Thursday, April 11, 2019

Land, Fraud, Racketeering, and Animosities in the Hawaiian Islands

Land, Fraud, Racketeering, and Animosities in the Hawaiian Islands

                                                Review by Amelia Gora (2019)


As you all may already know, Hawaiian lands belongs to the kanaka maoli as conveyed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in the time of the Mahele of 1848.


The speech of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli exposes the truth about our lands..... alodio/allodial lands given to kanaka maoli………..fee simple/less than alodio/30 year leases/freehold given to aliens......he also ratified the 1849-1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States which was only between himself, his heirs, and successors or his family only and the United States President Zachary Taylor.

Note:  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli only spoke in behalf of his families, the Kamehameha's, his hanai/adopted, and stepchildren.


                                             by Amelia Gora (2017)
U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani twice (2x).  First in 1894 and again in 1897.
 The following are important facts, issues reveals that the Kingdom of Hawaii continues to exist: 1894 U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani: "When Mr. Willis started he (U.S. President Cleveland) gave him two letters. One was addressed to Dole, President of the Provisional Government, in which he addressed Dole as "Great and good friend," and at the close, being a devout Christian, he asked "God to take care of Dole." This was the first letter. The letter of one President to another; of one friend to another. The second letter was addressed to Mr. Willis, in which Mr. Willis was told to upset Dole at the first opportunity and put the deposed Queen back on her throne. This may be diplomacy, but it is no kin to honesty." Reference: —The Inter-Ocean, Chicago, February 2, 1894. Author: Orator, Lawyer Robert Ingersoll Reference:
1897 U.S. President Cleveland Again Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani. 10/26/2017 IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Backto Queen Liliuokalani Twice (2x), With Legal and Researched Information Showin… 2/32 see: President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id=0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyNi00YW…
1897 -  Queen Liliuokalani said that the Provisional government was an entity.  It turned into another entity Republic of Hawaii with Oppositions to annexation by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects = about 40,000. 
* U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani before President McKinley went into office.

U.S. President Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left the Presidency:


 read…/0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtM…/view…# U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani! in other words, the U.S. et.als. is operating on fraud, corruption, deceit, genocide, racketeering, piracy, pillaging, identity theft, etc.! Expect some Dominoes Effect folks....because this also means that the U.S. in Hawaii has No jurisdiction, no claims to lands, etc. and have been operating a SHAM and supporting illegal entities such as the Courts, City, Territory, State, collecting Taxes wrongfully, and Corruption in Hawaii is on record!....what of Obama claiming to be born in Hawaii, a foreign nation? Well Americans....treason is but one of the many charges etc. And what about all of you other nations confiding, conspiring against the Truth? Wars at the expense of Our Royal Family(ies) and Kanaka Maoli is Not OK ... War crimes against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is Not OK see the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web for more information...…/vol-vi-no-618-wed…
1897 - the New President McKinley had the Army, Navy and Federal officials "develop" the Territory, another entity.
Reference:  1939 article "Forward with Hawaii:  Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Establishment of Territorial government..."
STAR BULLETIN article, Thursday, December 21, 1939
U.S. President McKinley directed by Proclamation the entity Territory.
Reference:  1899 - "HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11 - IN RE AH HO, et. al. shows on page 665 "In the exercise of the power conferred by the first of these two provisions, the President of the United States, on August 12, 1898, directed by proclamation, that "the civil, judicial and military powers in question shall be exercised by the officers of the Republic of Hawaii, as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty, subject to his power to remove such officers and to fil vacancies," and after reiterating the second of these and other provisions of the Resolution, further directed that, "under these various provisions, the Government of the islands will proceed without interruption." The intention of Congress was to continue the existing government of the islands in operation without interruption, except in so far as it might be inconsistent with the Constitution or treaties of the United States or with the terms of the Resolution. Subject to this limitation only, the judicial power was to continue as it existed just prior to the transfer of sovereignty."
"Article 82 of the Constitution of Hawaii vested the judicial power of the Republic in one Supreme Court and in such inferior Courts as the Legislature might, from time to time, establish; and Article 85 provided: "The Judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity, arising under the Constitution and Laws of the Republic, and Treaties; to all cases affecting Public Ministers and Consuls, and to all cases of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction."....
HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 11, RH 345.4 H31 v.11 (date of the case is January 1899)"

1912 -  In the case of PA PELEKANE (1912) the Territory turned State of Hawaii through the Attorney General documented that the "Territory" is the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".  ...Identity theft documented.

