Monday, April 29, 2019

Important Keepers, etc. Shared on Facebook etc.

3 years ago
Will the show of force by the U.S. Navy in the West Philippine Sea lead to withdrawal of Chinese occupation of the artificial islands? or set the stage to a big...ger regional or global conflict? In the midst of these developments, the Philippines should take the initiative to secure its territories and geopolitical interest with wisdom and courage. We cannot afford a complacent and spineless national leadership, vote for a seasoned wise man to lead our nation this May 9, 2016 election. Based on my personal evaluation of the presidential candidates' qualifications, character and experience, Rodrigo R. Duterte can best assume the supreme duty of ensuring our national security, defend the interest and welfare of the Philippines in this precarious geopolitical environment.
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This news has Chinese leaders worried. Well, they really should be!
3 years ago
What exactly is the Law on Territories of Advanced Development and how does it work?
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Earlier this year a new initiative aimed at stimulating economic growth and development in Russia’s Far East came into force, offering foreign businesses tax breaks, property and land and various other benefits in return for investing in the region. What exactly is the Law on Territories of Advanced…
3 years ago
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Kaukaohu Wahilani
Lahui Ho'olohe Prof Chang!!!
3 years ago
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NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt
5 years ago, Joao Pereira de Souza found this tiny penguin, starving and coated in oil, and nursed him back to health. Then, he set him free. And every year since, he has traveled 5,000 miles to visit with the man who saved his life.
3 years ago
Hawaiian Historical Society is with Keokani Kipona Marciel.
Today—28 April—in Hawaiian history [1893]: Following the January 1893 overthrow of Queen Liliสปuokalani, Hawaiสปi Island Sheriff George Williams sends a letter to... the Hamakua School Agent William Horner asking him for the names of possible candidates to fill the positions of Truant Officers Sam Kamae and J. Waiohinu. The two men are being fired from their positions for being members of Ka Hui Hawaiสปi Aloha สปฤ€ina [The Hawaiian Patriotic League], a group loyal to Queen Liliสปuokalani and the continuation of Hawaiian independence.
Transcription of letter:
"As it is the policy of the Police Department at the present critical time, not to allow any person to derive any pecuniary benefit from the Govt. who is a member of the so called Hawn. Patriotic League, whose object is undoubtedly to reinstate Mrs. Dominis as Queen, I would request you to submit two names for Truant Officers, in place of Sam Kamae and J. Waiohinu who are members of said League, and whose Commissions I shall have to recall. It is not necessary for officers to sign the annexation roll but they must not oppose the P.G. [Provisional Government] or its Policy. I would suggest that perhaps Dep. Sheriff Moanauli may be of assistance to you in finding suitable persons. I shall do nothing until I hear from you."
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5 years ago
Kevin Perry
April 15 at 12:38pm
How Will They Do That?
Theyสปve tried to register, by hook or crook, a majority of Hawaiians onto Kana`iolowalu which will create a "Hawaiian tribe."
When that failed they simply transferred tens of thousands of names form other registries without peopleสปs permission....
Then, through a so-called constitutional convention, they're going to draft governing documents to re-organize the Hawaiian government into a "Native Hawaiian governing entity."
They 're going to get Hawaiians to elect officers to that government.
Next, they're going to make sure those governing documents give the officers of the governing entity the authority to give away land title in negotiations.
Then, they're going to try to get the majority of Hawaiians on the roll to vote for the new governing documents to reorganize the Hawaiian government.
Then that governing entity, whether authorized and approved by the majority of Hawaiians or not, will sit down at the negotiating table with the US and trade land title for cash and benefits.
Many people believe that only the Kingdom of Hawai`i is authorized to give a way title to the Hawaiian Islands - and they are correct, but only as long as the kingdom remains intact.
If the majority of its subjects revolt by forming a new government, the kingdom no longer exists.
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Amelia Gora "If the majority of its subjects revolt by forming a new government, the kingdom no longer exists " = wrong conclusion people under duress since 1893, criminals, treasonous person, terrorists in the Hawaiian Islands who planned, conspired......the Kamehameha's, including Kamehameha III's descendants/heirs are here..... guess you really don't know the foundation of the Hawaiian Government see the following and other posts at or and
Broken, Treasonous People Pushing to Promote & Perpetuate Piracy(ies), Privateering, Parasite...
Premeditation, Provisional government, Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, ...See More
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Kevin Perry to Let's Talk About It....
How Will They Do That?
Theyสปve tried to register, by hook or crook, a majority of Hawaiians onto Kana`iolowalu which will create a "Hawaiian tribe."
When that ...failed they simply transferred tens of thousands of names form other registries without peopleสปs permission.
Then, through a so-called constitutional convention, they're going to draft governing documents to re-organize the Hawaiian government into a "Native Hawaiian governing entity."
