Sunday, March 10, 2019

Vol VII No. 746 - Dr. DeZayas on Facebook

Interview regarding the jailing of Chelsea Manning
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Hetm Gaze Please help me my friends
Hetm Gaze For humanity
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Alfred de Zayas
Si alguna lección se aprende al dirigir una gran organización internacional como la ONU, es que en las cosas del mundo, la verdad de los hechos raramente coincide con la versión oficial. Las ideas dominantes, como solía decir el viejo Marx, siguen siendo las de la clase dominante. Y el caso de Venezuela en estos días se configura en términos de un gigantesco engaño informativo dirigido a encubrir la opresión contra un pueblo y el saqueo de una nación.
El princ...
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Link: Por Pino Arlacchi Si alguna lección se aprende al dirigir una gran organización internacional como la ONU, es que en las cosas del mundo, la verdad de los hechos raramente coincide con la ver…
Alfred de Zayas zur Rechtstaatlichkeit Spaniens
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Posted by Francesc Escuder
Francesc Escuder
Entrevista a Alfred de Zayas, relator de la ONU deixant a Espanya de volta i mitja!!! No té desperdici!!!
👉 Val la pena veure'l!!
Compartiu-lo sisplau!!! Que ruli!!!
Alfred de Zayas
SANTIAGO, Chili, 13 août 1973-
Une coupure de courant a provoqué une panne totale d'électricité alors que le président Salvador Allende Gossens était au milieu d'un discours national sur la crise politique dans le pays.
Il a été signalé que Valparaiso, la deuxième ville du Chili, et d'autres régions du pays avaient été noircies. L’électricité a été coupée à 22 h 15, soit 35 minutes après que le président Allende a commencé à parler, citant une longue liste d’actes de terrorisme et de sabotage récents qu’il a attribués à une «opposition fasciste».
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Alfred de Zayas
Santiago, Chile, August 13, 1973 -
A power outage caused a total power outage while President Salvador Allende Goossens was in the middle of a national speech on the political crisis in the country.
It was reported that valparaiso, the second city of Chile, and other regions of the country had been blackened. Electricity was cut at 22 pm, or 35 minutes after president allende started talking, citing a long list of acts of terrorism and recent sabotage that he attributed to a " fascist opposition ".
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Power cut brings total blackout to Santiago, Chile, on Aug 13 as Pres S Allende is making nationwide TV address on pol crisis; power is reptdly also cut in other sections of country; Allende says that he will call on Cong to declare state of siege if calm is not restored
“Yo, exsecretario adjunto de la ONU, les explico el gran engaño entre Wall Street y el petróleo, sobre la crisis en Venezuela”
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Link: Por Pino Arlacchi Si alguna lección se aprende al dirigir una gran organización internacional como la ONU, es que en las cosas del mundo, la verdad de los hechos raramente coincide con la ver…
Nani Sani Thanks Alfred🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
José Javier Gracias por compartir! Tenemos que seguir denunciando a esos criminales que pretenden destruir a Venezuela.
Denis Cloutier Bravo et une enquête devrait être faite a propos du black out électrique également regardons plutôt le passé au Chili
My brothers and sisters, I hope you will listen to me or read about what I am talking about. I am the wife of the injured person. I have a sick child. I do not want to increase the weight of the body. My body remains on what is my husband. He is injured by an explosive bullet in the thigh and his feet are threatened with amputation. We ask you as Muslims as Christians. And Muslim, but they are brothers and I only need you to donate $ 5 or $ 10 or $ 20 A $ 50 or $ 100 You can put any amount to contribute to the happiness of my family and save my husband from amputation of his feet and thank you very much and pray to God Thank you and I will leave you the campaign to be able to donate
