Thursday, April 4, 2019

Vol VII No. 749 - Part 4

Trump May Name Kris Kobach New Immigration Czar


Greg Palast via 

Wed, Apr 3, 5:50 AM (18 hours ago)
to me

Trump may name Kris Kobach
New Immigration Czar

Their real agenda: 2020 vote suppression
By Greg Palast for Nation of Change

When the young Kris Kobach created a computer system for the Department of Homeland Security that secretly tracked visiting Muslims, President George W. Bush was so offended that he personally ordered the racially offensive program shut down.

And now Kobach may have power over that Department and all others dealing with immigrants – including Justice and Defense, and the Census – if the AP report that President Donald Trump is considering making Kobach his “Immigration Czar” becomes reality.

It’s an especially cute move by Trump, as this newly crafted position, unlike an appointment to other cabinet level posts, will not require Senate approval, not even a hearing.

I’ve been investigating Kobach for six years for Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone.  Kobach is the guy who…

    …drafted Arizona’s notorious “SB 1070” law which the ACLU dubbed the, “Driving While Brown law” – found unconstitutional by Federal Courts.

     …lost another federal suit for unconstitutionally requiring proof-of-citizenship to vote. Kobach admitted, the Kansas rule did not stop even one alien from registering, but did block 36,000 citizens from voting in 2016 including two US Air Force officers.  Kobach, then Kansas Secretary of State, was found in contempt of court for deliberately defying Court orders to restore voters’ rights.

     …directed the infamous Interstate Crosscheck vote purge system for 30 states.  Our investigation for Rolling Stone determined that at least 1.1 million Americans, mostly voters of colors, were wrongly purged from the voter rolls before the 2016 election.

     …wrote local laws, all struck down by courts, which made it a crime to conduct business with an “illegal alien.”  Kobach bamboozled towns, such as Farmers Branch, Texas, into hiring him for a failed legal defense of these racially poisonous statutes.  But lawyer Kobach made out fine, racking up fees subsidized by $100,000 which the Palast investigations team traced back to the Koch brothers.

The list goes on.  It was Kobach who suggested the Census include a question about non-citizens living in your home.

Greg Palast confronts Kris Kobach with Kobach’s own internal files:  a list of clearly innocent "duplicate voters" wrongly targeted for purge from voter rolls.  To get close to Kobach, Palast posed as a local TV reporter. Wichita KS, 2016. From The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (

Trying to get straight answers from Kobach about his racially poisoned vote-purging shenanigans has not been easy.  After several refusals to speak with me about our findings, in 2016, I finally tracked him down in Wichita, with my crew pretending to be from a local TV station.  (We were indeed with Channel 4 … Channel 4 of London.)

Kobach, cornered, spewed out a series of flat-out lies. For example, he denied that he targeted clearly innocent voters in Kansas and Georgia as suspected “double registered” who could vote twice in one election.  I showed him the computer files from his own office with the Kansas-Georgia secret hit list – and he decided to run for it – literally – while shoveling vanilla ice-cream into his mouth, yelling “Liar! Liar!” between mouthfuls.

We could dismiss Kobach as just another slap-stick huckster if he weren’t the author of mass purges of legitimate voters and laws that make anyone with brown skin a criminal suspect.

If Trump goes through with the appointment, Kobach will go well beyond ordering cruelties on families at the border.  Kobach has made clear his big goal has been to remove alien voters from rolls nationwide—which he claims number over one million!  Indeed, he believes that these sneaky aliens from south of the border account for much of Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory in 2016.

Kobach, worried I’d report on his fibbing, did call me. When questioned, he could not name me two aliens who cast ballots (punishable by years of imprisonment and deportation), let alone a million, despite his years of hunting for these fantastical creatures.

But that won’t stop him from pushing for a national requirement to prove citizenship when voting. His Kansas law, which mainly blocked young – i.e. Democratic – voters, was struck down by a district court judge.  But the Roberts Supreme Court, with its horrid record on voting rights, may be just what Kobach has been waiting for.

Worse, with access to Homeland Security and Census records, Kobach could give deportation lists and “non-citizen” Census files to GOP state voting officials.  They could then require Americans with names like “José Garcia” to prove they are citizens.  In 2012, Florida did a test run of this purge operation, identifying some 181,000 “potential” aliens on their voter rolls.  They found and convicted just one (an Austrian registered as a Republican), but scared untold numbers of Hispanics away from voting.  Many lost their registration because they could not take a day to go to court to prove they are Americans.

And that’s the real danger in this “Immigration Czar” appointment:  Kobach could organize the purge of young voters and voters of color by the hundreds of thousands just before the 2020 election.

For all his antics, don’t underestimate Kobach, a graduate of Harvard, Yale and Oxford.  The wily lawyer and political hit-man knows that the lawsuits by voter victims wouldn’t bite until after the steal of the 2020 election.

And the good news is…

…after six years of investigating Kris Kobach’s Interstate Crosscheck voter purge program, the entire racially biased, violently partisan vote suppression tactic is on the verge of collapse.

Ten states in total have now withdrawn from the Interstate Crosscheck system, including in the past few weeks, Arizona, Colorado, Pennsylvania and in alliance with my co-litigant, Rev. Jesse Jackson, the state of Illinois. And Kansas, after Kobach lost his race for Governor, has stopped creating the purge list for Crosscheck states.

