Thursday, April 11, 2019

Exposing Truths: Growing Distrust of the Media- the Arm of the Illuminati, New World Order, etc. who Attack Truth Defenders and Support their Own Sheeple

Disinformation news appear to be attacking Alfred de Zayas, Alex Jones, et als. fyi see:
"In the first half, documentary filmmaker and alternative media activist Alex Jones argued that mainstream journalists misrepresent his commentary. For many years he has been reporting the changes happening in the media landscape, and how the filtering and manipulation of information is an attempt by elites to keep the population in the dark. Regarding the Sandy Hook massacre (Jones is facing a defamation suit for claiming that the shooting was staged), he says he presented both sides of the issue on his shows but eventually determined that the event was real. He believes that he became a kind of "fall guy" who was demonized by specific groups that funded news organizations like BuzzFeed, and his remarks were taken out of context.
In a recent report, Jones admitted in a deposition that it was a "form of psychosis" which caused him to seriously consider that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. This was another instance of being misconstrued, he said, and what he meant was that after so many years of being lied to by the government, a person begins to question everything, which is similar to a kind of psychosis. Jones also talked about the targeted campaign to remove his content from social media, as well as the "globalist" agenda in which the populace is being told that "the world's over in 12 years, give up, while they weather-modify pre-cultural collapse, so when it collapses we believe it's our fault and don't resist." Notorious caller J.C. Webster phoned in proffer the bizarre conspiracy theory that the rise of Alex Jones was the brainchild of Art Bell and Vladimir Putin, who conspired together years ago. "....also the website INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE by Tom Feeley with 21,000 articles, films etc. was wiped off and they are trying to bring it back....Disinformation artists are truly attacking the

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Amelia Gora Summary: There are Truth persons such as Alfred de Zayas and Information Clearing House - Tom Feeley who are targets of disinformation artists.... birds of another kind are David Icke and Alex Jones …. reference: "Chaos and anarchy" … other Truth persons are: Bobby Harmon (dec.), Robert Ebanez (dec.), Greg Wongham (dec.) of Corruption in Hawaii, Raymond Kamaka (dec.), Stanley Kamaka (dec.) ---- Purpose is to show those who are targets of disrupting the truth in society today and others who are not on the side of

Amelia Gora exposes the truth about specific people...Bernie U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Donald Trump, etc. --- interesting film ….fyi.

Who Are the Sheeple?

Thomas Paine added to the list:

Formed Colleges with their Goals - Harvard, Yale, etc.

Focus of the Illuminati, New World Order, etc.:

Elimination of God  ...….

Which means Opposition to  the Illuminati, New World Order.. is maintaining the belief, and teachings of God,

So, the attack of Christians are also one of the major goals of the evil ones.

Those who investigate truth are also feared by the evil ones.

War, economic collapse, and mass immigration are used as excuses to War within a nation, which is happening now in the United States.  Example, the Wall project, etc.

"The morality of the American people are very strong." -

May God Bless and protect his own followers.

Something stinks and I know it's not me!


What You're Not Supposed to Know About America's Founding


Published on Oct 19, 2016

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Arthur R. Thompson provides a glimpse into his newest book, "To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments," which focuses on the history of the first 100 years of war against God and the Constitution, 1776-1876, and its modern impact.

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You tube video covers more topics....and the author encourages people to write:

Private eyes

Skull and Bones - John Brown, William Russell background

Secret Six (6)

Brotherhood of the Union - Umbrella Group for the Leftist

Harper's Ferry Incident - could have been tried for Treason

Newspapers - writings of John Brown, etc.


Disinformation news appear to be attacking Alfred de Zayas, Alex Jones, et als. fyi see:
"In the first half, documentary filmmaker and alternative media activist Alex Jones argued that mainstream journalists misrepresent his commentary. For many years he has been reporting the changes happening in the media landscape, and how the filtering and manipulation of information is an attempt by elites to keep the population in the d...ark. Regarding the Sandy Hook massacre (Jones is facing a defamation suit for claiming that the shooting was staged), he says he presented both sides of the issue on his shows but eventually determined that the event was real. He believes that he became a kind of "fall guy" who was demonized by specific groups that funded news organizations like BuzzFeed, and his remarks were taken out of context.
In a recent report, Jones admitted in a deposition that it was a "form of psychosis" which caused him to seriously consider that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. This was another instance of being misconstrued, he said, and what he meant was that after so many years of being lied to by the government, a person begins to question everything, which is similar to a kind of psychosis. Jones also talked about the targeted campaign to remove his content from social media, as well as the "globalist" agenda in which the populace is being told that "the world's over in 12 years, give up, while they weather-modify pre-cultural collapse, so when it collapses we believe it's our fault and don't resist." Notorious caller J.C. Webster phoned in proffer the bizarre conspiracy theory that the rise of Alex Jones was the brainchild of Art Bell and Vladimir Putin, who conspired together years ago. "....also the website INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE by Tom Feeley with 21,000 articles, films etc. was wiped off and they are trying to bring it back....Disinformation artists are truly attacking the

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About this website
Alex Jones spoke about how he is misrepresented in the media. Followed by Heather Lynn on demons, possession, and sinister artifacts.

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Amelia Gora Summary: There are Truth persons such as Alfred de Zayas and Information Clearing House - Tom Feeley who are targets of disinformation artists.... birds of another kind are David Icke and Alex Jones …. reference: "Chaos and anarchy" … other Truth persons are: Bobby Harmon (dec.), Robert Ebanez (dec.), Greg Wongham (dec.) of Corruption in Hawaii, Raymond Kamaka (dec.), Stanley Kamaka (dec.) ---- Purpose is to show those who are targets of disrupting the truth in society today and others who are not on the side of

Amelia Gora exposes the truth about specific people...Bernie U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Donald Trump, etc. --- interesting film ….fyi.


the Good and the Evil exposed...………...

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