, and I love “Knock, Knock” jokes.😁



Ruthann Caudill And yes...I wrote it. 😏


Amelia Gora knock knock...….who's there?......spider....spider who? ...spider/spidah coming to get you!...then the hand claw comes out and the chasing begins...……...that was fun...lots of screams and laughs....but I don't think that'll happen in the case of Trump...…

Hawaii’s rich cultural traditions include burial practices that mean ancestral bones can be found almost anywhere in Hawaii today. Oahu’s rail project, for one, learned this directly, when lawsuits over iwi, or ancestral bones, delayed the project for more than a year. That lesson — of the abiding need to respect iwi amid the modern-day push for development — cannot be forgotten.
The rail episode comes to mind now, with a lawsuit being filed by Maui resident Jennifer Ahia against the state, Maui County and a subdivision developer, that seeks to halt construction over at least 182 Native Hawaiian burials allegedly disturbed by the project.
The suit alleges that the state and county failed to follow state historic preservation law protecting ancient Hawaiian burials; and that The Parkways at Maui Lani developer’s archaeological survey was inadequate since the 45-acre housing site comprising old sand dunes was known to contain burials.
Indeed, it’s interesting to note that the state Historic Preservation Division’s own website says of ancient burial tendencies: “Some kupuna were covered by stacked stones while others were buried with no surface markers at all, frequently in sand dunes.” Whether protocols have been breached here, though, will be for a judge to decide. Still, this case reminds that Hawaii is unique — and that even in this 21st century, respect of ancient iwi remains a powerful force.

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Hawaii’s rich cultural traditions include burial practices that mean…


Law school administrators advised the students not to distribute lei because using items of cultural significance might be viewed as inappropriate, according to the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls.

Kahaka Patolo White Fragility always needs the Spotlight!



Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon I was thinking...what do they do at the party? Like if it’s a reason to spend student gov monies on booze then yes inappropriate to use it as “Hawaiian Day.” Sees us as party animals only. If they were having like a May Day Lei making contest...I 🤷🏾‍♀️ don’t know but I think that in my own opinion is acceptable...only because I like Lei contests, someone could teach the participants the protocol in picking flowers, lots of teacheable moments🌺🌺🌺🌺


Law school administrators advised the students not to distribute lei because using items of cultural significance might be viewed as inappropriate, according to the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls.

Kahaka Patolo White Fragility always needs the Spotlight!



Kauwila Kaylene Sheldon I was thinking...what do they do at the party? Like if it’s a reason to spend student gov monies on booze then yes inappropriate to use it as “Hawaiian Day.” Sees us as party animals only. If they were having like a May Day Lei making contest...I 🤷🏾‍♀️ don’t know but I think that in my own opinion is acceptable...only because I like Lei contests, someone could teach the participants the protocol in picking flowers, lots of teacheable moments🌺🌺🌺🌺


Another bad bill passes - a bill that will kick out hundreds of students at Hālau Kū Māna Hawaiian focused charter school. Mahalo to Senator Taniguchi for the sole “NO” vote against Senate Bill 77.
Something gotta change - something gotta give. We can have hundreds of testimonies in opposition to bills that destroy the fabric of our community and the Leg will still pass it.
#Leg2019 #DeaftotheVoicesofthePeople
...Continue Reading

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The Senate Committee on Ways and Means passed a bill Tuesday with…

Oscar Valdez Ummm if the spending was “SPENT CAREFULLY” in the past, y’all could’ve helped the Hawaiian focused charter school and keep what makes Hawaii, hawaii.... SMH


Amelia Gora Halau Kumana School should visit with the landowners in order to continue their school activities...…….they are in the lands of KEAWEHANO and his descendants live on the other side of the stream... contact the Lopes Families et. als…… the entity State of Hawaii are NOT the landowners! I'll work with the Lopes and the Halau Kumana School to get everyone situated! let's do it! the Lopes are also part of the true Trustees of the Liliuokalani Trust (me too)

Amelia Gora Wanting to form our Hawaiian Kingdom Schools and anyone interested in helping...…..we meet at the Dole Cannery on Fridays 10:00 am...….fyi.

Amelia Gora we also meet with some of the Royal Families Konohiki and Assistant Konohiki for projects.... kanaka maoli welcomed...…. ;)

Amelia Gora We have Project Reclaiming Your Tutu's Aina going on also...…...instructions available in print for $5 to cover printing costs...…


Hawai'i is not America! America is in The Hawaiian Kingdom ILLEGALLY! GENOCIDE! America REFUSES to DEOCCUPY The Hawaiian Kingdom! No Treaty of Annexation means GTFO! Honor your TREATIES and ENFORCE the Laws instead of BREAKING U.S Law and International Law for 126 years. The Hawaiian Kingdom exists and we are coming home to claim our Lands and to EVICT ALL ILLEGAL LAND OWNERS WHO STOLE OUR LANDS WITH A WARRANTY TITLE DEED which is NULL AND VOID! Anything that happened after January 17, 1893 is NULL AND VOID! All illegal lands quietly sold behind our backs will be CONFISCATED and OR KNOCKED DOWN because you may own the building or house , or shopping centers but, the LANDS belong to the Hawaiian Kingdom. We are STEWARDS of the LANDS! When our people occupy our Lands? Be prepared to vacate and close your business and or be prepared to pay 126 years back rent!
DON'T COME TO THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM UNLESS YOU ARE INVITED BY KANAKA MAOLI OR KANAKA AT HEART WHO LIVES HERE.We are FLOODED with too many FOREIGNERS! Desecration and theft of our LANDS ! STEALING our Water for PROFIT prohibiting us Kanaka Maoli from farming and fishing! America military KILLS our Marine life. Bombed our island of Kaho'olawae used as target practice for the U.S. military. Blocking us from our sacred sites is what we get PROSECUTED for practicing our religion! CORPORATIONS want to continue to DESECRATE OUR SACRED MAUNA A WAKEA to build the TMT! 13 telescopes there are in operable and is there illegally. U.H mismanagement IS HEWA! The ILLEGAL GENOCIDE STATE OF HAWAI'I AND IT'S AGENCIES is COMMITTING WAR CRIMES ! I DEMAND THAT YOU ALL MUST CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY!

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