Alfred de Zayas The UN Special Rapporteur .. Here on FaceBook .. Says, "The situation in Venezuela is an illegal siege." "There is no real humanitarian crisis."
Stone guilty - all that's different between modern day Israel and nazi Germany is the location and scale of the crime.
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A United Nations inquiry has found Israeli forces may have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity by targeting unarmed children, journalists and the disabled in Gaza. The report, released by the U.N. Human Rights Council on Thursday, looked at Israel’s bloody response to weekly Great Mar...
Craig Leonard Batley Everything we know is lies. & thank goodness, if it was truth we may as well slice up, NOW.
Hugh T Bertis Birds of the same feather flock together
Alfred de Zayas Human rights expert ;
As published at UN Human Rights and Wikileaks ;
I welcome the commutation of sentence of Chelsea Manning and her forthcoming release in May. There are, however, many whistleblowers who have served the cause of human rights and who are still in prison in many countries throughout the world. It is time to recognize the contribution of whistleblowers to democracy and the rule of law and to stop persecuting them.
I call on Governments worldwide to put an end to multiple campaigns of defamation, mobbing and even prosecution of whistleblowers like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, the Luxleakers Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet and the tax corruption leaker Rafi Rotem, who have acted in good faith and who have given meaning to article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on freedom of expression. Whistleblowers who are serving prison sentence in many countries should be pardoned.
Whistleblowers are human rights defenders whose contribution to democracy and the rule of law cannot be overestimated. They serve democracy and human rights by revealing information that all persons are entitled to receive. A culture of secrecy is frequently also a culture of impunity. Because the right to know proclaimed in article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is absolutely crucial to every democracy, whistleblowers should be protected, not persecuted.....
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UN Human Rights ‏@UNHumanRights:
Governments should end "prosecution of whistleblowers like Assange, @Snowden, Luxleakers" - Alfred de Zayas
GENEVA (18 January 2017) – The United Nations Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, Alfred de Zayas, welcomes the commutation of Chelsea Manning’s 35-year…
Alfred de Zayas I would very much like to see your comments on this ..
This must be a constitutional and Human rights issue, Please comment or write a post on your observations from a human rights perspective , Thank you ..
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Chelsea Manning, who was jailed in 2013 for leaking US military secrets to WikiLeaks, was arrested again on Friday for refusing to testify in a grand jury investigation targeting the anti-secrecy group.
Dr. Sai is a Hawaiian National patriot and one of my heros . However, he needs to vet his circle of friend's past. Dr. Keanu Sai needs to make a public response, not just a blog on his site, to get us fellow nationalists back on track. This article in Hawai'i Free Press is right. I have read some of Alfred de Zayas' works dating back to 1990s. Keep in mind he was born in communistic Cuba.
People are losing hope in the International process dispute all the educational design projects by the Hawaiian Civic Clubs, OLELO presentations. Many Ieaders in our Hawaiian community who are maka'ala enough to watch who is brought within our circles, especially "outside expert" advisors, are dismayed by this news article.
China offered us arms. We want peace and resolution. LET'S GO!!!
Luwella Leonardi Deldren, Bulla Logan passed today.😪
Deldrene Herron Mahalo. Let me know when the 'Aha make will be. He was such a hard worker. A good Kanaka.
Aloha Aina With so many Sovereignty groups in Hawaii, confusion and hypocrisy leads to distrust and rejection.

