Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Vol VII No. 746 Part 1b - Healthy Concerns, etc.

David Klein updated the description.
The Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui is a coalition of health-minded medical doctors and all allied health professionals and citizens of the world supporting healthful, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-experimental, organic, permaculture agriculture on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Please join us in recruiting new members and supporting our causes of stopping agro-chemical experimentation without informed individual consent and of promoting healthful agriculture... practices on Maui. Please watch Dr. Pang's video, Ethical Violations of Pesticide Use In Hawaii on Experimental GM Fields, for more information: Also please read A Case of Illegal Agro-chemical Experimentation Without Informed Individual Consent on Maui and Molokai by Lorrin Pang, M.D., M.P.H. and David Klein, Ph.D.

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The Roundup maker says it has "the science on our side and will continue to vigorously defend this important and safe herbicide."

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Posted on March 9, 2019 by Carey Gillam
..." The Pilliod case will be the third to go to trial in the sweeping Roundup mass tort litigation. Alva Pilliod and ...his wife Alberta Pilliod, both in their 70s and married for 48 years, allege that their cancers – forms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma – are due to their long exposure to Roundup. Their advanced ages and cancer diagnoses warrant a speedy trial, according to court filings by their attorneys. Monsanto opposed their request for the expedited trial date but Petrou found the couple’s illnesses and ages warranted preference. Alberta has brain cancer while Alva suffers from a cancer that has invaded his pelvis and spine. Alva was diagnosed in 2011 while Alberta was diagnosed in 2015. They used Roundup from roughly the mid -1970s until only a few years ago.
The Pilliod suit echoes others in claiming that “Monsanto led a prolonged campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, farmers and the general public that Roundup was safe.” "...
MY COMMENT: Add to all of this, Glyphosate herbicide residue is in all GMO food you buy and Glyphosate is also in many non-GMO foods because of the filthy practice of spraying Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest time to kill non-GMO food crops to cut harvest time and among these crops is non-GMO sugar cane.
Every sweet goodie you buy in a grocery store or bakery that is made with regular non-GMO sugar, sugar syrup which includes items like yogurt and ice cream, or is colored with 'caramel coloring', which is made by burning cane sugar, every single one of those goodies has Glyphosate residue in it.
The only safe sugar is USDA ORGANIC sugar.

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Find updates to the ongoing litigation against Monsanto Company in this tip sheet. #RoundupTrial

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Horrid! The US is going to hell!

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It could trade a cautious approach for a controversial one.


Joseph Kohn There is some truth in the radiation aspect, but "toxins" is too broad a category. Maybe it's time for them to do their jobs and get the science!


