Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Vol VII No. 747 - Part 1b - Maunakea/Mauna Kea etc.

Pua Case
Count down to opening of
Kūkulu o Kona me Kaʻū Art Exhibit Opening
at One Aloha Shave Ice!
3/23, 10 a.m.
Is Mayor Harry Kim just a criminal and exposing the taxpayers of the county of Hawaii to missions of dollars in fines, you decide!

The Mayor of the county of Hawaii, appears to be just common criminal?
Most folks in these islands may not understand that the state of Hawaii has perhaps the strictest historic preservation laws in the world. Recently it has been uncovered of why sacred ancient historical sites continue to be damaged and destroyed throughout the Hawaiian Islands, as it turns out a politically appointed Board, na...

Malaki 16, 2019
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This week’s Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) protests held at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and at various University of California campuses came as no surprise. In the wake of a Hawaii Supreme Court ruling in late October that cleared the way for installation of the $1.4 billion TMT, Mauna Kea’s self-described protectors vowed to continue to resist.
In 2015, some Native Hawaiians and others objecting to construction of another massive structure on what they see as sacred land, staged demonstrations and other acts of resistance on the roadway to the remote Maunakea Science Reserve. Here’s hoping that illegal blockades ending with arrests are now a thing of the past.
Protesters have a right to express their views, of course. On Wednesday, at the University of California, Los Angeles, a Mauna Kea Hui leader testified before the University of California Board of Regents, urging the members to divest in the TMT project. The California university system is one of the partners in the TMT.
TMT’s supporters, meanwhile, applaud the project’s unparalleled opportunity for scientists and students in Hawaii to benefit from the leading edge of astronomy in our own back yard. The giant telescope is slated for the last new site to be developed on Mauna Kea; any future development would occur only on existing sites.
Moving forward, Hawaii stands to draw optimal benefits if the protectors, who helped spotlight legitimate cultural and environmental concerns, work in tandem with the 50-year-old Science Reserve and others to shape a sustainable future for the astronomy precinct, which occupies 525 acres of the 11,288-acre site.
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This week’s Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) protests held at the…


Pua Case
Mahalo to all for participating in Mauna Kea awareness day
Bethany Bee is with Mikilani Young and 5 others.
Happy Mauna Kea Awareness Day to all the protectors, the supporters, kia'i, guardians, warriors and all those who stand for Mauna a Wākea.
How I connected with... the Mauna is a beautiful story that has lead to the most beautiful people and life times of connection.
I don't know the exact moment that Mauna Kea came to me, except that when she did, she came straight into my heart and from that moment on I knew that I will stand for Mauna Kea for the rest of my life.
I posted a photo on Instagram of my hands held, Ku Kia'i Mauna, against the sunset.
Underneath it I wrote “I will go to the volcano” and Aunty Pua commented “our 'Ohana is growing.”
That was the first time Aunty Pua and I ever spoke.... and so it began.
So began the most life changing journey, of connection, of solidarity, of 'Ohana, of beauty, of collaborations, of opportunities, of 1000 miles for Mauna Kea, of support, of projects, of the Triangle, of Like the Mauna, of warriors rising, of “early morning magical Mauna moments with Bethany and Pua.”, of chai tea, of Mauna Kea, and of love, so much love.
What's the story of YOU and Mauna Kea?
Facebook wouldn't let me post this yesterday.. but Mauna Kea Awareness Day is everyday!!!
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Noe Goodyear-Kaopua is with Nā Kookoo UH Mānoa and Makoa Freitas Hoi at University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Makoa Freitas schools folks on the UHM campus mall about how students have been voicing discontent with UH’s mismanagement of Mauna a Wākea for years, and he reminds us of the various forms of this protection and resurgence. #kūkiaʻimauna #kūhaʻaheo