State of Neutrality was Queen Liliuokalani’s last Platform as her predecessors have proclaimed the same. We are one of three nations on this Planet
til this day under Foreign Occupation remain ‘Neutral’. They stole our monarchy and government but not our race. We are the living Kingdom of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.

I never totally agreed with Keanu Sai since my Ohana suffered under his Perfect Title crap and now his Lau Lima Platform continues to hurt many Kanaka and Hawaii Nationals on every island.

My circle of knowledge comes from spending hours together in discussions and debates with Williamson Chang, Keoni Agard, Ninia Parks Elsy, Kahu Kauhane Kilihau, Retired State Senator Jimmy Wong and my ancestors.

The 200 Year Prophecy ends this year where Na Maka’ainana shall rise, reign and govern together in neutrality.

Until the last Aloha Aina!
Luwella Leonardi Broken Trust guys stay slamming down like they did after Liliu passed 1917.
Le Courrier: Grand bluff humanitaire
Des Vénézuéliens fouillant une benne à ordure à la recherche de nourriture:…
Denis Cloutier Merci , du Québec , même combat .
Coup-supporting priest admits US ‘aid’ is really about overthrowing the Venezuelan government
Bruce H Pascua Than what happens after the Coup, america stays in Venezuela as a military advisor for the next 126 years,planning and scheming, like they have been in Hawaii for the last 126 years.... illegally....
'So crass and so obvious': Pressure from Washington pushes Venezuela closer to Russia
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As the US pushes for regime change in Venezuela, Caracas has moved closer to Moscow. Despite US claims that Russia threatens world democracy, analysts say it’s Washington which is responsible for neglect to international law.
Raymond Dupre That's correct !!... and the empire still NO learning !!...
Please help me pleases
Please donate us because my husband is infected. If he is treated, they will cut his leg and the campaign for my child and my husband by means of a great picture. Please, you must consider your children. My husband should walk like the rest of the people. Thank you for this campaign and thank you very much.
My name is Jacqueline Adnan. I am married. I have a sick baby. My husband is suffering from a gunshot wound. He ...needs treatment. There is no money for treatment. Neither for my child nor for his father. My child's treatment is very necessary because he is an infant. He wants milk and pampers. I do not have money to buy milk and the needs of the child and the house. A month because my house was bombed by the war and we hope you understand what we say and help us and thank you very much from your sister Jacqueline Adnan Continue Reading
£93 GBP raised of £500 GBP
    3 people donated.
    We never Surrender for you Colonialist of Indonesia in our ancestor island of West Papua New Guinea
    Request the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Venezuela
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    Request the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Venezuela
    Thomas Graves Signed and donated to petition expansion...
    Western arms help Riyadh in committing genocide in Yemen: Analyst…/5900…/Yemen-Saudi-Arabia-genocide-
    Abdi Muse You’re the voice of the voiceless Keep it up Alfred de Zayes
    Mesak Wouwiyakebuy Kedepa It is genoside happening in West Papua killd by Indonesian (Malay) to Papuan (Melaneaia)
    Donna Gehrke-White Thanks for letting the world know.
    Petition: Request the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to Visit Venezuela
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    I interview Dr. Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order. Dr. de Zayas' Petition:
    Alfred de Zayas updated his cover photo.
    Responsibility to Protect? The Crisis in Venezuela. An Interview with Dr. Alfred de Zayas
    Jelle Klaas is mensenrechtenadvocaat verbonden aan het Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM) en daarmee aan het PILP (The Public Interest Litigation Project). Als waarnemer heeft hij zittingen bijgewoond van het maxiproces tegen de Catalaanse onafhankelijkheidsbeweging. In een interview met El Nacional stelt hij alvast voorzichtig "bezorgd" te zijn over de handhaving van mensenrechten in en om dit strafproces. "Zelfs als je een mening hebt die ongrondwettig ...
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    Entrevista a Jelle Klaas, advocat holandès de la Comissió Internacional de Juristes.
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    Request the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Venezuela
    Conversations with Slava: Weaponising Aid. An Interview with Dr. Alfred de Zayas
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    I interview Dr. Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on…

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    Works at Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations
    Studied Law at Harvard University
    Lives in Geneva, Switzerland
    Hi, Thank you for friending honored to hear from a man of peace, love, hope.... I have a copy of your lettere to Routh Bolomet and am thankful that you have validated the fact that there indeed was a fraud annexation... I am a 40 year researcher in history, 30 years genealogy researcher, and 15 years research in legal research...I write a lot too, hoping that we could meet one day one of Kamehameha's descendants from 4 of his children,  etc.  just posted this today...   till later  aloha.

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