They 're going to get Hawaiians to elect officers to that government.
Next, they're going to make sure those governing documents give the officers of the governing entity the authority to give away land title in negotiations.
Then, they're going to try to get the majority of Hawaiians on the roll to vote for the new governing documents to reorganize the Hawaiian government.
Then that governing entity, whether authorized and approved by the majority of Hawaiians or not, will sit down at the negotiating table with the US and trade land title for cash and benefits.
Many people believe that only the Kingdom of Hawai`i is authorized to give a way title to the Hawaiian Islands - and they are correct, but only as long as the kingdom remains intact.
If the majority of its subjects revolt by forming a new government, the kingdom no longer exists.
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5 years ago
Amelia Gora the term "indigenous" means that the people own nothing, are Nothing, have Nothing....that was the explanations given by a United Nations representative who spoke to kanaka maoli on the Big Island....the Trasks were there...also Keoni Paaloa ma witnessed the discussion and watched as the Trasks hurried out of the meeting.......What a phoney, fraud, for moving the people into a entity - United Nations - which was built with the purpose of creating a One World Order.../New World Order.....our ancestors joined with the Law of Nations with the International Laws by Vattel...... we don't have to be part of the United Nations which rapes countries whose people are called "indigenous" and the countries feed off the wealth of the "indigenous" people......We ARE NOT "indigenous" people.....terminologies can get people tangled and people who don't know will lose their lands, monies, mineral rights, water.........Donna, you know the nature of terminologies because you have a legal do I...........we need to join with the other nations who are Not with the United Nations.....and importantly, the permanent Treaties are in place which does not include just the U.S./ U.S.A. ............this is Keoni Paaloa who is blowing the conch shell.... you can connect with him/ many others on the Big Island who did witness the Truth and watched as the Trasks quickly left the meeting... p.s. he lost a lot of weight since
Sudden Rush EA
Sudden Rush Music Video. EA by: Jason Lau of Lau Vision & Lau Lau T.V.
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Donna Blevins Willard to Let's Talk About It....
These next paragraphs are very important because they tell us the state knows exactly what our condition and political status is.
They are saying we have never... given up our sovereignty and that because the United Nations Declaration was signed our rights as an indigenous people to self-determination are being acknowledged.
How's the second paragraph which say the Queen was Queen even when she died….
And yes these are all things many of us have known and have been saying…but now they are saying it…
Do we understand the significance of that?
The legislature finds that Hawaiian sovereignty remains unrelinquished today. In December 2010, the United States endorsed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which acknowledged, among other things, that "[i]ndigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development."
Queen Liliuokalani never relinquished the throne in the face of the overthrow, notwithstanding her forced removal from the throne. Therefore, the legislature finds that Hawaiian sovereignty was never relinquished in the overthrow and that Queen Liliuokalani remained the Queen of the Kingdom of Hawaii until her death.
Share it...a hui hou
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5 years ago
but....notice that the statue is facing the State Capitol which sits on our families lands btw.....the lot belongs to Keoni Ana/John Young Jr. and did you know that the perpetrator of the crimes of claiming exclusively for the Adams family is their guardian Austin..........fact is there are many heirs...........the purpose of the Act is to divert the fact that they, the State of Hawaii which is the Provisional Government updated and continue to perpetuate the crimes and seek validate their illegality, and their trespass on private properties of the Royal Families and whose members are documented with " inherited sovereignty" as documented by Samuel Kamakau, etc. The crimes have also been aided by the Adams family in part.....and that's a who's part of the Adams family...some are working for the Bishop Estates, etc. Queen Liliuokalani's children/hanai are as follow: Abigaila/Kapooloku (my ancestor); Luika/Luisa/Kaaumoana (my ancestor); Kamukai; Kaeha opio; Ioane; Wahie; others.
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Donna Blevins Willard to Let's Talk About It....
These are the last two paragraphs of section 1:
They are finally making a statement about the intent of this bill, why they are writing it…so if it is about the... statute and what they now want to do with the statute you might be wondering what it has to do with the forming of our government and the toolbox we are building.
Although they are talking about the statue they have made many statements about our political status that can be used in our work of gathering up our people and putting our government into action….these kinds of statements should motivate those who are not sure to become sure, to move the fence walkers off the fence and into action they should fan the fires of all kanaka and cause us to motivate…
The memorial statue of Queen Liliuokalani, located on the grounds of the state capitol and maintained by the department of accounting and general services, is a symbol and a tribute to the Hawaiian Kingdom. The legislature further finds that the inscription on the memorial should be befitting of the honor and greatness of Queen Liliuokalani.
The purpose of this Act is to honor the dignity and memory of Queen Liliuokalani as the reigning Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom until her death
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