1959 - The Territory became the State of Hawaii, another entity, through the Executive Order by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Note:  Opposition was documented by one of Kamehameha's descendants named Harold Abel Cathcart,  He was a cousin of my great grandmother Mele Keawe/Kauweloa. 
'Opposition was documented so Sovereignty shall be' said my paralegal instructor who was a State Prosecutor, turned Judge named Randall Lee.
The opposition by a Kamehameha legally negated Statehood, negated the State an entity which was "developed" and put together, 'proclaimed' by a U.S. President McKinley even after U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.
The Kamehameha's continue to maintain that the Kingdom of Hawaii exists.
The Kamehameha Dynasty continued because Keohokalole, mother of David Kalakaua, Liliuokalani, Miriam Likelike, Leleiohoku, was adopted by a Kamehameha named Nahuina....she was the daughter of Kapule son of Hanuna, one of the four (4) children of Kaoleioku the Oldest Son of Kamehameha and Kanekapolei.  He was the sibling of Kiwalao, Keoua Ahuula, Keoua Peeale, et. als. and all of Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai/hanai hookama.
 Note:  The Kamehameha Dynasty continued from Kamehameha thru Queen Liliuokalani based on genealogies.
The entity State and its cabal remain an illegal entity, squatters sitting on our Royal Families lands - recent status since serving them legal notices and they have since defaulted,a documented Pirate etc. amidst the Kamehameha's.
We have the right as a Sovereign nation to expel the aliens who infiltrated a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation with Treaties in place.  


The Land Issues are Alodio/Alodial Titles to our People/kanaka maoli and Aliens can never own Alodio/Alodial Titles.  

U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back Twice (2 x) to Queen Liliuokalani, which means the Hawaiian Kingdom continues on since 1810 during the time of Kamehameha I.

Animosities continue through Pirates, Pillagers, Racketeering Moves against a Friendly, Neutral, Non-violent nation....Premeditation is documented along with Animosities, etc.


all of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web 748 issues to date...…..etc.

* Pirate Eyes On Hawaii Series: "IN THE LAND OF POI" Treason by Charles Reed Bishop, his half-white wife, etc. Evidence for all

facebook post:

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Amelia Gora PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop (and half white wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop) and Friends ...Out of the closet....the skeletons are and now into the


Amelia Gora A Reminder of the Excellent article written by Rev. Sereno Bishop under the pen name KAMEHAMEHA called "IN THE LAND OF POI", Evening Star, Washington, D.C. 1854-1972, August 2, 1895 Page 9 Image 9..... Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bishop Estates aka = criminal occupation of our Royal Families lands...…. vacate our Royal Families Lands !!! Show your Alodio Titles...Aliens, conspirators, treasonous persons cannot own our Royal Families lands! Our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Judicial Tribunal and our Supreme Court has declared all "Guilty"...… Buyers Beware....The entity, a fraud, conspirator based corrupt entity has been stripped of all lands....the true owners are here... Rents are due to the true owners.... questions? Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Amelia Gora ...P.O. Box 861781 Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Volume 1, 1851, The King v Anderson and Russell "every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concergting together of two or more, to do what is obviously and directly wrongfully injurious to another is a conspiracy....they were guilty"


Charles Reed Bishop and a concert of others made our people cry....from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation...…

Every crook gets caught...………….it just takes time...……..

Viva Forever....our ancient society of more than 1,650+ years...………………...from a neutral, friendly, non violent nation who did no wrong...……….Justice prevails...……...Truth prevails.....



Joyclynn Costa Good morning tita Ka`iu



Ka'iu Lambert Joyclynn Costa Aloha kakahiaka titah! Have a fabulous day🤙😘


Joyclynn Costa Blessings to you


Ka'iu Lambert Joyclynn Costa Ke Akua pu.😘💋


Amelia Gora hi Ka'iu Lambert...thank you for this post....interesting article but very one sided.....the true title should be Land, Fraud, Racketeering and Animosities ………...the people need to be empowered, do their homework on their genealogies, lands, and reclaiming their alodio lands.... that we can help with...…… for now we are focused only on kanaka maoli….


More references:

Join us for an interesting presentation on land ownership in Hawaii, probably something that realtors may have difficulty understanding or don't know about. And us, too! Oct. 27, 2017, 6:30 pm at the Kanaina Bldg. on the Palace grounds. Free parking on the grounds. Wheelchair accessible. Welcome to bring some food to share. Need more info? Yes, have phone camera, will livestream.


Christine Meadows Sounds very interesting!

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Gregory Stajka will you be live streaming?

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Jeannine Johnson Appreciate that he doesn't call it Great because it wasn't.

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Barbara Navas please post this. Mahalo nui loa.