Corrina Gould is with Laulani Teale and 22 others.
Thank you Prof. Tatiana Irwin for inviting Loa Niumeitolu and I to have a Wonderful conversation with students at College of San Mateo about the intersection of... Lisjan/Ohlone history #sogoreatelandtrust and Pacific Island social movements. #MaunaKea#Maunakeawarenessday#LisjanstandwithMaunakea
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Healani Sonoda-Pale
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University of Hawaii students conduct ‘educational flash mob’ to protest Thirty Meter Telescope
By Diane S. W. Lee
March... 13, 2019
About 40 University of Hawaii at Manoa students rallied this morning on campus to protest the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope atop Mauna Kea.
Opponents of the $1.4 billion project proclaimed today as “Mauna Kea Awareness Day” with anti-TMT demonstrations at universities in Hawaii and across California.
A group of UH students conducted a flash mob by surrounding the pathway along McCarthy Mall as students walked by. Protesters handed out “See You on the Mauna” flyers to students passing by and held signs proclaiming “Mauna Kea Needs You” and “Lassner, Stop TMT Now!” They also gathered signatures for a petition.
UH senior Kaipu Baker, 21, participated in the demonstration to bring awareness to the issue.
“This was more like an educational flash mob,” he said. “What we did was we read a statement presenting some of the facts and information, bringing awareness, inviting people in to learn more about the project.”
The group planned a similar protest at the busy Campus Center during lunchtime and sign-wave later in the day. Opponents protest building the project atop Mauna Kea, which they say will desecrate the sacred grounds.
TMT officials have been pursuing the construction of the telescope atop Mauna Kea since 2006. “TMT will likely revolutionize our understanding of the universe,” according to the website.
“The University of Hawai’i supports the free speech rights of all its students. It is a cornerstone of higher education,” said Dan Meisenzahl, UH spokesman.…/university-of-hawaii-stud…/
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Cheryl Ann is with Kaukaohu Wahilani and 5 others.
In case you didnʻt see this.....


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Noe Goodyear-Kaopua is with Nā Kookoo UH Mānoa and 2 others at University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Kū kiaʻi mauna! These UHM haumāna stood tall as our sacred mauna today, and their/our ea rang out like Kahaukani. Days like this make me so grateful for my ‘oih...ana and grateful to be at UH at a time when our people are in so many parts of the university, trying to make change and standing for aloha ʻāina. Here, Hiwa Kaʻapuni (looking like a new gen Terri Kekoolani, with hair flowing in the wind) drops serious wisdom. #kūhaʻaheo!!!
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Noe Goodyear-Kaopua is with Nā Kookoo UH Mānoa and Kaipulaumakaniolono Baker at University of Hawaii at Manoa.
It’s about land! Kaipu Baker welcomes the season of Kū, calling us all to take responsibility for protecting ‘āina and confronting settler state practices that ...threaten our lands, waters and lāhui. As I stood next to the keiki of Pūnana Leo o Mānoa, who watched @kaiputron with rapt attention, I couldn’t help but think about when he and @kaiakahinalii were their age. This is who we are raising through EAducation. This is our future. Kū haʻaheo! Eō,e nā koʻokoʻo o ka lāhui Hawaiʻi ✊🏾#tmtshutdown#ahikiikealohaʻāinahopeloa @ University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Healani Sonoda-Pale is with Alexa Meleana Bader and Emalani Case.
There are 16 events planned here in Hawai’i and on Moku Honu (the Continent) to celebrate and raise awareness on the significance and sacredness of Mauna Kea an...d to advocate for the protection of Mauna a Wākea. For more information go to and to have your event posted on this website email #MaunaKeaAwarenessDay#WeStandWithMaunaKea#ProtectMaunaKea#AlohaMaunaKea
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Highlight of Mayor Kim's speech
Mahalo Shane Pale and Healani Sonoda-Pale for making this video. Hope you folks don’t mind I put it on YouTube
At recent Mauna Kea informational meeting at Waiwai Collective on O’ahu.

Healani Sonoda-Pale
UVic Indigenous Studies students say no to TMT!
First Peoples House,
Unceded WSÁNEC & Lekwungen (Songhees & Esquimalt) Territories (Victoria, B.C., Canada) #MaunaKeaAwarenessDay #AlohaMaunaKea #ProtectMaunaKea #WeStandWithMaunaKea #DivestfromDestruction


Healani Sonoda-Pale

Mauna Kea Awareness Day Sign Waving TODAY 3/13/2019 4 pm - 4:30 pm Dole and University Ave

Healani Sonoda-Pale
Eo UCLA! UCLA stands with Mauna Kea - Mahalo to the Kia'i who flew up to attend the UCLA Board of Regents Meeting. #MaunaKeaAwarenessDay #WeStandWithMaunaKea #ProtectMaunaKea #AlohaMaunaKea

Evidence of erasure and therefore genocide:
The Hawai‘i Supreme Court has refused to reconsider its majority decision, issued October 30, that upheld the Conservation District Use Permit…

"Mauna Kea is not a protest of science; it is a fight against the legacy of colonialism that permeates Hawaii’s roots and the founding of the STEM field. The UC... should recognize that and divest from TMT." - Melody Satele
#AlohaMaunaKea #ProtectMaunaKea #StandWithMaunaKea #DivestfromDestruction #MaunaKeaAwarenessDay

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