Thursday, April 18, 2019

Vol VII No. 751 - Part 1b

Why don’t they ever show this on the Discovery Channel?
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In what could be the next wonder of the world, archaeologists have recently unearthed a temple that ancients have carved out of a mountain rock. Located in Elora, Maharashtra, India, the temple is…
Ka'iu Lambert and 3 others shared a link.
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A fire destroyed about 20 million items at Brazil's National Museum on Sunday. Among the items lost were audio recordings of indigenous languages that are no longer spoken.
...and by the way, did I mention that Sovereign birthing means the right to be 100% respected and to choose or refuse anything and anybody, anywhere INCLUDING the hospital??
Screw this medical industry projection and persecution of community healers, who are helping people and minding their own business. I think I t is time to call out the REAL colonial elephant threatening mothers and babies, abusing our bodies and profiting hugely from that abuse.
We didn’t start this crap. But since we now are on the subject against our will, let’s take a REAL look at who the out-of-control profiteers are, shall we?
Nanci Munroe It's all about $$$$! They get you in & bill you!!
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Warren G Fritsch They also want us believing, we cant do anything on our own .
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Warren G Fritsch After 2 generations of “forced regulation” the third generation will find it hard to believe it was done without it. Same ole plan.
Tane Inciong Kamehameha V legitimized Hawaiian medicine as equal to western medicine and could be practiced in the Hawaiian Kingdom. He validated Hawaiian medicine in our nation-state. Today, it is still legitimate to practice it within the Hawaiian Kingdom and under its laws which has jurisdiction and not the unlawful USA which violates international laws and must comply with the laws of occupation and neutrality within the Hawaiian Kingdom. The lawless USA is mandated to comply with international laws and that of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Tane InciongKamehameha V legitimized Hawaiian medicine as equal to western medicine and could be practiced in the Hawaiian Kingdom. He validated Hawaiian medicine in our nation-state. Today, it is still legitimate to practice it within the Hawaiian Kingdom and under its laws which has jurisdiction and not the unlawful USA which violates international laws and must comply with the laws of occupation and neutrality within the Hawaiian Kingdom. The lawless USA is mandated to comply with international laws and that of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Danny GallagherNot so much of a colonization issue, as it is crony capitalism.

While I agree that the Native Hawaiians have suffered immensely from the illegal annexation of their sovereign kingdom, the situation with our wahine’s birthing rights runs much deeper than overzealous European colonies.
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Throw back Thursday. We were happy for many years. I have now been divorced as long as I was married. I will be forever sad at what divorce did to our kids. If it could have worked, I would have wanted that, but there were truly irreconcilable differences between us, namely, someone named Lisa.
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Tim Taylor slight detail. plus, lisa was a guy
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Trish Shaner Kelekoma Knudsen Wow Maria, your story sounds like mine except for the Lisa being a guy, part. Or was that a brotherly toss from Tim?
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Zelia Wills His lost!
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Troy Hanohano Divorce doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Sometimes people grow apart. Fall out of love.
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