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Scott Liloa Stevens Poire The " not so great " mahele

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Susan Rosier Great or not so great the bottom line today is still all land transactions after 1898 are illegal .. Ask Donovan

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Deldrene Herron I hope he is prepared for questions on how allodial land titles alloted to the chiefs and konohiki by K III, KIV, KV, Lunalilo and Kalakaua under Patent Law and Common Laws ended up as "less than allodial". Also the Land Commissioners had no power toSee More


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Donovan Preza Aloha Deldrene. I am aware of the "less than allodial" and "Royal Patent Grants" argument. It is far too complicated to discuss over FB but I would be willing to discuss it at the presentation. My understanding of the "less than allodial" is probablSee More


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Ekolu Kalama Allodial means supreme lord, owing vassalage and fealty to no one. Kam III modeled the Mahele after the French and used Bouvier not Black's (English). I hope this brings clarity to the matter. You also cannot be sovereign and governed, they are opposing ends of the spectrum. Know who you are and act accordingly 🙏🏽

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Ekolu Kalama Donovan Preza the correct term is "Fee Simple less than Allodial" making "Allodial greater than Fee Simple"...simple yeah 🤔

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Ekolu Kalama They taught me the first night of real estate school that all lands in Hawaii are stolen, that's why everyone is required to have title insurance. That is why I never became a real estate agent.

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Tim Reis This would be a great question for the presentation.

Is there evidence (primary source documents) that Kamehameha III was using the French definition? See More


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Amelia Gora Donovan Preza suggest you take a good look at the INDICES of AWARDS (1929) because Bailey changes the ALODIO and FEE SIMPLE to ALODIO IN FEE SIMPLE ....point is that the move was to defraud kanaka maoli.......Read the 1851 Speech of Kamehameha III becSee More

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Amelia Gora FOUND IT!!! Sanford B. Dole, et. als. Began the Indoctrination/Lies About Fee Simple Ownership Disregarding Alodio/Alodial Titles - Forever Lands from Kamehameha III
Posted by Amelia Gora on August 17, 2017 at 1:54am in Politics
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researched by Amelia Gora (2017)
This book was found with Lies, Indoctrination, FRAUDS About Fee Simple Titles which was published in 1896:
During the period of 1846-1855 the ancient tenure of land was abolished, and the foundation laid of individual property in land. In the first place, the king as feudal suzerain divided the lands of the kingdom between himself and each one of the 75chiefs, his feudatories, this partition being recorded in a book called the Mahele Book, or Book of Division. After this first partition was closed, out of four million acres there remained in the king's hands about two and a half millions. The king then redivided the lands which had been surrendered to him, setting apart about a million and a half acres for the Government, and reserving for himself as his private domain, about a million acres, including the best of the lands. The common people were granted fee simple titles for their house lots and the lands which they actually cultivated for themselves, called Kuleanas or homesteads.
also posted on maoliworld forums and the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web...

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis 1888 Supreme Court citation of Bouvierʻs Law Dictionary regarding "jurisdiction".

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis 1852 Henry Rhodes, Supreme Court Clerk notice that Bouvierʻs Law Dictionary is missing from the Law Library.

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis So, if you run a search for "law dictionary" in Chronicling America, youʻll find Bouvier cited first, and most, followed by Burrill, with Blackʻs Law Dictionary getting no mention under the Kingdom.

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis Also, Ekolu is actually incorrect in stating that Bouvierʻs law dictionary is French. Bouvier was born a kanaka maoli ko Farani, but his law career was in America, and his dictionary was targeting an American audience.

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Tim Reis Brief glance at Bouvier's preface, referenced in the Wikipedia article, just raises more questions.

"native tenant rights" relating to Allodial Titles?

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis Well, we know the books were already missing in 1852, and the 4th edition of Bouvier was printed in 1852, so the copy they had on hand must have been a 1st - 3rd edition. For reference, and what is available online, I generally use the 6th edSee More

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio Tim Reis : "native tenant rights" relating to Allodial Titles, is where we really get into what is noted in the flyer above as "a unique system of property law found nowhere else in the world". The precedence is set by Hawaiian usage itself. You wonʻt find all rights enumerated in one single place, but defined and refined over time by laws passed in regard to a specific subject such as Public and Private Rights of Piscary(fishing). A good place to start, and which I believe may be the earliest codified usage is the 1845-1846 Statute laws, starting at page 99, read the last Section XII, then go back and read the previous sections, and the next article as well. Also check the index for related terms such as Land, Landlord, tenant, etc. Iʻm no expert on the subject BTW, just trying to wrap my head around this like yourself.

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Jeffrey Kawika Patricio An index of all(or maybe not all, but lots of) the different revisions of compiled laws.

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Doreene Kealohanui Yes. Livestream, please. Mahalo Lynette.