Unfortunately, nearly a score of states still use Crosscheck. Worse, even those states which left Crosscheck continue to purge hundreds of thousands of voters who found themselves on Kobach’s lists in 2013 through 2017.

So, the Palast Investigative Fund continues litigation in those states – a massive legal, statistical and investigative process which, frankly, is not cheap. Support our continuing investigation of Kris Kobach, of vote suppression in Georgia, of the latest vote trickery which we are tracking in over 30 states.  Please make your tax-deductible donation right now!

But it all pays off. The State of Georgia continues to turn over files of the half million voters purged before the 2018 mid-term elections to settle the federal law suit brought by the Palast Fund and Helen Butler of the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples Agenda.

Our goal, restore the rights of 340,134 Georgians wrongly removed from the rolls in time for the 2020 election.

The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, Georgia, will premiere the new Activist version of the film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of the Stolen Election,” the documentary starring Greg Palast and … Kris Kobach on the run!

The Palast Investigative Fund is making the DVD and download versions of this new Activist edition of the film available to schools, church and non-profit organizations without charge. [We have full-size and small-size full-color movie posters and flyers for promoting your showing of the film.  Just contact us.]

Get a signed DVD of the new Activist version (run time 1hr 20m) for a minimum donation of $30 (or get it as a Download), on how Trump, with Kobach’s help, fixed the 2016 election … and what’s in store for 2018, unless we expose it and take action.

I Am Stunned by The Evil


Paul Stramer via 

Tue, Apr 2, 3:45 PM (2 days ago)
to me

The Biggest Fruit Ever Grown in Hawaii > Hawaii Free Press


pilipo souza

Mon, Apr 1, 7:32 PM (3 days ago)

Aloha kakou he Hawai’I, PAU?

E kala mai

I beg to differ with part of this above report on who was first of the Hawaiian Ali’I to become a Christian and its reference of who is “Queen Mother of Kamehameha II, Liholiho? While it doesn’t matter who became a Christian first for no matter what is your origin just as long as we do so before leaving this mortal world?

But what really matters is Truth, whether it is history before you or that of your now?. In modern day monarchy of the Hawaiian Royalty there seems to be an effort  to “cloud” the existence of Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani by most historians and even that of Hawaiian Ali’i Royalty. May I refer all to reference “ (okina first o & u)  for some insight.
Ask yourself, why did         King Kamehameha the Great go to such great depth to secure a woman of such character and devotion?  

Oddly enough. Queen Mother Ke’opuolani was sacred above all yet not considered the favorite wife of King Kamehameha the Great but was the only “Sacred Queen Mother of King Kamehameha II Liholiho, King Kamehameha III, Kauike’aouli and Princess Nahienaena”. It is reported that eight other children were of birth by Queen Ke’opuolani but did not live. It seems that her purpose in her life was to bear truth for all to believe?
Sacred Queen Ke’opuolani played a major role in the overthrow of the sacred Hawaiian kapu system, “Ai Noa that open the pathway to Christianity in the Hawaiian Kingdom. The sacredness of Queen Ke’opuolani did not allow her to be political as other “Royal’s”, and by  early 1820’s not being a physically well person she returned her birthplace in Lahaina, Maui in August of 1823 to live and she requested of the American Board of Missions that a “Mission Family” live with her at her Palace in Lahaina. Due to language restrictions Reverend William Ellis and his assistant the Taua Ohana of Tahiti joined Reverend Charles Stewart and his wife Harriet in Lahaina. Queen Ke’opuolani was protected by King Kamehameha the Great most trusted Chief Kalaniimoku and Chief Ho’apili. Within the baptismal of Queen Ke’opuolani Chief Ho’apili was her choice to become her only husband.

On September 16, 1823, Queen Ke’opuolani’s health condition lessen more. With her was her son King Kamehameha II, Liholiho. She instructed her son to above all always take care of his people. It was then of the moment, it is believed Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani spoke of the “original sacred motto of the Hawaiian Kingdom (1823)” to her son Liholiho, as ”Ua Mau ke Ea o ka Aina I ka Pono o Iesu Kristo” just before she was baptized “Harriet Ke’opuolani Ho’apili”, aka Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani. An hour later, Sacred Queen Mother Ke’opuolani went home to be with the real King of King’s. She was originally “buried” at her Palace grounds on the sacred island of Moku’ula (Lahaina), and later to this very day is with husband Chief Ho’apili, daughter Princess Nahienaena and many others of the Royal family at Ke’opuolani Park aka the Christian Cemetery at Waiola Church, Lahaina, Maui.

Why, day after day, month after month, year after year and even century after century is this Truth ignored and even denied it is so by the Kanaka Maoli? I can see why the Invader and even that of the “vested”Federal Native Hawaiians of today! But without pono what does the Kanaka Maoli and Hawaiian Nationals gain to ignore or deny pono? Certainly, it is not the Aina!

I pray this has sparked a desire of pono as it did me thirty years pass. Learning pono is only the beginning. Living I ka pono is the test!
malama I ka pono!

Hawaiian National (Made in Hawai’i 1936)
Coalition of Hawaiian Nationals – NOW!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Especially For Lawyers --- Public Notice


Paul Stramer via 

Mon, Apr 1, 8:05 AM (3 days ago)
to me

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