Monday, April 1, 2019

Vol VII No. 749 - Part 2 - UH Educators may eventually get sued for genocide, teaching wrongs to kanaka

Simbralynn Kanakaole and 3 others shared a post.
nding since most Americans are simply shocked to learn that even one Native thinks of tourism as a colonial imposition on Hawaiians. Of course, it could be that part of the shock was that this message was delivered by a Hawaiian intellectual, something most American racists consider a contradiction in terms."<>
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Simbralynn Kanakaole and 3 others shared a post.
nding since most Americans are simply shocked to learn that even one Native thinks of tourism as a colonial imposition on Hawaiians. Of course, it could be that part of the shock was that this message was delivered by a Hawaiian intellectual, something most American racists consider a contradiction in terms."<>
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