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Kaukaohu Wahilani We will be there!!! Mahalo Nui Anake Lynette Cruz me Donovan Preza!!! Aloha Titah Lori Halemano!!!

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Lori Halemano Aloha palala! 🤙🏽

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Keith Maile Congrats Donovan

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Emanuela Borgnino I hope you will livestream it!!!!

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Chandell Asuncion MAHALO NUI! I'm so happy to hear you will be livestreaming. I will be tuning in for sure.

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Damian McPherson That was my professor at uh Mānoa for Hawaiian Geography. Amazing guy

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Luwella Leonardi Not going, Can't get pass the garbage, the good stuff and the land court ' usage'. Morning point, I'm a Geographer Only BA kine, specializing in cartography, remote sensing and GIS. It's great to get into the spin, but need to spin out and know the today stuff to validate the history. UH Manoa Geographers, screwed up and sold out to land usage. The Organic Act imprisons the 'ceded' lands and is NOW, privatizing, or setting enforcement (jurisdiction). I say cut the crap! Go for the more friendly, 'tenancy in common' realestates stuff to 'huli' the junk stuff. The Kuleana Act process is tough! Ohana feuding before, during and after! Once the property tax lowerer's to $300, instead of, $6,000, we can resolve ownership, but the EBT card ohana members are just jerks and those that are not family members somehow got their name on the list via a trust company, are just as shitty as hell. I'm DHHL, I don't own the land under me: and the 49ers, realtors, general leases, developers they all have a say on the aina my house is on over my needs. I live in Waianae Valley DHHL, and I used to own the air space over my head, but not anymore. Not going! Why? Because, I'm a neogeographer.


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Luwella Leonardi This is McAllister and my tutu man Edward Niaupio on the Koa. Makai pier is in place where this Kia once existed.

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Luwella Leonardi My tutu and Mc Allister close up in Waimanalo

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Luwella Leonardi I'm more concern with BOEM's liquid Realestate, anyone up for talk story?

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Luwella Leonardi Ok, closeup..see the pixels? It has numbers. This will be leased out to the capitalist globalizations which what they did to the air above. The yellow line is shore to 3 miles which is local-state owned. Beyond the state-local owned yellow line at the 3 mile it is State-Federal owned. Beyond the two mile black line is all Federally owned. Sad yeah?

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Luwella Leonardi On the 12th of Oct. come to DLNR in the evening and really come into the ocean leasing wars. Good fun! Just listen tho cause this is all manly! 😆😃😜😊

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Luwella Leonardi One last comment I think, make sure you know your gathering laws, cause I attending the'war' meetings out there and it's so fricken nasty! Uncle Max from Molokai. He's pretty good, but, there is lot's of stuff going on...

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Luwella Leonardi Sometimes Susan Case show up too. This next meeting is about Aquarium fishing-- it's going to bust open the whole industry. Not sure, if no one's coming or lot's going come. Oct 12, call the DLNR office maybe CXL or at another location? Yup, I going, but not looking forward to going.

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Amelia Gora Important to note that Kamehameha III did say that his Alodio was unlike any other.....Spain, England etc. they gave to their people Alodio and when a citizen/subject died, the land was taken back by the Sovereign......and Kamehameha III gave FOREVER lands to his subjects/kanaka maoli and once they died, their Alodio title became his children's/the heirs of the recipient, and so on so stated, consult with cousin Keoua for more info........our people have been defrauded over time.......know this...........btw our families have the evidence of Kamehameha III's to gear up with the facts otherwise it's going to be embarrassing for those who give out erroneous info.... because challenges will be forthcoming.......Kamehameha III had aloha for his own everyone a heads up ;)

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About this website|By Carla Herreria
Native Hawaiians have always had a sacred connection with their land, but Westernization of the islands has threatened that bond.
See more from Carla Herreria.


Joyclynn Costa Good morning tita Ka`iu



Ka'iu Lambert Joyclynn Costa Aloha kakahiaka titah! Have a fabulous day🤙😘



Joyclynn Costa Blessings to you



Ka'iu Lambert Joyclynn Costa Ke Akua pu.😘💋



Amelia Gora hi Ka'iu Lambert...thank you for this post....interesting article but very one sided.....the true title should be Land, Fraud, Racketeering and Animosities ………...the people need to be empowered, do their homework on their genealogies, lands, and reclaiming their alodio lands.... that we can help with...…… for now we are focused only on kanaka maoli….



Ka'iu Lambert Amelia Gora still we have in all things Aloha and hold ourselves to a higher standard. Ee Ku'e unjust laws and up hold the truth. Never to be aloha ino. 😉



Amelia Gora and still maintaining a neutral, friendly, non violent nation...…...reminding all of the morals, love, peace, and goodness amidst pirates surrounding us today! ;)


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