Carol Garnier Dutra
The 'key' to how Glyphosate residues in our food make us ill is by destroying our immune systems. Our immune systems are composed of friendly commensal bacter...ia, some of these bacteria digest our food. Each of these bacteria contains the chemical pathway that is found in both plants and in bacteria (microbes) that is called the 'Shikimate Pathway'.
All herbicides including Glyphosate after application, immediately kill both plants and bacteria excluding E. coli and Salmonella which continue to thrive in the presense of Glyphosate. Remember that CAFO food animals are fed a diet composed of GMO grain, which contain Glyphosate herbicide residues. Glyphosate in the guts of food animals works in the same way as it works in a human's gut. It destroys the animals immune system, which should help explain why so many food recalls today are for E.coli and Salmonella contamination of meat products.
All herbicides kill living things, it takes a bit longer for an herbicide, like Glyphosate to kill us because we are larger, complex creatures than our immune system's delicate commensal bacteria. We are dependent upon our immune systems to protect us from disease but when our immune systems are systematically destroyed by Glyphosate residues in our food, we too become ill. Often we die from our illness when we no longer have our immune systems intact.
Glyphosate is the most prolfic of the herbicides (man made chemicals) that is in the market place today, that is sprayed directly on our food crops.
No herbicide should ever be in our food system.
Monsanto holds the US Patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic that destroys through the 'Shikimate Pathway'. What Monsanto fails to mention in their patent is that our gut microbes also have the Shikimate Pathway and they are destroyed by Glyphosate herbicide residues in our food system. This is how our immune systems are destroyed, a little at a time, and we eventually get ill.
No herbicide should ever be in our food system.
There are many online web sites that explain 'The Human Genome Project ' (NIH) (National Institute of Health) and what this project learned in regards to our symbiotic relationship (The Human Microbiome) with our bacteria that live in our guts and other parts of our bodies, that constitute our immune systems
" The Human Microbiome and the Immune System: An Ever Evolving Understanding "...
" An Overview of the Human Genome Project
What was the Human Genome Project?
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. All our genes together are known as our "genome." "...…/an-overview-of-the-human-genome-p…/
The USRTK (US Right to Know) is a 'reporting' web site. One of the main pieces of news this site reports on is in regards to the ongoing Lymphoma Cancer court trials being held in San Francisco and soon to be in St. Louis, Missouri, which is Monsanto's headquarters. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the consumer lawyer, is one of the main lawyers suing Monsanto for NOT telling the 'public' the truth about how dangerous their Glyphosate herbicide is. The IARC (World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer declared back in 2015 that Glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic to humans" . In the multiple USRTK web sites you should find the articles to be very interesting. I have to mention that since Monsanto lost their US Patent for Glyphosate as an herbicide back in 2000, other chemical companies have put over 750 different formulations in the market place that contain Glyphosate herbicide. Billion$ are made by chemical companies, every year, from the sale of this herbicide that the chemical industry defends vigorously.
A legal document.…/Monsanto-corporate-disclosure-of-Bayer-…
Before Bayer purchased Monsanto, Monsanto was held by Pfizer as a 'wholly owned subsidiary'. The 'parent' company (Pfizer, Bayer) that holds a company (Monsanto) as a wholly owned subsidary have/had complete control over that companies board of directors as well as complete control over the company's policy, development of pesticides, herbicides, marketing. So you see, in their turn, Pfizer and then Bayer have been in control of Monsanto for years.
..." March 31, 2000
· Effective date of the Merger.
· In connection with the Merger, (1) PNU became a wholly owned subsidiary of Pharmacia (then known as Monsanto Company); (2) Pharmacia (then known as Monsanto Company) changed its name from “Monsanto Company” to “Pharmacia Corporation;” and (3) we changed our name from “Monsanto Ag Company” to “Monsanto Company.” "...
..." April 16, 2003
· Pursuant to a merger transaction, Pharmacia became a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer. "...
Note the last sentence..." . Its day-to-day operations are likely directed entirely by the parent company, however. "...
In the case of Monsanto, the 'parent' companies were Pfizer and today is Bayer.
..." A subsidiary company is considered wholly owned when all of the common stock is owned by another company, the parent company. There are no minority shareholders. The subsidiary's stock is not traded publicly. But it remains an independent legal body, a corporation with its own organized framework and administration. Its day-to-day operations are likely directed entirely by the parent company, however. "...…/what-difference-between-subs…
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Glyphosate, an herbicide that remains the world's most ubiquitous weed killer, raises the cancer risk of those exposed to it by 41%, a new analysis says.

