Saturday, March 30, 2019

Vol VII No. 748 - Part 3

Aloha sharing mana'o. Yesterday a Kanaka Maoli and his 'ohana went on Kuleana land that I leased to him and if things work out to return to the 'aina I would convey it to him. We have a deed, a conveyance from Kupuna. I get a phone call "Aunty" George Reid from Hawaii Reserves is trying to get me off the land. I call HPD and head towards the Po'ohaili area. Police, Kanaka's, HRI employees George Reid, Steve Hoag and Jeff Tyau were all emphatically arguing this is their land we are trespassing. There's two fences put up by HRI but Laotian, Cambodian's have keys to the gates to have access to Kuleana lands. Not Kanaka's, foreigners. HRI leased these Kuleana lands to foreigners. Kuleana lands, Kanaka's. They asked to see our deeds. We have them. We ask the same of HRI, where are your deeds show them. Hoag. "we don't have them on us, we have to go back to our office to find them." "Where are your boundaries," Hoag asked? "We have the original registration of boundaries," I said. My son brings the documents to most of lands we were conveyed in Laie. But I don't see the parcel that I leased. However I have a deed to another parcel nearby to prove I own Kuleana lands in Po'ohaili. Earlier Hoag says, "Dawn you don't want to go through this again the court gave us your land," how's that. "It's not the same as this land and others that I own." They prevailed at that time but Zuckenburg gave us an opening to protect Kuleana lands its called, "heirs and assigns and Hawaii Revised Statutes 172-11, heirs and assigns to the original awardee have superior rights over others." HRI, PRI, Mormon church entities have since 1865 to the present have always and forever LUST, DESIRED this Kuleana lands of Po'ohaili. It's the WATER. These entities want to control the water. There's a saying, "he who controls the water, controls the future." Kuleana landowners just want to go back to their ancestral lands. HRI, PRI and LDS representatives ROBBED and LIED about the Kuleana lands. No one wants to face the truth. The documents of Kuleana lands have been collected by Napoleon Kalolii Kapukui, Mary Pukui's husband. The LDS church hired Kapukui as an abstractor to research all the lands of Laie. What they have been hiding over a hundred plus years or more is the fraud, they sold an UNDIVIDED interest in 6194 acres to 42 Kuleana families of Laie. All the people who purchased land in Laie that they too own the same as members of the Church. So who is lying to the people? Did the LDS leaders fail to tell the people their entitlements to water, access to the mountain and sea riparian and appurtenant rights. All the lands that PCC, BYUH, the Temple and all the Churches in Laie are owned by people who are heirs and assigns and members of the Church. These Hawaiian families 42 of them are heirs and assigns and the rent is due. So Kanaka Maoli be strong, rise up and stand for your nation. IF NOT or CANNOT than declare you are an AMERICAN. Aloha.


Greg Owen I can see you are a fierce,educated dedicated protector of your land and culture....l am really glad I met someone like you....

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Dawn K. Wasson It's called tough love with sincerity, compassion, honesty, integrity, spirituality and a mother's love for her people, Kanaka Maoli. Mahalo.

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Bonnie Silva Love you aunty.. thank you for your loving diligence

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Dawn K. Wasson A Bishop Street attorney saw a smitgen of my paperwork and shook his head and said, "One thing I can say about you, you're a stubborn woman." If I didn't see the documents I could not stand for any lands in Hawaii. These are hundreds and thousands of dSee More


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Christine Montana Prayers of strength and positive vibes sent you from my ohana to yours!! I appreciate you!! Glad I met you as you shared your mana`o! Malama pono. A hui hou!!

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Kupono K Ana สปE สปOnipaสปa Kฤkou !!

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Leimana K. Abenes Geev 'em Aunty <3 span="">

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Angie Merola ๐Ÿ‘ auntie Dawn K. Wasson

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Kukana Kama-Toth Boom Kanani! Mahalo for sharing Kupuna

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Martha Kaio Awesome write up and im with you keep fighting and love you aunty Dawn K. Wasson...

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Bev Amaral Those 42 families should be pist off! Why are they not speaking up and standing with you?

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Amelia Gora hi, don't forget to present the KEKIEKIE vs. DENNIS, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1 or 2 ----importantly, the case precedence shows that 'no one can take the land from you....not even the King himself' .....also see the case KALAMA vs. KEKUANAOA, et. als. because it also shows that you need your Royal Patent/LCA and survey notes to show your title.... also, the MAHELE BOOK on the archives website shows your Konohiki ancestor....the Mormons do Not have the Superior titles....because Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave Alodio to our people and to Aliens he gave them Fee Simple (30 years lease) and Aliens cannot own the historical facts shows that President McKinley PROCLAIMED Hawaii to be the Territory with the help of the Army, Navy, and Federal officials who helped to develop the territory, does that mean that we can do the same as what McKinley did and declare Washington DC as part of OUR nation? ;) importantly, fraud, deceit, corruption, premeditation, piracy, pillaging has been uncovered along with the fact that U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani....aurite! ;)

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All kanaka maoli should make a copy of Dr. DeZayas of the United Nations - letter because it is for our rights as protected persons, shows that Hawaii is under a "strange form of occupation by the U.S."; the Hawaiian Kingdom is a separate nation; and the laws used in Hawaii are the Hawaiian Kingdom Laws, not the domestic laws of the U.S. Reference:…/un-independent-expert-h… May God Bless All of Us because we are Not the ones who did wrong.....
by Christine Gralow The Hawaiian Kingdom Blog released a letter today written by United Nations Independent Expert Alfred deZayas to two Hawaii Circuit Court judges. In the letter, dated February...
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Amelia Gora Keep a copy of Dr. DeZayas letter on you....our people and supporters have copies to prevent from getting arrested, etc.

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