Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Vol VII No. 749 - Updating or Correcting the Lies/Indoctrination in Hawaiian History

Iolani Palace
On this day in 1893, Commissioner James H. Blount arrived in Honolulu. He was sent to Hawaii to investigate the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. He left Hawaii without revealing the conclusions of his investigation.
In his written report to the U.S. Congress, Blount blamed John L. Stevens, an American minster in the Kingdom, directly for the revolution; advised against resubmitting the Hawaiian treaty to the Senate; and suggested that the United States consider undoing a great wrong by restoring the “legitimate government.”
The following year the Provisional Government adopted a constitution renaming their government entity The Republic of Hawaii. Meanwhile in Washington, D.C., there were enough Democrats in the Senate to prevent the treaty from receiving the necessary two-thirds majority. The McKinley administration initiated another tactic to speed up annexation by joint resolution, which passed the House on June 15, 1898 and the Senate on July 6, 1898; President McKinley signed the resolution into law on July 7. The annexation ceremony took place on August 12, 1898. The Republic was replaced by the Territory of Hawaii in June of 1900.


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