January 24, 2019
Document filed on Internet on January 18, 2019
..." More than 9,300 people have filed suit against Monsanto Company alleging that exposure to... Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and that Monsanto covered up the risks. As part of the discovery process, Monsanto has had to turn over millions of pages of its internal records. These “Monsanto Papers” are posted here. Follow updates in our Monsanto #RoundupTrial Tracker.
FEDERAL COURT documents – More than 660 lawsuits are pending against Monsanto Co. in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation (MDL) under Judge Vince Chhabria.The lead case is 3:16-md-02741-VC and the first trial, the case of Edwin Hardeman V. Monsanto, is set for Feb. 25, 2019.
Edwin Hardeman V. Monsanto
Documents pertaining to combined MDL cases
STATE COURT documents – An estimated 8,000 other plaintiffs have made similar claims against Monsanto in state courts. The first trial in the Roundup litigationstarted June 18, 2018in the Superior Court for the County of San Francisco. The trial concluded on Aug. 10 with thejury ruling that Monsanto’s weedkiller was a substantial contributing factor in causing DeWayne “Lee” Johnson’s cancer, and ordering Monsanto to pay $289.25 million in damages, including $250 million in punitive damages. The judge in the case reduced the punitive damages to $39 million in an order dated Oct. 22, 2018.Monsanto declared it would appeal and Johnson has cross appealed, seeking to reinstate the jury award. The appeal is filed in the California State Court of Appeals, case number A155940. "...
MY COMMENT: 9,300 plus 8,000 is 17,300 lawsuits filed against Monsanto/Glyphosate for causing the blood cancer Lymphoma, as of January 2019. There will be more, many more Lymphoma lawsuits will be filed during 2019. When the lawsuits against Monsanto for Glyphosate residues in our food causing gut related cancers are instituted, I will be one of the first plaintiffs to file and I know I will have at least a million other Monsanto/Glyphosate gut related cancer victims filing lawsuits against Monsanto with me.
To read more on the Monsanto/Roundup/Glyphosate trials, please open the provided Internet address.
MY COMMENT: The following information is about the lawsuit 'Edwin Hardeman, plaintiff v. Monsanto Company and John Does 1-50 defendant'
In this lawsuit the words 'John Does 1-50 defendant' refer to people that worked for Monsanto, whom promoted Roundup/Glyphosate as being 'safe as table salt'. Among these people will be the ad agency 'Osborn & Barr', located in St. Louis, Missouri, that coined the phrase 'safe as table salt'. With a great deal of 'hope' I pray that those whom worked in our U.S. EPA that received payment from Monsanto, in any form including high paying jobs after retiring from their government position, are also sued so they do not get to enjoy their ill-gotten gains. Those that profit off the suffering of others deserve to be punished. And of course I have Jess Rowland, who was the 'Deputy Director at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)', in mind. He IS who did profit from the suffering of others that he helped to create.
In the year 2000 Monsanto allowed their patent for Glyphosate as an herbicide to lapse so other chemical companies would start manufacturing Glyphosate. Monsanto maintained their patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic. Allowing their patent for Glyphosate (a product that still makes Billion$ every year for Monsanto) as an herbicide to lapse so other chemical companies could copy the patent looks to me that Monsanto knew that it was about to become common knowledge that Glyphosate destroys the human immune system through the destruction of our gut bacteria through their 'Shikimate Pathway', and Monsanto believed that bringing in other chemical companies to 'share the blame' would exonerate Monsanto.
Not so Monsanto, you are NOT off the hook, and you have had to, since 2000, share your Billion$ from the sale of your deadly Glyphosate herbicide.
..." Upon best information and belief, Defendants JOHN DOES 1-50 are subsidiaries, partners, or other entities that were involved in the design, development, manufacture, testing, packaging, promoting, marketing, advertising, distribution, labeling, and/or sale of the herbicide Roundup, containing the active ingredient glyphosate. The identities of JOHN DOES 1-50 are unknown to Plaintiff at this time. Plaintiff will move the Court to specifically name JOHN DOES 150 as their identities becomes known to Plaintiff through discovery. 12. Defendant MONSANTO COMPANY and JOHN DOES 1-50 are collectively referred to as “Monsanto Defendants” or “Defendants.” "...
Osborn & Barr
..." Rowland had a long history of taking a favorable position on Monsanto’s glyphosate. In 1998, Rowland and the hazard identification assessment review committee ― where he served as executive secretary at the time ― recommended that the EPA drop the extra safety margin designed to protect children in the agency’s re-evaluation of what constituted a safe dose of glyphosate. Rowland and another EPA scientist authored the report making the recommendation. The decision to drop the extra safety margin called for in the Food Quality Protection Act was important in helping Monsanto gain approval for expanded tolerance levels for glyphosate residues in food. Pesticide residues are legal in food if they fall under the so-called “maximum residue levels” or MRLs set by the EPA. "...
..." Over the years, the legal limits for glyphosate in food have risen multiple times as glyphosate use has risen. "...
MY COMMENT: Letter written by 20 U.S. doctors that if you eat food, you should find interesting:
..." Next, industry and its surrogates suggest that IARC is under fire for using a "flawed" approach to identify glyphosate as a carcinogen. IARC is not under fire by the scientific community which has long appreciated the rigorous and thorough approach it takes to chemical evaluation. Rather, IARC and the State of California are under fire from Monsanto and the industry trade groups to which it belongs. "...

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U.S. Right to Know is posting

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